Let me help you write & publish your first book!

Have you ever thought about writing a book?
Have you been dreaming about becoming a published author?
Do you want to share your knowledge, leave a legacy, let the world know about your ideas, express yourself, find clients, make money, or just impress your family and friends?If the answer is yes (or even maybe), then the time to do it is NOW, because…

There has never been a better time to be a writer.

Today, anyone can write and publish a book.

And not just an ebook, (which is a great option), but a physical book as well.

JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES AND PICTURE YOURSELF — a few weeks or months from now, holding a copy of your book in your hand, feeling proud and satisfied!

Can you imagine how you would feel?


And in case you are thinking–this is not for me, I could never write and publish a book, or even if I did no one would buy it—let me assure you, that to be a successful author you don’t need to be the next Hemingway, Dickens, or Atwood, and the knowledge you’ll need is NOT rocket science.

And if you need help, I’m here to cheer you on.

Course Curriculum: What will be covered:

Ebook publishing is HOT and it’s going to get even hotter, as more and more people are switching from print to e-readers. But print publishing isn’t dead either. Quite the opposite, in fact. Today it’s available even to first-time authors, without the need for agents and traditional publishing houses.

When you join this course, we’ll be covering how to become a published author! I’ll break down the process of ebook writing, editing and publishing, from idea to published product. I’ll guide step by step how to write, edit, publish and promote an ebook on Amazon Kindle, and start reaching hundreds or thousands of people instantly.

Here is what you will find out:

  • Why you should publish a book, even if you have a blog. Three top reasons why book publishing is better than writing a blog. The good news, you probably have most of the content for the book already written!
  • How to choose your topic that will inspire you to create truly great content that people will love to read. PLUS, what are my top three criteria to evaluate the topic for best long term results.
  • Don’t like to write? That’s OK! You’ll discover how to write and publish a book even if you HATE to write or believe you’re not good at it. You’ll learn my top 3 shortcuts to create high quality content that your audience will LOVE, without having to write it all by yourself.
  • How to convert your blog to a book. If you already write a blog , you probably already have lots of great content that you can use for your book. You’ll learn how to choose and organize the content, how to format it, and get it published as an ebook and printed book.
  • How to promote your book for success. Tips on how to position your book for optimal sales and benefits.
  • Tips on writing and publishing a recipe book with recipe writing cheat sheet.
  • But I don’t want to write a recipe book! No worries. There are plenty of other topics to write about.
  • Best sources of quality pictures and graphics, free or low cost.
  • Coming up with a title for your book.
  • Designing a book cover that attracts readers and makes them click the buy button.
  • Editing, proof-reading & formatting your book.
  • Getting reviews that make people want to buy your book.
  • Pricing strategies. How much should your book cost?
  • How to find your first readers. Where to find loyal readers and how to keep them with the power of communication.
  • Why stop at one, when you can be writing a series. Find out why it’s a good idea to write more than one book and how to map out your entire publishing calendar, even if you haven’t even written your first book yet.
  • How to OUTSOURCE tasks that you don’t like, or even the whole book, and get it done for much less than you think.
  • And much, much more…

This is a practical course, where you’ll be writing your book as we go along. All modules are hands-on, meaning I’ll be giving you strategies and homework to complete after each module, so at the end of the course, you’ll have concrete published book to show for it.

Whether you have one hour per day, per week or per month, with the right tools and the right information (and motivation!) you can become a published author in just a few weeks, even if you are a busy person (like most of us are)—you’d really be surprised!

I invite you to join me by signing up for Book writing Course where I’ll guide you through the entire book creation and publishing process at discount of over 70% OFF the regular price for JUST $97 (regular price $297).


So, if you ever thought about writing your own book–this is your chance. It’s easier than you may think. 

BONUS OFFER: The first 10 people who sign up will also get their Book formatted for Kindle and other devices for FREE.

PS. You may be wondering who I am – so here are some basic facts about me. My name is Joanna Slodownik, and I’m a blogger and author of dozens of books, including recipe books, children’s books, and fiction books, most of them are available on Amazon (you can find me HERE). I want to share with you what I learned over the years, what works and what doesn’t. I hope you join me!

 Yes, Joanna, I want to become a published author and make money from my book!