It’s been over four years now that I’ve been using my Vita-Mix, and – wow – it has made my life so much easier, healthier and more enjoyable to boot.
How my life has changed after getting a Vitamix Blender for my birthday
Prior to buying the Vitamix, I’d been using a different blender (I will not mention the brand here, as it doesn’t really matter). It was a regular blender similar to what most people have tucked away in their kitchen cabinet somewhere. When I started experimenting with green smoothies, it was doing an OK job blending fruits and soft greens, such as spinach, but when it came to making smoothies with tougher plants – kale or celery, for example – it sucked!
It could not handle the tougher jobs at all, resulting in a chunky texture that was not very palatable. Also, I was afraid to run it for too long, as the engine was overheating quickly.
This resulted in almost complete avoidance of these greens and veggies in smoothies due to the texture – even if I could drink them from time to time (reasoning with myself that I’m doing it for my health), my son and husband refused to touch the stuff and I couldn’t blame them for that.
Then I did some research online and discovered that the general opinion was that a Vitamix is the best blender on the market. So, following long deliberation – after all spending over 400 bucks (!!) for a small kitchen appliance that you can get for a less than a fifth of the price sounds crazy to most people – I decided to ask my husband to get me a Vitamix for my 44th birthday.
My Totally Biased Vitamix Review
Warning! I love my Vitamix, so don’t expect an unbiased review. I use it every day, 2-3 times or more. I’m also an affiliate for Vitamix, so if you use the Promotional Coupon Code 06-004554, I receive a small commission while you save on shipping :-).
He agreed and when it finally arrived, I went out and purchased all kinds of fruits and tough greens: kale, collards, celery, etc., etc., and started experimenting – and I was instantly elated.
I could not believe how smooth the consistency was – I could not feel any of the chunkiness of un-blended fibrous parts of the plants.
Plus, the smoothies passed the hardest test – my son loved them!
He regularly drinks smoothies made with the kale, parsley, collards, dandelion greens, arugula, celery tops, romaine lettuce, and almost every other green I can find.
The dimensions of the blender are quite large at 52.07 cm tall, 22.23 cm deep and 18.42 cm wide, allowing for large fruits and vegetables to enter and blend in the machine at the same time. The blades are very durable and are designed to pulverize whole foods, saving you time and fuss in the kitchen so you can spend less time cutting and preparing the meal and more time enjoying it.
Vita-Mix: So Much More Than Just a Blender…
As I said, I’ve been using Vita-Mix for smoothies and soups every day since I day I purchased it (about four years ago). But I still discover new uses. For example, I only started making ice-creams, nut milks, and nut butters recently. I’m yet to try making flour and dough.
The thing I tried just today is chopping vegetables. When you eat a lot of soups and salads, you need to do a lot of chopping. I usually do it by hand, sometimes I use a food processor, but today I tried chopping some carrots. I was making soup and I wanted to add some onions, celery and carrots. I chopped celery and onion by hand, and then – I was getting tired – I thought “why don’t I try chopping the carrots with Vita-Mix.” And so I did.
It actually worked pretty good – so simple I cannot believe I haven’t tried it before – it will sure save you time when you want to chop your veggies when you are in a hurry (or not) for a soup, salad or sauce.
It’s a fact: Whether you are preparing smoothies, making juices, hot soups, baby food, nut butters or frozen desserts, this efficient blender will prepare it in less than a minute. With it you can chop, cream, blend, cook and complete many more tasks, all with one single blender. This is impressive and saves you space in the kitchen and money, by only needing one machine for all of these different tasks. The machine even cleans itself. You simply add in a drop of dish soap and some water and turn it on High for 30 seconds. This means less muss and fuss for you in the kitchen, leaving you with more time to spend with your friends and family.
It is easy to use, so you will not have any trouble getting started and figuring out how to use all the different features. The soft-grip allows for easy handling of the container so you can take it on and off easily without spilling. The ergonomically-designed handle makes it comfortable and easy to grip onto the blender, preventing slippage.
It even features a spill-proof vented lid with plug, to ensure you are always safe while using the machine and can add in ingredients without having to continuously turn the machine off to add in new ingredients.
Unsurpassed Durability & Customer Support
Every machine is designed to offer outstanding performance and unsurpassed durability, so you know you are making a smart investment and getting a blender you can rely on.
Vitamix is a company that stands behind its products. It has been manufacturing high performance blending equipment for nearly a century now, so you know you can rely in them as a company and what they have to offer. They supply only dependable, high quality blenders that work effectively and efficiently, and which last you for years to come.
They even offer reconditioned machines that can save you some money, which are backed by the industry’s best warranty and are offered to you with a 30-day no risk guarantee. They go through quality inspections for testing of all machine parts and functions, as well as replacement of components that cannot be reconditioned, so you always know you are getting the very best blending machine.
Is Vitamix really the only blender that will do the job?
The Blendtec blender is another top pick. To be honest, I chose Vitamix before I even knew that Blendtec existed, however, after doing some post-factum research I still concluded that Vitamix is a better choice for me – mostly because it has a tamper. The tamper allows me to prepare smoothies with very little liquid, or no liquid at all – I can just push the ingredients down so the blade can process them, without worrying about what to put first so that the pieces do not get stuck.
Vitamix vs Blendtec
Here is side-by side comparison of both blenders.

Vitamix vs Blendtec
Money Well Spent
Yes, I too, once gasped, “$400 for a blender??? WHY??? Why would somebody do that?”
You may thing it’s crazy to lay out that kind of cash (er, well, credit) for a personal indulgence.
However, if you are a smoothie fan (as I think everyone should be, especially if your diet is lacking in greens and veggies), and had been previously disappointed by a parade of blenders, you will not regret your decision, I promise.
So, if you’ve been thinking about getting a new blender and still hesitating whether or not to buy Vita-Mix – because of the price considerations – I say, DON’T. Consider it money well spent, and an investment in your family’s health (think about all the savings on doctor’s visits and medications).
This is by no means a scientific testimonial, but I haven’t suffered from a flu or cold since I purchased Vitamix and started drinking green smoothies.
What about all the other blenders out there?
Having a good blender will result in better green smoothies. This is why I advise purchasing a Blendtec or Vitamix.
A turbo blender is your top priority, of all the tools I love and recommend. Start here. Every whole-foods kitchen must have a turbo blender, such as Vitamix.
I haven’t found any other blender that even comes close to a Vitamix. They’re just not powerful enough, with adequate track record as a company to stand behind warranty.
Blendtec is a great option too. Both companies have great customer service.
If you’re serious about making green smoothies a habit, you’ll want to ENJOY your concoctions. That’s hard if you’re blending “chunkies” that cheap blenders inevitably produce.
So start with your cheapo blender, if you must, but save your money for the REAL deal. The word “blender” doesn’t do Vitamix justice, because it’s a whole-foods machine, more than a mere “blender.”
It’s a “must have” if you’re serious about your health.
I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for over 5 years now and use it daily!