Finally, REVEALED: The VERY BEST Blender for Smoothies: The SECRET to Finding the Best Smoothie Maker for YOU!

If you read any of my previous blog posts, you know that I’m ABSOLUTELY-POSITIVELY OBSESSED with GREEN SMOOTHIES, and if you don’t know what green smoothies are and you’re not drinking them every day, or at least every week or so–then SIGN UP for my upcoming GREEN RESET CHALLENGE RIGHT NOW so you can start experiencing all the benefits of these fantastic drinks ASAP!!!

Seriously, you should be drinking lots and lots of fresh green smoothies EVERY SINGLE DAY (or as often as you possibly can ;-)). Green smoothies are super easy to make, but if you’re just starting out, you may have some questions. So today, let’s talk about blenders and try to answer the MOST PRESSING QUESTION of all, namely:


(Okay, I know there is no such word as bestest, but–whatever! This is not the time to fuss about the word choice or play the grammar police, because that’s not why you’re here.  I’m guessing you are here to learn about the best blender for smoothies, which I’m going to reveal RIGHT NOW, so PLEASE, PLEASE keep reading.

So, tell me, which do YOU think is better:

–> A PORTABLE PERSONAL blender that fits in your luggage so you can take it with you whenever you’re on the go.

–> A COMPACT HANDHELD IMMERSION  blender that you can take apart and stash in your kitchen drawer and have it at the ready whenever you need it.

–> A no-nonsense, counter-top appliance, that’s DEPENDABLE and DOESN’T BREAK THE BANK.

–> A HIGH-SPEED, SMOOTHIE-MAKING MONSTER MACHINE, that’s unabashedly taking the most prominent space on your kitchen counter, and cost more than all the other small appliances in  your kitchen.

There are so many brands, features, colors and styles–SO WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE???

Well, the short answer is–it depends ;-).

Whether you are trying to lose weight, improve your health, feed a picky eater, or simply eat more healthfully, a quality blender will be your best friend–AS LONG AS YOU USE IT.

In addition to making fantastic green smoothies and blended salads, you can have fun with making healthy soups, nut butters, whole-food juicing, whereby all or most of the fruits and vegetables are blended to a refreshing, vitamin-packed drink, and even decadent, but super-healthy ice-creams and desserts. (Too healthy sounding? The following blender pics will also make a killer margaritas, LOL.)

best smoothie maker

When shopping for a kitchen appliance, obviously price is always a factor, but it shouldn’t be the main decision point. Even though you pay a premium price for a Vitamix bleder or Blendtec, you will get not just the smoothest smoothies, soups and ice-creams, but also unmatched durability. In other words, if you need to buy several cheap blenders over the years, then you may not be saving any money after all.

For a well-rounded machine that won’t break the bank, consider the top-rated Ninja Master Prep Professional QB1004, $60. It does practically everything well, including smoothies and icy drinks, and it’s also very quiet. Its brand mate, the Ninja Professional NJ600, also delivers excellent versatility for $100. OmniBlend seems to also be an excellent choice. (According to the manufacturer, OmniBlend comes with a powerful 3 hp. motor. so it crushes ice and blends the thickest of ingredients. The motor is designed for many years of use with built in protection features, plus it’s energy efficient. It draws only the amount of wattage required to blend the ingredients.)

If you’ve read any other of my blog posts, you may know that Vitamix is the blender I often use and for a long time it used to be my favorite kitchen appliance. If you can afford it, it’s definitely a top brand to consider. Even though it’s priced more than most other models; but you get consistent performance, versatility, extended warranty, and excellent customer service. The Vitamix Professional Series 750 is several inches shorter, so it can slide under the upper cabinet while sitting out on your counter.

Even though you pay a premium price for a Vitamix bleder or Blendtec, you will get not just the smoothest smoothies, soups and ice-creams, but also unmatched durability. In other words, if you need to buy several cheap blenders over the years, then you may not be saving any money after all.

Breville also makes excellent and affordable blenders. It’s a good blender for smoothies and icy drinks and excellent for pureeing. Plus, the Breville is more sleek looking than a lot of other models, thanks to its glass jar and die-cast aluminum base.

But what about hand blenders?

Can they make a decent smoothie?


A hand blender is a FANTASTIC option, especially in a small kitchen or when you’re on the road. For a long time, I didn’t consider a hand-held blender as a viable option for making smoothies, but boy, was I wrong!

For some reason, when I tried to make a smoothie, it didn’t come out right. Of course, after I discovered what I was doing wrong, making smoothies even with a handheld immersion blender is a breeze! After I learned a few tricks, the smoothies come out delicious every time!

Regardless of whether you want to make smoothies with immersion blenders or not, it’s still worth it investing in one of those. They’re super versatile, plus they’re cute too!

Here is the honest truth—you don’t need a ‘real’ blender to make a smoothie. That’s right. You don’t have to spend money on a big 72-ounce monster blender that will take up your precious counter space just to make smoothies.

An immersion blender can do so much more than sit in your drawer until you’re making pumpkin soup. The small but powerful blades of the immersion blender are just as good at pulverizing frozen fruit as they are at pureeing vegetables. You can easily make single (or double, or even triple) serving smoothie using just an immersion blender. Just blend your smoothie in the container that came with your immersion blender, rinse the blade, and you’re done. (And, BTW, any wide-mouthed jar will work for that purpose. And, if you are one of those breakfast-on-the-go persons, slap a lid on your smoothie jar, and head out into the world. Your hand blender is one of the handiest tools in your kitchen!

Here is the most important thing about using an immersion blender to make smoothies—ensure you submerge the whole blade in the liquid before turning it on.

If the blade isn’t immersed completely in the liquid, the blender will have a hard time blending the ingredients (plus, it may spatter all over you and your kitchen with such determination that you’ll be cleaning up purple stains for the next three months, making you deeply regret the whole Green Reset Adventure. So if you want to drink your smoothie instead of wearing it, proceed with caution.)

Once you plunge the blade into the liquid, pressing it firmly to the bottom, turn the button to start blending. Slowly move the blade up and down to make sure all the ingredients get incorporated. If at any point the solid bits in the mixture clog the machine, unplug the immersion blender before doing any detangling.

Please, pretty please, for the love of smoothies—and your fingers—don’t mess with the blade unless the engine is unplugged! The button is way too easy to accidentally press, and last I checked we’re making a GREEN smoothie, not a BLOODY smoothie. Plus, if you’re rushed off to the hospital for emergency finger stitches you’re not going to get to drink your smoothie first.

Here is an easy recipe for you to try with your immersion blender:

Cut half a frozen banana into small chunks and drop them into the immersion blender container or jar along with 1/2 cup spinach, ¼ cup frozen blueberries, 6 halved fresh strawberries, and a heaping tablespoon of nut butter (almond works really well with these fruits). If you’re interested in a more complex flavor, drop in a ¼-inch pieceof fresh, peeled ginger and a few fresh mint or sage leaves. Pour in 1 cup of water or plant milk. If the liquid doesn’t reach the top of the solid stuff, pour more milk or some coconut water until the fruit is well covered. Blend and enjoy!

My kitchen is small now, so I keep my Vitamix stashed on a windowsill, plus, because I’m living in Europe now, I have to use a heavy-duty transformer to make the blender work with the different voltage. Since counter space is limited, so let’s just say it’s not ideal.

I still use Vitamix to make a full blender of smoothie (or two) for the whole family, but to make a quick smoothie in the morning, the small, hand-held blender is JUST PERFECT.

spinach smoothie recipe

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this green smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

Spinach Smoothie in Vitamix

The Making of Spinach Smoothie: Inside of my Vitamix

Best Smoothie Blender: My Indispensable Tool for Preparing Green Smoothies

OK, if you read any of my previous blog posts, you know by now that you should be drinking lots and lots of fresh green smoothies every day.

So today, I’m going to talk about my favorite smoothie maker that I use at least 3-4 times a day to prepare green smoothies for myself or my family.

If you are searching for best blender for smoothies, keep reading and your search will soon be over 🙂

How my life has changed after getting a Vitamix Blender for my birthday

It’s been over four years now that I’ve been using a Vitamix blender, and – wow – it has made my life so much easier, healthier and more enjoyable to boot.

Prior to buying the Vitamix , I’d been using a different blender – I will not mention the brand here, as it does not matter. It was a regular blender that was probably quite similar to what most people have tucked away in their kitchen cabinet somewhere. It was doing an OK job blending fruits and soft greens, such as spinach, but as it comes to making smoothies with tougher plants – kale or celery, for example – it sucked!

It could not handle the tougher jobs at all, resulting in a chunky texture that was not very palatable. Also, I was afraid to run it for too long, as the engine was overheating quickly.

Vitamix smoothie blender

This resulted in almost complete avoidance of these greens and veggies – even if I could drink them from time to time (reasoning with myself that I’m doing it for my health), my son and husband refused to touch the stuff and I couldn’t blame them for that.

I did a bunch of research online and discovered that the general opinion was that a Vitamix is the best blender on the market.  So, following long deliberation – after all spending over $400 bucks for a small kitchen appliance that you can get for a less than a fifth of the price sounds crazy to most people – I decided to ask my husband to get me a Vitamix for my 44th birthday.

My Totally Biased Vitamix Review

Warning! I love my Vitamix, so don’t expect an unbiased review. I use it every day, 2-3 times or more. I’m also an affiliate for Vitamix, so if you use the Promotional Coupon Code 06-004554, I receive a small commission while you save on shipping :-). 

When it arrived, I went out and purchased all kinds of fruits, and tough greens: kale, collards, celery, etc., etc., and started experimenting – and I was elated. I could not believe how smooth the consistency was – I could not feel any of the chunkiness of un-blended fibrous parts of the plants.

Plus, the smoothies passed the hardest test – my son loves them!

He regularly drinks smoothies made with the kale, parsley, collards, dandelion greens, arugula, celery, romaine lettuce (although too much romaine is not very palatable to me), and almost every other green I can find.

The dimensions of the blender are quite impressive at 52.07 cm tall, 22.23 cm deep and 18.42 cm wide (update: they do have a smaller version now, one that easily fits under the kitchen cabinets on the counter), allowing for large fruits and vegetables to enter and blend in the machine at the same time. The blades are very durable and are designed to pulverize whole foods, saving you time and fuss in the kitchen so you can spend less time cutting and preparing the meal and more time enjoying it.

Whether you are preparing smoothies, making juices, hot soups, baby food, nut butters or frozen desserts, this efficient blender will prepare it in less than a minute. With it you can chop, cream, blend, cook and complete many more tasks, all with one single blender. This is impressive and saves you space in the kitchen and money, by only needing one machine for all of these different tasks. The machine even cleans itself. You simply add in a drop of dish soap and some water and turn it on High for 30 seconds. This means less muss and fuss for you in the kitchen, leaving you with more time to spend with your friends and family.

It is easy to use, so you will not have any trouble getting started and figuring out how to use all the different features.  The soft-grip allows for easy handling of the container so you can take it on and off easily without spilling. The ergonomically-designed handle makes it comfortable and easy to grip onto the blender, preventing slippage.

It even features a spill-proof vented lid with plug, to ensure you are always safe while using the machine and can add in ingredients without having to continuously turn the machine off to add in new ingredients.

Every machine is designed to offer outstanding performance and unsurpassed durability, so you know you are making a smart investment and getting a blender you can rely on.

Vitamix is a company that stands behind its products. It has been manufacturing high performance blending equipment for nearly a century now, so you know you can rely in them as a company and what they have to offer. They supply only dependable, high quality blenders that work effectively and efficiently, and which last you for years to come.

They even offer reconditioned machines that can save you some money, which are backed by the industry’s best warranty and are offered to you with a 30-day no risk guarantee. They go through quality inspections for testing of all machine parts and functions, as well as replacement of components that cannot be reconditioned, so you always know you are getting the very best blending machine.

Is Vitamix really the only blender that will do the job?

Blendtec is another top pick.  To be honest, I chose Vitamix before I even knew that Blendtec existed, however, after doing some post-factum research I still concluded that Vitamix is a better choice for me – mostly because it has a tamper. The tamper allows me to prepare smoothies with very little liquid, or no liquid at all – I can just push the ingredients down so the blade can process them, without worrying about what to put first so that the pieces do not get stuck.

Smoothie Maker Vitamix

Vitamix vs Blendtec

Here is side-by side comparison of both blenders.

Vitamix vs Blendtec

(Here is a video I found on Youtube: a battle between Vitamix vs Blendtec. To be fair, I don’t think you need to put whole apples into your blender. I don’t do it when I make green smoothies, even though I have Vitamix, as I don’t like to use the tamper. But whenever I make blended salads with little or no water, I’m sure glad I can push down the tomatoes or cucumbers, as they do get stuck in the process.)

So, if you’ve been thinking about getting a new blender and still hesitating whether or not to buy VitaMix – because of the price considerations – I say, DON’T. Consider it money well spent, and an investment in your family’s health (think about all the savings on doctor’s visits and medications).

For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!


But what about hand blenders?

Can they make a decent smoothie?


A hand blender is a FANTASTIC option, especially in a small kitchen or when you’re on the road. For a long time, I didn’t consider a hand-held blender as a viable option for making smoothies, but boy, was I wrong!

For some reason, when I tried to make a smoothie, it didn’t come out right. Of course, after I discovered what I was doing wrong, making smoothies even with a handheld immersion blender is a breeze! After I learned a few tricks, the smoothies come out delicious every time!

Regardless of whether you want to make smoothies with immersion blenders or not, it’s still worth it investing in one of those. They’re super versatile, plus they’re cute too!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

How to get a Vitamix Blender for Less

The Vitamix blender has been known to be top in its class when it comes to being the essential tool for delicious smoothies and other finely processed foods. However, its price has been more than a little daunting for many.

I remember looking back for years hoping and waiting to finally find a Vitamix at a price I thought was reasonable and every year, I was left disappointed. Then finally, one year, luck was on my side.

Working for a computer company, I regularly attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Vitamix had this beautiful display featuring all of their wonderful blenders and giving samples of some of their best-tasting smoothies. When the show was over, I lingered around the displays longingly looking at the blenders, wishing I could finally get one.

I struck up a conversation with one of their team members and was able to ask them lots of great questions about the strength and durability of the blender. As you can imagine, this only made me want one more as it was even better than I had thought.

Then I asked the golden question –

“How can you get a Vitamix for a better price?”

He looked at me and a big smile came across his face. He said, “Look at these,” as he pointed to all of the blenders sitting on display next to him. He said that at the end of each of these kinds of demonstrations and shows, they take these display models, put them back in their boxes and sell them on the Vitamix website as “refurbished”. He said that they had never been used, but because they had been taken out of their original packaging that they could no longer sell them as new. Therefore, they were all perfectly good, yet sold for less!

Therefore, if you have been wanting to get your very own Vitamix, go to their website where they will regularly place their “refurbished” models which all come with a 5-year full guarantee.

I have now had my “refurbished” Vitamix for over four years and I have gotten such great use out of it. I use it to make the most wonderful smoothies for my family. One of our favorites is so simple, yet beyond nutritious – even my 7-year-old son loves it.

Simply add the following, blend and enjoy!

• 1 whole beet
• 3 apples
• 1 banana
• 1 cup of orange or apple juice (or you can use water)
• 6 carrots
• 1 large handful of spinach

This is a guest post by Vegan123 (, a simple resource for those who are already vegan or vegetarian or for those who are striving to reduce the amount of animal products in their diets.

buy Vitamix for less

So, if you’ve been thinking about getting a new blender and still hesitating whether or not to buy VitaMix – because of the price considerations – I say, DON’T. Consider it money well spent, and an investment in your family’s health (think about all the savings on doctor’s visits and medications).

For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Ninja Kitchen System 1100: Will It Do The Job As A Green Smoothie Blender?

If you’re looking for an affordable blender that you can use for blending, juicing, chopping, and mixing anything you want easily, then maybe you are thinking about getting the Ninja Kitchen System 1100.

It’s quite a popular blender, and seems quite versatile and good value for the affordable price; but the question is “will it do a good job as a green smoothie blender“?

Ninja Kitchen System 1100 Review

First of all, I have to admit that I haven’t used Ninja 1100 myself. However, since some people have asked me about it, I decided to dig online and do some research.

I looked at many sites and read many reviews and I have to say that although it’s not a Blendtec or Vitamix, it seems to be a decent blender at a much lower price. Although I cannot recommend it wholeheartedly, Ninja 1100 may be a viable option for someone who is considering a cheaper, entry-level blender.

Based on Ninja Kitchen System 1100 reviews on Amazon it’s a decent blender for the money. Yes, it does get some one and two star reviews, but there are also many people who are loving it. Compared to other blenders in this price range, it’s higher-powered, has an appealing, sleek design and performance that lets you prepare healthy recipes easily and quickly – certainly an asset for any kitchen. Ninja 1100 can be used for blending, crushing ice, pureeing, controlled processing and making dough.

The blender comes with 2 different containers, AND several blade options, depending on the job. Most conventional blenders only сome with three rotor blades. Ninja 1100 comes with a 4-blade and 6-blade assembly – so you get several blade options, depending on the job – that enables it to crush, chop and blend faster than other 3-blade blenders. By the way, be careful of the blades – they are VERY VERY sharp. Keep in mind to always lock them inside the pitchers at all times. Handle the blades with care. It also has a larger-capacity pitcher than other blenders which is very useful in making foods and drinks in larger quantities.

There are complaints that this Ninja 1100 blender does not always blend everything PERFECTLY smooth, so really question it’s ability to make perfectly smooth smoothies. Some users say that it does leave out small bits and pieces of fruits or ice. However, there are many others who say that it does a great job in blending stuff. If you’re looking for a good inexpensive blender, than this is probably better than other blenders on the market in this price range.

The larger container is a bit tall, so it may not fit under your kitchen cabinet.

Ninja1100 Kitchen System

Ninja1100 Kitchen System

Ninja Kitchen System 1100 At A Glance

* Blender and dough making appliance
* Lock-in lid with easy flip pour spout
* Dough hook, whisk, 6 blade assembly, 4 blade assembly, cookie dough paddle are attached
* Electronic control panel that features smart speed technology
* 3 speeds + pulse
* Easy to clean
* BPA-free plastic container
* 1100 watts
* 72 oz pitcher with lid
* 40 oz processing bowl with lid
* Stainless steel blades
* 2 ft long cord (It can be stored in the cord stuff box which can be found at the back of the base.)

What Ninja Kitchen System 1100 Can Do

* It can blend fruits and vegetables into smoothies and soups. You’ll need to add ice or water to it to reach the desired consistency.
* It can grind nuts or flax seeds into nut butter.
* It can make sorbets and ice creams.
* You can use dough paddle on Speed 1 (Dough) or the dough hook and dough station to make up to 1.5 lbs of dough.
* It can make juices. Blend the fruits and vegetables first with some water or high water content fruit, and strain the pulp off. If you use low water content fruits, you’d want to add a little water to achieve the desired consistency.
* It can’t make hot soups or heat up soups from ingredients that are cold.

Ninja1100: The Bottom Line

As I said, it’s a decent blender, but if you can afford it, it may be worth it to pay more for better quality.

Buy Ninja Kitchen System 1100

If you decide you want to buy, Amazon has great prices, and you can read more reviews there.

Ninja1100 Kitchen System

Ninja 1100 comes in 2 different models – BL 700 and NJ602. You may be wondering what’s the difference between these 2 models. Well, BL700 is actually a newer model that replaces NJ602. Basically, both units are the same and come with the same features and functions. The only difference seems to be that Model NJ602 comes with a free cookbook.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Blender Review: Montel Williams Health Master Blender for Green Smoothies

A couple of weeks ago, as I was watching TV with my son on an early Sunday morning, I came across Montel Williams’ Health Master infomercial that attracted my attention. As I was surfing channels, the title of the program intrigued me – so I decided to watch it to see what this is about.

I have to say I really enjoyed the presentation. Montel Williams was making green smoothies and serving it to the audience – including kids who said that they don’t like spinach and other greens – and everybody loved it. My son was also excited to see something that he drinks every day on TV.

About Health Master Blender

Because making green smoothies is something I do every day and it made such a tremendous difference in my nutrition, I was happy to see a promotion of green smoothies on TV.

I didn’t know who Montel Williams was before, but since that I learned that he is a former talk show host and U.S. Navy officer, that is today officially known as the HealthMaster. Montel Williams announced that he had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1999. In his book Living Well: 21 Days to Transform Your Life, Supercharge Your Health and Feel Spectacular, Williams recommends drinking “green smoothies” for a “blast of nutrition and energy.”

But Health Master Blender is promoted as much more than just a blender. The Healthmaster will make everything from hot soups to cold ice cream in one step. It can do the job of up to 20 kitchen appliances, including a blender (of course), food mill, nut butter maker, meat grinder, coffee mill, spice grinder and latte whip or other milk frothing apparatus (I’m quoting after the myhealthmaster website).

I was also intrigued by the Health Master Blender that was promoted at the price of about $200 – half the price of Vitamix and Blendtec that I recommend on this site. Could it be a more affordable alternative to Vitamix and Blendtec? Perhaps I could promote it here too?

So I decided to do a little research to compare Montel Williams Health Master vs Vitamix vs Blendtec – to see how they stack up.

Montel Williams Health Master Blender

Montel Williams Health Master Blender: as seen on TV

Here is what I found out.

Montel Williams Health Master Blender vs Vitamix vs Blendtec

I have to say I was super excited to see an infomercial promoting green smoothies on TV. I think Montel is doing a great job. I loved the energy and enthusiasm that he brought into his presentation – because I truly believe a good blender is one appliance that every family should have in their kitchen. You can see a part this presentation on Youtube.

When I went online and started researching and reading all the negative reviews left on Amazon and other sites, I learned that this blender doesn’t really compare to the two Super Smoothie-Making, Ice-Blasting machines that Vitamix or Blendtec are. It is cheaply made, does not provide good warranty and customer support and starts having all kinds of issues very quickly – not good if you are expecting years and years of use from your investment.

The following table presents a side-by-side comparison of features of the two of my favorite blenders plus Health Master blender.

Best Blenders For Smoothies

Best Blenders For Smoothies: Montel Williams Health Master vs Vitamix 5200 vs Blendtec

Best Blender for Smoothies: Which Smoothie Blender Should You Buy?

In my opinion it’s not worth it to skimp on your blender.

That is why I recommend that you get the best blender you can afford – such as Vitamix or Blendtec.

Look at it as an investment that will pay for itself in the long run both in time and in your health.

A quality blender will save you frustration and will last you for many years to come, whereas a cheap machine can break after just a year or two, waste your time, money, not to mention health – because you will most likely not use it as often as you should.

In conclusion

Ultimately, it’s up to you. You need to decide what is really important to you and how much you are willing to spend. If you are new to green smoothies and already have a blender just start experimenting with what you have, or if you are on a tight budget, you can buy a blender for $20 or $100 anywhere.

Of course, how much money you have to spend is a big factor. But, if you go around and ask people, they will tell you that – as with everything else in life – you get what you pay for.

If you get really serious with making green smoothies and other creations, an inexpensive blender like the Health Master may disappoint you.

As it turns out, even Montel Williams in his book “Living Well” he talks about using Vita-Mix blender for making smoothies.

That’s why I recommend Vitamix or Blendtec as two of the best blenders to buy. The higher investment that you will have to make initially will pay for itself many times – as any of these blenders will withstand years of heavy use as you make your healthy green creations.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!