by Joanna | Juicing
After long winter (and gallons and gallons of green smoothies), I’m craving juices. Today, I’ve made some green juice – just looking at it makes you feel energized!
Green juice packed with vegetables is all the rage these days. It can be prepared with a variety of ingredients, such as kale, celery, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, apple, kiwi, parsley and/or cilantro.
Juicing kale, broccoli, celery or parsley adds that green color and a multitude of health benefits. Throw in a sweet element to keep the juice palatable, but going too sweet may result in a dessert juice rather than a drinkable vitamin.
For beginners, I’d advise to steer clear of adding too much cabbage, cilantro or parsley (only because you may find the flavors too strong), and add more cucumbers, apples, a pear or a kiwi – to make it sweeter.
Green Juice Recipes
So, if you are willing to try a great juicing recipe for green vegetables and kale that will give you lots of energy, here it is.
Basic version:
4-5 celery sticks
5-6 leaves of kale (or other leafy greens)
1-2 apples or pears (green apples are less sweet, more tart)
1 lemon (if not organic, then the lemon should be peeled)
Additional/optional ingredients:
1 cucumber
1/4 of a small cabbage
1/4 to 1/2 ripe papaya (1/2 results in a sweeter juice)
1 handful of parsley or cilantro
1 thumb-sized nob of ginger
You may also like to add some beets or carrots, but then of course it will no longer be a green juice. Some people like to add small slice of garlic and/or ginger.
Drink to your health and boost your immune system!

Other Juice Recipes to Try
Super Red Beta Carrot Juice

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!
I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!
by Joanna | Juicing
Should I blend or should I juice? – that seems to be the question recently…
Sometimes it’s tough to decide 😉
It’s been a while since I purchased my new Breville juicer to join my kitchen appliance team (and replace the old one, which was long-ago ready to leave its post), and we continue our mini Juice Reboot morning routine (or mini-detox-cleanse) with my husband (who is the main reason I bought the juicer in the first place, as I could not get him to drink enough smoothies, and I think may be more inclined to drink juices).
I have to say it’s been working really well so far, even though it does make the mornings a bit more busy and it takes a bit more time to get everyone out of the house. We’ll continue it for just a couple of days more, until my husband leaves on a trip, and then resume when he comes back in almost three weeks.
So today, we made this rich vibrant beetroot juice with carrots, celery and apple.
I also found a recipe that uses parsnips – which I have to say – I never juiced before. I didn’t have parsnips, so I’ll try it next time and let you know how it tastes. What I can tell you right now, that the combination below (without parsnip), creates a truly delicious nutrient packed juice.
Super Red Beta-Carrot Juice Recipe
Super Red Beta-Carrot Juice
- 1 apple (or use two for a sweeter juice)
- 1 beetroot
- 2 small carrots
- 2 celery sticks
- 1 small parsnip (optional)
- 1/4 lemon (organic, unwaxed if possible, with the skin on)
- a small slice of ginger (optional)
- Juice the apples, beetroot, carrots, celery, parsnip and lemon (pack the lemon between the other produce).
- Pour into a pretty glass (I find that wine glasses work perfectly), sip and smile!
Despite some of the ‘earthy’ ingredients, the apple, beetroot and carrots actually have a sweet flavor, which work together to create a delicious juice. Ginger and lemon will give this juice a nice tangy kick.
The use of carrots in the fight against cancer has been well-documented due to their high beta carotene content and the presence of the natural fungicide falcarinol. Beetroot is a great source of iron, which means it helps purify the blood. This juice is superb for helping to build the blood and is great for fighting infections – juice just what the doctor ordered!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!
I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!
by Joanna | Juicing
Although I’m a great believer in green smoothies and I pretty much gave up on juicing the last couple of years, I decided to give juicing another try.
Just a few days ago I purchased a brand new Breville juicer (which, by the way, came with a free DVD “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” movie), brought a few bags of produce from a farmers market, and set of to make some colorful juice.
So I made a few quarts of vegetable juice and we sat down with my husband (who, incidentally, came down with a fever and a nasty virus infection) to watch the Joe Cross documentary of his 60 juicing reboot.
Here is why.

The Benefits of Juicing: My Top 4 reasons why you may want to give juicing a chance
There are probably many more convincing arguments for juicing, but let’s just start with these four:
Juicing Benefit # 1. Certain vegetables are simply better suited for juicing than blending.
I mean, I’m pretty open minded, and I have tried my share of beet smoothies, carrot smoothies and cabbage smoothies (and I wrote about them on this blog), but let’s face it – for most people these smoothies won’t be palatable, unless you only include a tiny amount of these vegetables and cover the taste with lots of sweet fruits, herbs, lemon and/or ginger – which is still beneficial, but considering the enormous nutritional power that they contain, it’s a shame not to consume more of them regularly.
These vegetables include already mentioned roots, such as beets, sweet potatoes, carrots or parsnips; as well as cabbage, broccoli, and other.
They work great in juices, whereas in smoothies they will only work in small quantities. So, if you are like me, not eating enough of these veggies, then juicing will let you add more variety to your diet.
Juicing Benefit # 2. When we drink juices, the body works less to digest the nutrients.
I love how filling green smoothies are, but sometimes you want to give your body a break from even the healthy fibers. Juice, the liquid without the fiber, allows your digestive system to work less to extract the benefits.
For people who want to really re-set their system (as in the juice reboot “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead“), taking a finite break from fiber has the benefit of allowing your digestive system to have a bit of a rest.
Juicing Benefit #3. More vegetables per glass.
You can consume more vegetables and greens into a single glass of green juice than you would in a smoothie serving.
Juicing Benefit #4. The “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” documentary
I wish someone made a documentary about green smoothies, but for now we have Joe Cross’ film about a juice detox cleanse. Here why I love it so much.
I don’t need to be persuaded of the benefits of plant based nutrition. However, whenever I talk to my husband about it, he replies that he needs his meat and dairy for protein and other nutrients; that he feels week without them, that he needs animal foods to build muscle, etc.
Don’t get me wrong. He is not a meat-and-potato kind of guy and he does like his veggies; but he doesn’t eat nearly enough of them.
So, what I love about the movie is that it’s about a regular guy in his forties (my husband is a few years older, but generally close enough in age to be able to relate to him), who gets sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and goes on a juice cleanse, and switches to a 100% plant-based nutrition, no fish, meat or dairy whatsoever; and looks and feels GREAT as a result.
Not weak, or overly thin, but very strong and athletic. Plus he seems about 10 years younger.
He also cures his diseases and goes completely off of all medications he’d been taking for years.
All this definitely got my husband’s attention, and – although I don’t expect him to become vegan or go on a 60 day juice cleanse – I do think that the movie shook a bit his deep-belief on the necessity of animal products to keep healthy and strong – a belief that has been holding him from achieving better health and losing weight.
So he finally agreed to make some substantial changes to his diet, which makes me very happy.
You can find “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” documentary on Amazon and Netflix).
The juicer that Joe has been using (BTW it’s the one that I bought too) is Breville Juice Fountain, which you can find on Amazon or in any store that carries kitchen appliances.

Juicing or blending, which is better?
Whether you choose blending or juicing, you are gifting your body improved health by using these nutrient packed drinks. Regularly drinking smoothies or fresh, veggie-based juice will:
- increase your veggie intake dramatically
- make it easier and quicker for your body to absorb nutrients because the blending and juicing allows the foods to become somewhat “pre-digested”
- curb appetite and reduce cravings for sugar and processed foods because you are nourishing your cells with what they are asking for – micronutrients. You body no longer craves the “carbs” (macronutrient).
So, it’s a win-win-win!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!
I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!