Dandelion Greens Recipes: How About Some Weeds In Your Green Smoothie?

Have you had your dandelions today?

For many people when they think of dandelions, their first thought is the weeds on their lawn. They view the common dandelion as a weed, and wage a small war to eradicate the plant from their lawns and gardens, but I want to encourage you to eat them!

Not everyone knows that dandelions are very healthy, and can be used in many recipes, including (of course) green smoothies.

Since they grow wild pretty much everywhere, you have a completely free food source right in your backyard or in the wild. Just don’t use the ones with the pesticides and herbicides on them! For those without access to organic lawns, dandelion greens are also available in farmers markets.

Health Benefits of Dandelion Greens

Dandelion greensAs all greens, dandelions are low in calories, but super-high in healthy nutrients, which makes them the ideal addition to green smoothies. In fact, this innocuous “weed” is one of the most nutrient-dense plants you can eat. Everything, from the flower all the way down to the roots, is edible.

Dandelions are great for detoxing the liver and gallbladder and to help support kidney function. They may help stabilize blood sugar (great for diabetics) and lower bad (LDL) cholesterol. They are also are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium and iron, packed full of antioxidants, and contain copper, manganese, potassium, and magnesium. Just one half cup of dandelions contains more calcium than a glass of milk, and more iron than spinach. Studies have found that the regular consumption of dandelion greens can lead to a reduction in your risk of cancer and stroke.

The taste of dandelion resembles a slightly bitter green like arugula. Look for firm, fresh, tender, bright green leaves that aren’t discolored or wilted. When refrigerated in a plastic bag, they will keep for a few days. Like spinach, dandelion greens are commonly enjoyed raw, but they also taste fantastic sautéed, braised, or even stewed.

You can toss them into your favorite salad medley, eat them fresh in salads, or cook them on the stove. Wash, trim, tear, and toss in your favorite salad medley. Sauté with garlic and onions. Substitute spinach for dandelion greens in recipes, such as pesto sauce.

Dandelion Green Smoothie Recipes

Dandelion greens have slightly bitter taste which might be difficult to mask with fruit in a green smoothie, so start with adding small amounts and/or mixing them with other greens, such as spinach or kale. In general, the younger the greens, the milder the taste, so you may want to choose the younger leaves.

You can help mask the bitter taste by using strong tasting fruit and berries, such as pineapple, oranges, bananas, strawberries or other ripe berries. The other way is to process them with some sort of fat, i.e. nuts, oils, and avocados.

Personally, I enjoy slight bitterness in my smoothies, especially since I know that it’s so good for me! The bitterness actually stimulates bile production, aids digestion, and cleans pretty much every inner organ inside the body. I find that my taste buds get used to the flavor quickly and after the first couple sips and I soon don’t mind the flavor at all. But I guess it’s an acquired taste.

Dandelion Green Smoothie Recipe #1

1-2 cups dandelion greens

1-2 pears

2 dates

1-2 cups water or coconut water

Blend on the highest speed until smooth and creamy. Yield: 3-4 cups

Dandelion Green Smoothie Recipe #2

2 cups dandelion greens

1 lemon (peeled)

2 large apples

1 banana

1-2 cups water

Dandelion Green Smoothie Recipe #3

½ bunch dandelion greens

2 stalks celery

2 peaches

½ pineapple

½ inch fresh ginger root

2 cups water

Blend in blender until smooth! Enjoy!

Dandelion Green Smoothie Recipe #5

If you are worried about the fruit content, here are some savory options.

1/2 bunch dandelion greens

4 tomatoes

2 dates (optional)

2 cups water

Dandelion Green Smoothie Recipe #6

1/2 bunch dandelion greens

1 medium cucumber

½ avocado

2 dates (optional)

2 cups water

Blend in blender until smooth! Enjoy!

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Dandelion greens in green smoothies

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

How About a Radish Top Green Smoothie? 3 Unusual Ingredients For Green Smoothies

I don’t recommend using beet roots, carrots, or radishes for your green smoothies, however when it comes to the greens, it’s an entirely different story.

Beautiful green tops from beets are sometimes valued as edible, but green tops from radishes and carrots are more often than not considered un-edible, and rarely – if ever – make it to the plate.  If you are like most people, you’ve been throwing away these greens without even realizing that you are discarding a very nutrient dense part of the vegetable.

Not only are these greens edible, the leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant!

So, instead of wasting those precious greens, why not use them to make delicious green smoothies?

You can blend up a delicious carrot, beet, or radish tops recipe that the whole family will enjoy.

Radish Top Green Smoothie

1 cup radish leaves
1 ripe banana, peeled
1 cup mango
1 cup pineapple
1 1/2 cup pure water
Blend until smooth. Serves 1-2.

Radish Top Green Smoothie Recipe

Radish Top Green Smoothie Recipe: When making fruit green smoothie - use only the green tops! Save radishes for salads and savory blended soups.

Tropical Beet Top Green Smoothie Recipe

Did you know that there are more nutrients in beet tops than the actual root? Most people cut the beet tops off and discard them or maybe use them for cooking, destroying vital nutrients out of the leaves.

Beet greens are a little milder than the radish greens. If you like a super green smoothie, you can add more greens, like spinach or lettuce.

1 cup beet tops
1 orange, peeled and seeded
1 ripe banana
1/2 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
1 cup water
Blend until completely smooth. Serves 1-2.

Beet Top Green Smoothie Recipe

Beet Top Green Smoothie Recipe: When making fruit green smoothie - use only the green tops!

Carrot Greens Smoothie

1 packed cup carrot tops
1 banana
1 cup strawberries with the greens attached (yes, you can eat these too!)
1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 cup mango
2 handfuls spinach
1 1/2 cups water
Blend until everything in completely smooth. Serves 1-3.

Carrot Tops Green Smoothie Recipe

Carrot Tops Green Smoothie Recipe

Okay, so maybe you are not quite convinced yet, but all I ask is to try them with an open mind :-).

Granted, when these tops are bought when the tops are older and wilted, the look, texture and bitter taste can be a turn-off. However, when they come fresh from the garden, carrot, radish and beet greens are really tender and flavorful in their raw state. Besides using these greens in smoothies, you can use them in tossed salads, blended raw soups and salads, sandwiches or any other recipe that calls for greens.

So look for fresh looking greens. Straight from the garden, organic are best – if you can find them.

As always, remember that these recipes are only a starting point to the exciting explorations of various possibilities. Green smoothies rock!

Carrot Greens Smoothie Recipe

Carrot Greens Smoothie Recipe: NOT your ordinary smoothie!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Delicious Kiwi Smoothie Recipes

Kiwis are cute little green fruits encased in somewhat off putting fuzzy brown skins. If you get past the unattractive exterior, you are rewarded with a bright green piece of fruit that is delicious and packed with nutrients. Kiwis are higher in vitamin C than oranges (they have almost twice as much), and they’re a good source of potassium and magnesium and fiber for a healthy stomach and digestive system.

These tart fruits pair well with many other fruits and will make a healthy addition to your favorite smoothies.

For your kiwi smoothies, make sure you use kiwis that are really ripe — it should give when you press the sides. The flax seeds contribute omega-3’s; you won’t be hungry anytime soon if you add them.

Kiwi provides a wide array of nutrition benefits. According to a study at Rutgers University, kiwi is the most nutrient dense fruit, ounce for ounce.

Kiwi provides 16% of the RDA for fiber and 10% of the RDA for folic acid. Kiwis have phytonutrients, which repair DNA, act as the body’s protection against some cancers, and function as antioxidants.

Studies in Italy performed on 18,000 6-7 year old children have demonstrated health benefits of kiwis to the respiratory tract. The study found that children eating the 5-7 servings of citrus and kiwifruit per week had 44 percent less incidence of wheezing compared to children eating less than once a week.

According to another study, eating kiwi fruit every morning has the same effect as aspirin for heart health (reduces blood clotting), but without the side effects.

Plus, they are so delicious in green smoothies!

And did you know that there are over 400 varieties of this fuzzy fruit, which grows off of vines on a trellis, similar to grapes?

Kiwi Smoothie Recipes

Many kiwi smoothie recipes available both online and in recipe books call for dairy, such as yogurt or cream. One way to make a non-dairy version, is by simply adding banana, and maybe some sweetener and/or non-dairy milk or yogurt. (If you are wondering why I’m against adding dairy to smoothies, read this post and this post). Adding a cup of orange juice to the blend will do the job too.

So, here are a few kiwi smoothie recipes for ya. They contain no dairy, and are deliciously green, not just because of kiwi, but also because they contain GREENS.

Why add greens to a perfectly delicious kiwi smoothie?

The Harvard School of Public Health recommends at least nine servings, or four cups, of fruits and vegetables daily. Most of us don’t even come close.

So there you go! Delicious green smoothie recipes with kiwi!

Kiwi--Lime-Mint Green Smoothie Recipe

Kiwi--Lime-Mint Green Smoothie Recipe


    • 2 kiwis, peeled
    • 1/4 small lime, peeled
    • 1 ripe banana, peeled
    • 5 to 10 mint leaves (to taste)
    • 1/2 cup fresh spinach
    • 1 cup of water, almond milk, or other non-dairy milk (adjust the quantity to reach the desired consistency)


  1. Blend all the ingredients (I use a Vitamix) on high for 30 seconds or until the smoothie is creamy.

Kiwi-Avocado Smoothie

2 kiwi fruits
1 ripe banana
2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green)
¼ avocado
¼ cup cranberries (optional)
1/2 cup water or fresh orange juice

Blend the ingredients until smooth. Enjoy!

Kiwi Pineapple Smoothie

Kiwis are native to New Zealand so they pair well with other tropical fruits, such as pineapple. A smoothie that blends kiwi and pineapple will supply a large dose of vitamin C as well as fiber, potassium and several antioxidants.

2 kiwis
1/4 cup of chopped fresh pineapple
2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green)
1/2 cup of 100 percent pineapple juice

Blend until smooth and garnish with chopped kiwi.

Also check out this Kiwi-Strawberry Smoothie Recipe

picture of two cute kiwi fruit

Picture of two cute kiwi fruit

kiwi smoothie

Kiwi smoothie: getting the ingredients ready. Instead of baby spinach I used kale.


It’s practically smiling at you now!

Note: Be careful if you have an actinidin allergy, as it contains a healthy dose, though most people should be completely fine.

How do I choose a kiwi?

Select fruit that is plump and fragrant with no visible bruising and a slightly firm feel. Unripe kiwi fruits ripen faster when stored in a paper or plastic bag with a ripe banana.

Once they are ripened, store them away from other fruit or they will decompose more quickly! Ripe kiwi can last in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Can I eat the skin?

You can, but buy organic and/or wash carefully to remove unwanted pesticides!  Even though kiwis rank low in potential pesticide residue (13 out of 100) according to study conducted by the Environmental Working Group. Also, rub it a bit to minimize the fuzz. The skin will provide more fiber to your sweet snack. If you’re not fond of the fuzzy exterior, simply “sloop” it out by slicing the kiwi in half horizontally and spooning out each end to enjoy.

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

green smoothie

green smoothie still in Vitamix

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Orange Julius Recipe

If you are a fan of Orange Julius and are searching online for the perfect recipe to create Orange Julius smoothies, here is one for you to try. To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan – I much prefer green smoothies because they are so much healthier. As you will see this recipe contains lots of sugar (up to 1/2 cup!)

Orange Julius Recipe

This is the most popular Orange Julius Recipe that I have found online:


1 can (6 oz) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
8 to 10 ice cubes

1. Combine all ingredients except ice cubes in blender.
2. Blend for about 1-2 minutes, adding ice cubes one at a time.

Orange Julius Recipe

Orange Julius Recipe can contain up to one half cup sugar!

The Orange Julius drink surely is creamy and sweet.

But check out that sugar content!

I’ve seen some people recommending 1/4 cup sugar, or to use powdered sugar to make it even more like the mall version. Or add a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream instead. But in my opinion, sugar is unnecessary. Orange juice has enough sweetness on its own. Or substitute sugar with honey.

Another problem is that you need to drink the smoothie right away. If you leave it for even 10 minutes, the smoothie will likely separate into 2 parts. The top half will be the milk (curdled because of the citric acid in the orange concentrate), and the lower part was the orange “juice”, the watery part. The acid in orange juice will often make the milk curdle! If you need to leave it for later, freeze it. Pop the blended mixture into the freezer for about 4-5 hours and you have a slushy treat.

Orange Julius Recipe Variations

Orange Julius Recipe

Orange Julius Recipe: can be prepared in orange, red or green variations

1/2 cup orange juice (fresh squeezed is better). You may also freeze it.
1 cup frozen mango, pinapple or banana
1/2 cup milk*
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. almond or peanut butter (optional)
1 or 2 tbsp. honey (optional – up to your taste)

For red colored version

1/2 cup orange juice
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup milk*
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. almond or peanut butter (optional)
1 or 2 tbsp. honey (optional – up to your taste)

For green colored version

1/2 cup orange juice
1 banana
1/2 cup milk*
1 cup spinach or kale
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. almond or peanut butter (optional)
1 or 2 tbsp. honey (optional – up to your taste)

*You can use any type of milk you prefer, including almond milk.
You can also create a fun two-layered drink:

1. For the first yellow layer – Place all the ingredients in a blender, blend until the drink reaches a smooth consistency, pour in a tall glass, and then set aside.

2. For the second red or green layer – rinse the blender, place all the ingredients for the second layer in it and blend at high speed until smooth. Then pour gently into the glass trying to have a line separating the layers. You can use a spoon to make it easier – I placed it into the glass over the yellow layer and I poured the drink over it.

Why Add Greens To Smoothies

I love green smoothies for a reason. They are delicious, but they are also tremendously rich in nutrients that our bodies need to be healthy.

I want you to encourage you to try green smoothies, and to add greens, such as spinach to your smoothie recipes, whether it’s Orange Julius or other fruit smoothies that you like.

Just for illustration, here is a nutritional comparison between bananas (a vitamin rich fruit), and kale and spinach. Below is a brief comparison of equal calorie amounts of each food. The USRDA numbers are for an active adult male and represent the percentage of USRDA nutrient requirements met.

This is just for comparison sake with easier numbers to understand because they deal with percentages. Your nutrient needs may be quite different.

50 Calorie serving size of bananas, kale and spinach:

* Vitamin A *

Bananas have 1%, kale 308% and spinach 408% of the USRDA for a 50 calorie serving.

* Vitamin C *

Bananas 8%, kale 200% and spinach 102%.

* Vitamin E *

Bananas 0%, kale (not listed in USRDA for some reason though it’s quite high in vitamin E) and spinach 22%

* Vitamin B6 *

Bananas 16%, kale 14% and spinach 21%

* Thiamin *

Bananas 2%, kale 7% and spinach 11%

* Niacin *

Bananas 1%, kale 5% and spinach 8%

* Riboflavin *

Bananas 3%, kale 8% and spinach 24%

As you can see there was NO vitamin of which banana was higher than both greens. Banana was only slightly higher than kale for Vitamin B6 but still lost to spinach for that vitamin.

And as you can see for Vitamin A… kale and spinach “destroyed” bananas, with spinach having over 400 times more Vitamin A than bananas.

Even in Vitamin C the greens crushed the bananas.

And I think now you’re starting to see why I love green smoothies so much, especially spinach smoothies and kale smoothies. I mean, when was the last time you had a cup of raw spinach or kale?

Here is a cool site where you can check nutritional data of Spinach, kale, bananas, and other foods that you drink you your smoothies.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Smoothie Recipes For Kids (and Adults): Healthy Green Smoothies Even Picky Eaters Can Enjoy!

My son has been drinking green smoothies since he was four and he really loves them (although he sometimes complains that I give them to him all the time, LOL).

However, your children (and quite possibly your adult family members too) may be resistant to the idea to trying smoothie recipes with any green ingredients added.  If that’s the situation, don’t despair!

In my experience, green fruit smoothie recipes for kids are always a success!

But, yes, you may need to use some tricks to encourage their consumption initially.

Let’s face it. Unhealthy foods are everywhere. Children are assaulted by less-than-ideal food choices wherever they go: birthday parties, convenience stores, street vendors, fast food joints, etc. Sodas, cakes, cookies, pizzas, fries, hot dogs, candy, ice cream. There is no escaping them. Not even school cafeterias are free from them.  No wonder their taste buds get used to very sweet-salty-fatty foods.

The scary statistics is that 40% of the calories US children eat are nutritionally empty!

Getting children to eat healthy, balanced meals is a concern that MANY parents have. They are especially concerned about the lack of fruits and vegetables their kids are eating and it is no wonder… modern convenience foods marketed to kids are lacking in nutritional value. As a result children are not developing tastes or cravings for the nutritional powerhouse foods they need, namely fresh vegetables, fruits and leafy greens, as well as healthy whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The great thing about green smoothies is that they disguise what might otherwise be considered unwelcome ingredients, including healthy leafy greens that may be eaten rarely or avoided completely.

With green smoothies, healthy nutrition is easy. With a few simple smoothie recipes, you can easily turn your blender into a tool for creating super-healthy fruit smoothie recipes for kids!

How to Get Your Kids to Love Green Smoothies?

Most kids and adults love these smoothies from the first sip and may never know they are drinking their vegetables unless you choose to tell them!

However, if you can’t get your kids to eat spinach or kale in their dinner salad (that is, if they even eat any salad at all), you will probably be doubtful whether you’ll be able to convince them to have a green smoothie – or any drink that has even a hint of green (except maybe a green Gatorade).

So, here is a motivational technique to get your kids (and yourself) to eat a lot of greens.

If your child refuses to drink green smoothies, start by making smoothies that don’t look green at all. 

Start with preparing mostly sweet smoothies with lots of fruits or natural sweeteners. Children naturally love sweet taste of ripe fruit.

Then start incorporating celery in green smoothies. Celery hardly changes the color or taste of the smoothie and would be a great way to get children to start eating more of this nutrient-rich vegetable.

Start with a half or even a quarter stalk of celery. This is getting your food in the door. Your child may be suspicious about what is exactly in the smoothie, so don’t even tell him/her or let them see what is inside the blender.

Even if they don’t love it, they will not hate it either.

Once your child gets used to the celery, start adding small – and hard to detect – quantities of other greens.

Adding other color-changing ingredients, such as blueberries, will also help mask the green color that some children may find problematic.

With time, everyone in your home should get used to the taste, and even prefer it over the no-veggie version, which may start to seem too sweet and lack certain tartness. Our taste buds are really quite adaptable!

The key is to make the change gradually. Human taste buds are highly adaptable little organs, and you can reprogram them gradually. The taste buds aren’t sensitive enough to notice an addition  of a small amount of new ingredients and reducing sugar.  Over time, they’ll learn to enjoy the true flavor of fresh, healthy food and the lovely tastes that fresh vegetables, greens and fruits have to offer.

The good news is that taste buds adapt very quickly and within two-three weeks your child should be really enjoying more green smoothies.

More Tips to Make Sure Your Kids Drink Their Green Smoothies

Here are a few more tips to help you to get you started if you have picky eaters in your house:

* Start with preparing mostly sweet smoothies with lots of fruits. Add only a little bit of mild tasting greens (starting with celery or spinach). You may also add natural sweeteners, if you feel the smoothie is not sweet enough for your child.

* Use sweet, ripe fruits that your child loves. For example, strawberry, pineapple and blueberry are all time favorites.

* Use well ripened bananas for creamy texture.

* Think how to make the smoothie making and drinking fun. One way that may work well for younger kids, is to come up with a cool name for your smoothies. Some ideas are: Bey-blade Blaster, Enter the Dragon, Shrek’s Favorite Smoothie, Cinderella’s Cocktail, Transformer’s Fuel, or other, depending on what your child’s favorite’s characters are at the moment.

* Use a pretty glass with a straw and a cocktail drink umbrella.

* Or use a non-transparent cup with a straw to completely mask the color of the drink.

* Ask your child to drink green smoothies before the child eats other things. My son drinks a green smoothie first thing in the morning, before he eats anything else. He usually gets another glass 1 hour to 30 minutes before dinner.

* Educate your children about the benefits of drinking green smoothies. Explain it to them in simple terms. You may be surprised how eager they are to learn.

* Freeze green smoothie into a Popsicle.

* If nothing else is working, consider a reward system. Although, I am not in favor of reward systems, especially when it comes to food, however, if your child is highly defiant, and all other methods have failed, you may find that using some kind of incentive is effective. Just, please don’t use junk food as treats for reinforcing good eating habits!

For best results, it’s important invest in a quality blender. The reason being you really want a your green to be as smooth as it can be, and not all blenders will be able to handle the job of blending, e.g. kale or collard greens, to perfection.

Most likely, your child will refuse to drink anything with touch pieces of kale or celery stalk. Read my review best smoothie blenders and comparison of Blendtec vs Vitamix. Both are excellent blenders for making green smoothies.

Also, although I recommend that you start with spinach in smoothies, add different greens as well. It’s important to rotate your greens, and not use the same ones all the time.

Smoothies for Kids

My son loves green smoothies. No, really. He is squinting because he doesn’t want me to take a picture 😉

Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Kids (& Adults too!)

How about a healthy strawberry pineapple smoothie recipe to start off with?

The tangy taste of pineapple adds a wonderful flavor to smoothies. If you learn how to pick a pineapple that is ripe, you will also get a sweet-tasting smoothie. Cutting a pineapple ahead of time and storing the slices in an airtight container in the fridge will save time when making the smoothie. Canned pineapple often comes with added sugar or preservatives, so using it may not be such a good idea if your focus is on healthy nutrition.

Green Smoothie Recipes For Kids

Green Smoothie Recipes For Kids


    Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup of spinach leaves
  • 1 cup water
  • Healthy Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie
  • 1 cup fresh pineapple cubes
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup of spinach leaves
  • 1 cup water
  • One to two drops of vanilla essence
  • One cup of yogurt and add a teaspoon or two of honey for sweetness (optional)
  • Blueberry Pudding
  • 2 cups blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 cup of water
  • Kiwi-Mint-Spinach Smoothie Recipe
  • 2 kiwis, peeled
  • 1/4 small lime, peeled
  • 1 banana, peeled
  • 5 to 10 mint leaves (optional, to taste, if your child enjoys mint)
  • 1/2 cup fresh spinach
  • 1 cup of water, almond milk, or other non-dairy milk


  1. Blend well and enjoy!

Optional Ingredients

Sweeteners. My 8-year-old finds fruit smoothies pretty sweet on their own, so I never add sweeteners, but he’s been drinking smoothies since he was four. If you are just trying to convert your kids to drinking greens, you may want to sweeten their smoothies a bit. Experiment with adding agave syrup, maple syrup, a few dried figs, or any sweetener that your child will like.

Ice. Many smoothie recipes call for ice cubes. Personally, I’m not a fan of adding ice cubes to smoothies, except in the summer. So even if I use frozen fruits, like I often do (for example, I often use mixed berries in smoothies), I usually add warm water. In my opinion, drinking a cold smoothie is not great for our body and digestion. However, many people will not drink a smoothie unless it’s ice cold.

Also, feel free to experiment and mix and match the ingredients! Have fun!


How to Make Smoothies That Are More Filling

Although many adults (and sadly, many children as well) are drinking green smoothies to help them lose weight, my son is very tall and thin, so I try various ways to add more calories to his meals.

I often add nuts, seeds and/or quick oats to smoothies to make them more filling.  My son is at the age when he is growing very quickly and burning lots of calories, so I want him to have adequate amount of nutrition during the day.

One of the recent favorites in my home is this Banana-almond nut smoothie – check it out!


Really, any smoothie recipe can be adjusted to be more filling and have more “staying power” by adding one of the following ingredients:

  1. Substitute part of water with non-dairy milk or yogurt: oat, rice, soy, almond, hemp, coconut water, or raw nut or seed milk. Experiment with various kinds of milk. Skip cow’s milk, and try one of the various non-dairy milks available today: almond milk, organic soy milk, hemp milk, rice milk, coconut milk, or other.
  2. Add avocado. In addition to healthy fats, it adds wonderful creaminess to smoothies.
  3. Add 1/4 cup nuts or seeds, such as walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, or ground flax seeds. Pre-soaking your seeds and nuts is recommended, but not required.
  4. Add 2-3 tablespoons of seed or nut butter. Almond, peanut, cashew butter, tahini, etc. Avocado, whole nuts and nut butters and milks will add some healthy fats to your smoothies. These fats to improve absorption of nutrients, as well as will slow down the release of the fruit sugar into your bloodstream.  Don’t overdo it, use these ingredients sparingly.
  5. Add 1/4 cup up to 1 cup of whole grains: oats, cooked brown rice, quinoa or other whole grains. Oats don’t need to be cooked (I use the one-minute quick oats). Other grains will need to be prepared in advance.  If you have leftover grains, even better!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!