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Your subtitle goes right here.Two Recipes for Cauliflower Smoothies That Will WOW Your Taste Buds!
Would you put THIS in your smoothie? Some unexpected ingredients to try… I’ve been experimenting with all kinds of new ingredients in my smoothies, and two came to my attention in particular: cauliflower and zucchini. Why these two? They are healthy, cheap and...
Apple Cauliflower Sensation: Raw Soups for Weight Loss
When people think about a cauliflower, they don’t usually crave eating it raw. Let’s face it, most people’s mouths don’t water at the sight of this cruciferous veggie, the way they do when you see a piece of chocolate or a cup of strawberries. 😉 And when they hear...
10+ Smoothie & Blended Soup Recipes For Weight Loss: Is Weight Loss Possible with Green Smoothies?
Many people ask me about whether they will lose weight by drinking green smoothies.
The definite answer to this question is “Maybe.”
It really depends on your specific circumstances: how much smoothies are you drinking, what are you eating in addition to smoothies, what is your physical activity level, how often do you exercise, how committed you are to your diet and exercise, etc.
Generally speaking, green smoothies should help most people lose weight because they help you super-charge your body with nutrient-rich foods, foods that are nutrient-dense, and yet low-in-calories. They will also help break your food addictions, and, according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, most people in America are serious food addicts.
Get the Green Reset Book Bundle for FREE! (Here is how…)
You can now get all the Green Reset Formula Books for FREE! Here is how: Get my Body Reset and Green Reset Course Bundle and receive all the books in the Green Reset Series for FREE, which also includes all the future books that will come out in the series (at least 2...
10 Indispensable Small Kitchen Appliances for Plant-Based Cooking
1. Hand Blender A hand blender is a FANTASTIC small kitchen appliance that is super versatile. This tiny blender even makes smoothies, which means you don't need to use your big, table-top blender every time you want to make a smoothie (an important feature in a small...
How to Lose Weight Post-Pandemic, When Nothing Seems to Work—so you can go back to the old self, live your life to the fullest, fit in your old (or new), and feel normal again (or better!)?
I can't stop daydreaming about finally traveling to some exotic destination (I think I've watched all the episodes of Caribbean Living and the Mediterranean Living TRICE by now), taking a walk on a tropical beach (or even sun-bathing on a bench in a park near to the...