As I prepared my smoothie this morning, my plan was to stick to the cabbage-apple-oats smoothie recipe that I made yesterday.
However, as I was making it, I had a change of heart. As I was drinking my smoothie, I got this – radical – idea to add some…. chocolate to my cabbage smoothie.
It turned out quite delicious, so I tried a few different combinations and I have to say, it’s hard to not like this chocolate smoothie. You can have it for breakfast, as a snack, or for dessert.
You can also give it to your kids – and they will never know they are drinking their cabbage.
Yummy Chocolate Smoothie Recipe
- 1-2 cups cabbage
- 1 very ripe banana, fresh or frozen
- 1/4 cup almonds, raw
- 1/2 cup oats
- 5 dates, pitted
- 1 1/2 tablespoon cacao
- 2 cups water or non-dairy milk
- Substitute some of the liquid with ice cubes
- 1/2 tsp stevia
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- dash of cinnamon
- Blend all ingredients until smooth. Serves 1-2
As I said, I had no intention of making a chocolate smoothie.
So, I started out with some of the usual ingredients for a breakfast smoothie, including these:

Some of The Ingredients for Chocolate Smoothie
The smoothie turned out quite tasty, and it looked really pretty in the glass with cinnamon sprinkled on top, but it still seemed to be missing something “je-ne-sais-quoi.”

My Breakfast Smoothie: still missing one critical ingredient….
And then, as I was taking photos of it (that’s my new addiction- I take pictures of my smoothies, like new mamas take pictures of their newborn babies)– it hit me.
This may seem like a radical idea for a breakfast smoothie with cabbage and oatmeal, but why not?
I mean just putting cabbage and oatmeal together is radical. How much worse can it be?
So here it is, in it’s full, delicious glory.
Chocolate Oat-Cabbage Smoothie.

Chocolate Smoothie: It really turned out to be quite delicious!
You may have noticed by now that I only recommend non-dairy milks in my green smoothies. Find out more about that here:
For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.
I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!
If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

The Making of Chocolate Smoothie: Inside of my Vitamix
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!
I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!