Omega 3 Benefits & Best Sources (It’s NOT What You May Think)

Many people believe that fish play an essential role of the human diet. Because of the minerals, proteins, polyunsaturated fats and vitamins that their flesh contains, as well as their content of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, fish are touted to be vital for a person’s growth and healthy living.

But have you ever wondered where does the omega 3 and the other nutrients in the fish come from?

Contrary to what most people believe, fishes do NOT produce these nutrients – they get it from… the ocean plants.

That’s right. One of the primary reasons for the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in fish is because they eat microalgae.

So, why not simply go to the source and eat the plants, just like the fish do.  It’s a much healthier, more eco-friendly and much more compassionate alternative. By eating omega-3 rich foods and taking algal oil, you get the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA directly from the source, without the heavy metals and other environmental toxins present in fish.

What Are The Major Vegan Omega-3 Sources Out There?

First, it’s very important to mention that more importantly than the absolute amount of omega-3 in the diet, it is the ratio of Omega 3 to 6 that really matters. You want to keep the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio at 1:4 or even below. Most people today have a ratio of 1:50 and above, which is very dangerous.

The biggest vegan source for Omega 3 are flax seeds. In fact, they contain so much omega 3 that all you need a small handful of them each day, provided with a good overall diet that doesn’t over-exceed the usage of Oemga-6 oils.

Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids are avocados and chia seeds.

Fish used to be the main source of omega-3 for many cultures around the world. The truth is that fish also contains a lot of heavy metals (most notoriously – mercury) and toxins, which are disastrous for our health.

Any Benefits of Omega 3?

Omega 3 fatty acids are good for the heart. They have been found to aid in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Results of studies suggest that these fatty acids can help protect people against stroke due to plaque build-up and blood clots in the arteries leading to brain. People with heart disease are less likely to have heart attacks if they have sufficient amount of Omega 3 reserves in their blood vessels.

Omega 3 benefits have also been discovered not only for those who have health problems but also for pregnant women and unborn children. Pregnant women getting Omega 3 in their diet can have lower chance of experiencing preeclampsia, preterm labor and reduce risk of developing breast cancer. Effects of Omega 3 to the unborn child include good development of brain and nervous system, better eyesight and better sleeping pattern after birth. Researchers have shown that 70 percent of a new born baby is composed of Omega 3 fatty acids particularly, DHA and EPA. Thus, including these fatty acids in the mother’s diet is beneficial to aid in healthy child development.

Omega 3 is an essential component of children’s brain as well. Deficiency of this nutrient may lead to mental certain disorders like schizophrenia. People characterized with such disorder have difficulty in distinguishing the real and unreal experiences. Moreover, Omega 3 can help children to cope with learning demands. It is beneficial for children who could not focus in a certain object or situation. It is also found to help prevent bipolar disorders and even depression. The mechanism for the Omega 3 benefits to mental health is due to its effect in helping maintain the level of dopamine and serotonin that believed to be associated with the occurrence of these brain disorders.

It has been presented here that Omega 3 fatty acid is recommended not only to those who have serious health issues, but any person of any age or any gender, from pregnant women to the unborn, and from children to adult will all benefit from these fatty acids, and in fact MUST include them in our diet, as they are necessary for a proper functioning of our body.


Did You Know?

Another important nutrient for the brain and nerve cells is vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is produced by bacteria, and is not readily available on a plant based diet. Since plant-based, rich sources of vitamin B-12 are not readily available, supplementing your diet with this nutrient is recommended.

The Super- C Tropical Green Smoothie

(Guest Post) This smoothie is an incredible morning pick me up or great to enjoy any time of day. Its contains a power packed mix of both greens and vitamin C rich fruits to make a sweet yet potent delight that will make you smile. Spinach leaves are used as the primary leafy green, but the addition of parsley provides extra vitamin C as well as an energy boost that can help to act as a mild appetite suppressant for those trying to lose a few pounds.

On the fruit side of things this recipe calls for ripe mango, orange and pineapple in this smoothie creating a great mix of sweetness to balance the taste of the earthy greens. The high vitamin C content of this smoothie has great immune boosting benefits- as I write this I have made it through this year’s cold and flu season without a touch of illness while many of my family and friends have been down for weeks. I owe a sizable degree of my wellness to drinking two of these smoothies per day for the last 3 months! Here is the recipe; this makes about 32 oz, or roughly two servings.

The Super- C Tropical Pineapple Smoothie

  • 2 6 inch pineapple spears
  • cup chopped mango
  • 1 ripe navel orange
  • 2 cups spinach leaves
  • 4 sprigs of parsley
  • cup of ice
  • cup of water

Blend greens, ice and water first until smooth and liquid, and then add pineapple, orange and mango.

I typically drink half of this blender full of goodness first thing, and save the rest in a 20 oz. plastic shaker bottle in the refrigerator. I will shake up and finish the rest around lunch time. If you have a sweet tooth and are looking for an energizing smoothie to jump-start your day, I highly recommend the Super C tropical smoothie- plenty of taste as well as a great blend of nutrients to get you on your way, enjoy!

Pineapple-Mango-Spinach Smoothie

Starting My Juicing Life Style Today

(Guest Post) Most people know the importance of nutrition, but we fail to make a life style change.

Yeah, I know it’s hard especially when we live in a society that wants everything right away and fast food joints are everywhere you look. If you are like me you have tried a number of things to eat health and loose weight.

Three things come to my mind right now like HCG drops, the lemon aid diet and the grapefruit diet. What in the world was I thinking? These schemes and products where just temporary fixes and now that I’m sitting at 258lbs I have decided I better make some life style changes soon.

These changes are not because I need to make them before it’s too late it’s never too late in my book. I just need to live a healthier life style. I can no longer take the path of least resistances. You see it’s going to take tremendous effort on your part to start and maintain a healthy life style.

Nurses are now using practices most commonly associated with nutritionists and wellness doctors, as different diets and workout regimens are helping nursing professionals reach every patient.  Online nursing schools as well as brick and mortars have begun really stressing the ease and efficiency of proper nutrition and exercise.

How do I know? Because I have be on start stop for a long time. I start a doing good for a while than I stop. I loose the weight then I gain it all back plus some. I started to ask myself am I insane? Is there some type of drug in those Pop Tarts I creep down stairs and eat often along with a glass of my son’s chocolate milk.

Things Must Change Permanently

Here’s my plan. I started implementing juicing daily on March 19th, 2013. My goal is to substitute juicing for one meal and do light exercise. I’m documenting all of this on my website like my favorite juice recipe here:

Pineapple Green Juice

1/4 large pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into cubes

6 kale leaves 2 cups spinach 1/2 cucumber

4 celery stalks1 (1-inch) piece of ginger

*Adapted from Reboot Your Life.


I also add a little shredded red cabbage also.

I hoping to get support from the web community so please visit my site and and leave a comment with you experience with juicing good or bad. I believe we can help each other life a healthier life style.

Donnell Lowery