
10+ Smoothie & Blended Soup Recipes For Weight Loss: Is Weight Loss Possible with Green Smoothies?

10+ Smoothie & Blended Soup Recipes For Weight Loss: Is Weight Loss Possible with Green Smoothies?

Many people ask me about whether they will lose weight by drinking green smoothies.

The definite answer to this question is “Maybe.”

It really depends on your specific circumstances: how much smoothies are you drinking, what are you eating in addition to smoothies, what is your physical activity level, how often do you exercise, how committed you are to your diet and exercise, etc.

Generally speaking, green smoothies should help most people lose weight because they help you super-charge your body with nutrient-rich foods, foods that are nutrient-dense, and yet low-in-calories. They will also help break your food addictions, and, according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, most people in America are serious food addicts.

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The Amazing Parsley: Health Benefits and 3 Green Smoothie Recipes with Parsley

The Amazing Parsley: Health Benefits and 3 Green Smoothie Recipes with Parsley

If you are like most people, you may be thinking of parsley just as garnish.

You know, that green stuff that is used to decorate food platters that everyone carefully separates from the real food and tosses to the side.

It’s a shame, because parsley has amazing health benefits, adding a powerful dose of vitamins and minerals to a green smoothie.

What’s so special about parsley? Parsley is finally being recognized as a powerhouse of nutrition and flavor. Recently it has been recognized as a superb addition to any green smoothie.

green smoothie with parsley