Finally, REVEALED: The VERY BEST Blender for Smoothies: The SECRET to Finding the Best Smoothie Maker for YOU!
So, tell me, which do YOU think is better:
–> A PORTABLE PERSONAL blender that fits in your luggage so you can take it with you whenever you’re on the go.
–> A COMPACT HANDHELD IMMERSION blender that you can take apart and stash in your kitchen drawer and have it at the ready whenever you need it.
–> A no-nonsense, counter-top appliance, that’s DEPENDABLE and DOESN’T BREAK THE BANK.
–> A HIGH-SPEED, SMOOTHIE-MAKING MONSTER MACHINE, that’s unabashedly taking the most prominent space on your kitchen counter, and cost more than all the other small appliances in your kitchen.
There are so many brands, features, colors and styles–SO WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE???
Well, the short answer is–it depends ;-). –>Click here to keep reading…
Green Blended Soups ROCK!
When fruits and veggies are plentiful, EAT THEM UP!
And when blending, remember that GREEN SMOOTHIES are not the only game in town :-). (Hint, hint: RAW SOUPS are FANTASTIC for those who crave something more savory.) Here is one recipe for you…
Finally! Healthy Nutrition Made Easy: Learn How to Prepare Delicious Green Smoothies That Your Family Will Love!
You can call them blended drinks, green shakes, green smoothies, green fruit smoothies, drinkable salads or salads straight from your blender. It doesn’t really matter what you call them! The fact is that if you are having problems with eating a healthy diet, and especially if you have picky-eaters in your house who will not touch a green vegetable with a stick – this is a perfect solution to your problem.
The Green Smoothie is essentially a blended salad made with fruits and leafy greens, with some optional water, blended at high speeds to smooth consistency. Generally, hard or savory vegetables such as carrots or tomatoes are avoided. Only fruits and leafy greens are included. Keep reading…
I’ve Fallen off the Wagon (Again!) – Time for the Green Reset CHALLENGE & REVOLUTION with Green Smoothies and Juices
I’ve fallen off the Wagon (Again!) –Time For Green Reset Challenge with Green Smoothies and Juices! It’s that time of the year again! When it’s so easy to fall of the wagon… What wagon? (NOT the vegan wagon, for sure!) The healthy-eating wagon, the hot-body and...
Awesome Green Smoothie with Grape Juice Recipe (from Self-Grown Grapes!)
Today I’m giving you my recipe for deliciously sweet green smoothie with home-made grape juice and kale. The grapes that I used for the juice were very tiny red fruits, with seeds (lots of them!), and very sweet — and they came from my parent’s garden (more about this later), so technically they were self-grown (if not by me personally, but by my mom).
You’ll find the recipe below, but first let me ask you – how would you like to grow your own grapes – to make juices, smoothies or perhaps even your own wine? Doesn’t it sound like fun? If it does, why don’t you?
Green Smoothie with Grape Juice Recipe
3 cups grapes
3 kale leaves, without stem
1 large cucumber, peeled if not organic, cut into pieces
1 banana (optional)
1 pear
1 cup water
Remove stems and blend grapes with water on high settings in your blender. Pour the mixture through the strainer to remove the seeds. Rinse the blender container.
Blend all ingredients with the juice on high until very smooth, pour into glasses and enjoy!
How to Get a Bikini Body Super Fast…WITHOUT dieting, exercising or going on detox cleanse?
to get women into tip-top bikini body shape.
So, what’s the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to get a bikini body WITHOUT dieting, working out or going on a juice cleanse?
Just put a BIKINI on your BODY, and you’re done!
Okay, so maybe you’ve heard this one before, but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I first read this, so I hope this brings a smile to your face too 🙂
With that clear and out of the way, let’s talk about how you can get that healthy, glowing look – whatever you choose to wear and do this summer — as well as, yes, perhaps even lose a few pounds here and there… if you want to!
3 Peachy Smoothie Recipes, Plus Smoothies as the New Fast Food!
Peaches make a great base for a smoothie because of their texture. They can also be used to add a nice flavor to most fruit smoothie recipes. I love fresh, ripe peaches straight from the tree, but unfortunately these are only available for a short time in the peachy season. In other times of the year, I like to buy frozen peaches and add them to my smoothies.
Have You Have Your GREENS and VEGGIES Today?
Everybody is concerned about protein, fats, carbohydrates.
Especially, if they find out that I’m eating a 100% plant-based, vegan diet. They seem to be concerned (for me) about calcium, vitamin D, omega 3s, and Vitamin B12.
What I want to ask is: Where do YOU get your GREENS???
Dark, leafy bitter greens are the missing element in the Standard World Diet today. Everyone spends so much time talking about meat, fish, dairy, vegan food and raw food, and no one is talking about greens!
Leafy greens are one of the most nutrient dense foods. They seem to have it all: proteins, fats, carbs; antioxidants, vitamins, minerals.
The most important question to ask anyone who is not experiencing the level of health they desire is, ‘Are you eating greens?’ Chances are the answer will be ‘NO.’
The Greenest Smoothie Ever?
I think I may have bought the bunch of the greenest bananas that were ever sold on the East Side of the continental US (specifically, in New Jersey). I wrote a couple of days ago about the Peach Avocado Smoothie that I made and how I laugh at those who say they don’t buy green bananas (or, even worse, sing it).
But here I am. Two days later, and still no ripe bananas. 🙁
So I ended up making a smoothie with some peaches, papaya, avocado, cucumber, plus collard greens and dandelion greens (shown in the photo), and the smoothie turned out quite green, even for my taste. I mean it was okay, but nothing to rave about.
So, does that happen to you and what do you do in such situations (other than closing your eyes and gulping it down as quickly as possible)?
I wrote before about various ways to fix a smoothie that doesn’t taste so great, but what’s your go-to method?
Do You Buy Green Bananas? Peach Avocado Celery Smoothie (with Dates and Strawberries)
Have you ever heard someone say “I don’t buy green bananas”? Apparently there is even a song that refers to that. I suppose it’s a reflection on getting older, when there is no guarantee that we’d still be alive tomorrow, so we don’t make plans that far ahead.
I don’t really subscribe to that dim view of the future, and I usually buy bananas in all stages of ripeness, including green, since I only go shopping once or twice per week. Today, however, I found myself with no ripe bananas in my kitchen. All I had were really, really green bananas, which left me with a dilemma: to blend or not to blend.
You see, lately my morning smoothie routine depends heavily on ripe bananas. I have to admit that I use them all the time. Especially now, in the cold winter time, I depend on them on filling me up with their sweetness and calories.
I decided to treat it as a challenge to come up with a smoothie that’s filling and delicious, and yet banana-less, using the ingredients I had in my fridge and pantry. Here is the result and the recipe, if you decide you want to try it too :-).