Do You Buy Green Bananas? Peach Avocado Celery Smoothie (with Dates and Strawberries)


Have you ever heard someone say โ€œI donโ€™t buy green bananasโ€? Apparently there is even a song that refers to that. I suppose it’s a reflection on getting older, when there is no guarantee that we’d still be alive tomorrow, so we don’t make plans that far ahead.

I don’t really subscribe to that dim view of the future, and I usually buy bananas in all stages of ripeness, including green, since I only go shopping once or twice per week. Today, however, I found myself with no ripe bananas in my kitchen. All I had were really, really green bananas, which left me with a dilemma: to blend or not to blend.

You see, lately my morning smoothie routine depends heavily on ripe bananas. I have to admit that I use them all the time. Especially now, in the cold winter time, I depend on them on filling me up with their sweetness and calories.

I decided to treat it as a challenge to come up with a smoothie that’s filling and delicious, and yet banana-less, using the ingredients I had in my fridge and pantry. Here is the result and the recipe, if you decide you want to try it too :-).

Smoothie Recipes for Kids & Adults: Get Your Family Drinking Their Greens, Fruits & Veggies with Green Reset Formula!

Check out my ebook on Kidle: Super Easy Smoothie Recipes for Kids: This book is meant as an introduction to green smoothies, but even if you have been drinking smoothies for a while, you may find some useful tips and tricks that will encourage your kids and other family members enjoy green smoothies with you. It’s packed with tips and tricks to get your kids (and adults too!) started with this healthy habit.

In my opinion, green smoothies are the most natural, 100% safe, and absolutely most effective way to help your kids eliminate bad cravings, reprogram their taste buds, and help them truly enjoy healthy foods now and later on as adults.

The foods we eat have an enormous impact on our mood, strength, energy level, weight, focus, immunity, and overall well-being. And whole foods – like smoothie ingredients – are some of the healthiest foods you can find.

Smoothie Recipe Book for Kids

Tahini Berry Green Smoothie Recipe: Helps Fight Flu, Viruses & Colds, Boosts Fertility

So, this was one of those mornings where I was filling the blender up with the ingredients, and the jar of tahini caught my eye and I ended up with a really delicious concoction.

It so happens that sesame seeds – the main ingredient in tahini; contain important B Vitamins…B1, B2, B3, B5, as well as a great supply of calcium. They also have beneficial trace elements like copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and manganese, as well as both omega 3 & 6 that improve the health of the brain. And let’s not forget zinc, a powerful immune strengthening nutrient that can be added to smoothies to fight colds and flus.

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an important role in immune function. It is a nutrient that many people are bordeline deficient in. Zinc deficiency increases susceptibility to infection.

So check out this tahini smoothie recipe. It’s just what the doctor ordered for the winter season!


Blendtec OR Vitamix OR…??? Which is the Best Blender For Smoothies

Many people ask me should they go with Blendtec or Vitamix when choosing an blender.

The two blenders are in tight competition for the green smoothie makers market :-). Although many people may choose a more affordable option (such as Omni , Ninja, or other) I found that a cheaper blender just wasn’t doing the job when it came to blending tough greens and veggies (and nuts, and seeds…).


Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie (with Oatmeal, Greens & a Cup of Compassion!)

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie (with Oatmeal, Greens & a Cup of Compassion!)

Since I started experimenting with nut butters in smoothies, I find myself craving them more and more as the weather gets colder. After this banana-almond butter smoothie, I’m trying all kinds of nut and seed butters, including sunflower, cashews, tahini, and – of course – peanut butter.

This may sound counter-intuitive, but adding peanut butter to a smoothie (and other nut butters) may actually help you lose weight. Even though they contain up to 200 calories per serving, all the fiber (2 g per serving) and protein (8 g per serving) will fill you up and keep you feeling full longer, so you eat less overall. Plus, there’s nothing more decadent than licking peanut butter off a spoon–and indulgence helps us fight cravings and stay on track.

For a super simple chocolate variation, use chocolate soy-milk, or try this simplified version of the chocolate peanut butter smoothie.


5 Easy Green Smoothie Recipes for Beginners

When I first heard of green smoothies, I was already sold on the need to eat lots of raw, green foods. That’s why raw green smoothies made perfect sense to me from the get-go.

More than that, they provided an easy solution to my pressing problem, namely: how to consume lots of leafy greens without spending whole day chopping and chewing veggies.

However, I know there are people who heard a mention of a green smoothie and wanted to gag. For some people green smoothies is something they have to ease into …

If you are in this category, keep reading. I’m going to provide you with a few simple recipes to make that “easing into” really EASY.

spinach avocado smoothie