
I’ve fallen off the Wagon (Again!) –
Time For Green Reset Challenge with Green Smoothies and Juices!

It’s that time of the year again!

When it’s so easy to fall of the wagon…

What wagon?

(NOT the vegan wagon, for sure!)

The healthy-eating wagon, the hot-body and optimal-weight wagon, the exercise-and-fitness wagon, the green smoothie and juicing wagon – [choose all that apply and insert your wagon here…]

With holidays and MAJOR FEASTING TIME Just over, but with months of cold, winter days still ahead – meaning staying mostly inside, and facing cravings, sunshine deficiency resulting in low energy and mild depression & desperation 😉 – it’s time to activate the KICKASS NINJA TACTICS, and get you into THE ZONE again – winter and cold BE DAMNED!

–>>> keep reading or go straight to sign up for the SPECIAL DEAL–Body Reset with GREEN RESET FORMULA & REVOLUTION offer HERE with BODY RESET<<<–

But first, time for some raw honesty and facing the truth:

So how did it all happen?

How come I allowed it to happen, or maybe even wanted it on some level – am I not supposed to be this green smoothie and juicing QUEEN who has it all figured out and never gives in to temptations – because she doesn’t even HAVE those temptations in the first place, and even if they appear – from some deep, dark place – they are quickly combated with a ninja tactics of juicing and blending???

Turns out even the queens have their weaker days – or months even!

So, I have to honestly admit to myself that after moving to a new apartment six months ago across the globe from the previous one – which also means that I’m on a new continent and in a new country right now (having relocated from New Jersey to Warsaw, Poland) – my daily routine has suffered.

I’ve been juicing and making smoothies almost daily for several years now – but recently not in big enough quantities to satisfy my appetite and resist temptations of nearby bakeries and shops – including the absolutely, positively EVIL place that bakes and sells insanely tasty FRENCH BAGUETTES and other breads, that’s located just steps from where I live now. (It’s called Sam and if you ever visit Warsaw, definitely check them out).

They also have kale (occasionally), but kale has NOT been the reason why I’ve been visiting that place almost daily since I moved here; always coming back home with a bunch of baguettes, and other goodies, such as hummus (which I recently started to make at home – it’s super easy and delicious! Especially with the said baguettes)….

So, I’ve been using all kinds of excuses to not be making as many smoothies and juices – such as: I don’t feel like carrying all those groceries (you do need to STOCK UP on fruits and veggies BIG TIME if you want to make this work, especially for three people, so now that I do my shopping in small local stores and carrying the groceries in bags instead of driving to big supermarkets – I’ve gotten lazy).

Another excuse is that I don’t want to wake anybody up in the morning making the noise – when I get up super early.

Finally, my blender is acting strangely (I’m still using my Vitamix that I brought from the US, and I had to plug it in through a power transformer that’s taking A LOT of the tiny amount of the counter space that I have in my new kitchen).  So, let’s just have some soup with a side of bread with hummus instead, right??!

This has been going on for a while now, without any serious consequences.

But now that the weather is really cold, and I’m not walking around the city as much – and getting to the gym NOT NEARLY ENOUGH for the amount of empty calories that I’m consuming – I’ve had a sobering realization that I PUT ON WEIGHT.

Quite a bit of weight, actually – almost 12 pounds or over five kilos – which more than I usually put on during the winter season.

And telling myself that it’s all muscle weight from going to the gym and working out with weights – is only a small part of the picture. My muscles do look more defined, but it’s enough to look at myself in the mirror and see my face – which has gotten kind of rounder and puffier… ugh!

Truth is I always crave more food and put on some weight during winter time – that’s why it’s important TO STICK TO FOODS THAT CAN BE EATEN WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS and work at the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM of cravings – which is FILLING THE BODY WITH NUTRIENTS that the body needs – which is the best solution to STOP cravings and REDUCE hunger pains – and I F*CKING KNOW IT.

I’ve known it for YEARS.

It works.

It’s easy.

It simply comes down to a FEW SIMPLE HABITS.

A FEW EASY RITUALS – that after a while become part of your second nature.

DAILY ROUTINES that don’t take a lot of time, so for example – when I get up – instead of a bowl of cereal or generous slice of French baguette with hummus (not a bad choice, if done in moderation) – a large green smoothie or freshly made vegetable juice.

Then, REPEAT AGAIN during the day a few times.

Replacing and crowding out foods that are too high or calories, or generally not so good for you – with mostly raw plant foods (leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, some nuts and seeds).

Not depriving yourself of other foods (all vegan, of course), but when you fill up on smoothies and juices – you’ll notice you don’t feel as hungry for other stuff anyway – so the problem solves itself.



And YOU.

(Because I know that many of you have also fallen off the wagon –the holidays, the stress, the cold–if you’re in the Northern hemisphere, or whatever else is going on in your life right now that will do it to you.)


I’m taking the Green Reset Smoothie & Juicing Challenge — and this time, taking it to a whole new level! 

The Green Reset REVOLUTION is Coming! 

I’m SUPER EXCITED to announce the pre-launch of my new program – the Green Reset REVOLUTION: Reset your BODY, Your HEALTH and Your LIFE – beginning with plant foods, but going far and beyond a simple body detox and cleanse.

It’s literally going to take your health, your energy, and your life to a whole new level!

It’s not about just green smoothies and juices any more (although they still are a big part of the program, as they are super fun and delicious, and will help you reset your health and energy in no time, and maybe you’ll even lose some weight in the process as well – and who wouldn’t like that?!).

It’s not just about plant-based eating, recipes and tips for cleansing, detoxing, restoring your health, and losing weight.

It’s about Resetting Your Entire Life: Rediscovering your True Purpose, Igniting you with More Energy, and Passion than ever before!

It will include the Green Reset Formula (of course!) but it will go far above and beyond the green smoothies, juices, and plant foods – it literally has the potential TO TRANSFORM YOUR ENTIRE LIFE – if you trust the process and allow it to happen.

I’ll be providing more details soon, including the price — but right now I’m offering a special Early Bird Offer – if you sign up for the Green Reset Formula by January 15th, you’ll get it for FREE!

This is a great deal – because the price for the Green Reset Formula is currently reduced to just $27 per year, and this program will be surely be significantly higher, probably $97 or even more.

You can read about the Green Reset Formula here, or go straight to sign up page here –>>> Yes! Join the Green Reset Revolution NOW!

and when you do, you’ll be starting the Green Reset immediately, and  will be receiving the full Green Reset REVOLUTION: Reset your BODY, your HEALTH & your LIFE program when it launches.

–>>> Learn more about the Green Reset Formula here, or go straight to payment page here Yes! Join the Green Reset Revolution NOW! <<<–

JOIN now

See you inside!


PS. Remember, if you sign up for the Green Reset Formula by January 15th, you’ll get the entire Green Reset Revolution membership included with that!

You can read about the Green Reset Formula here, or go straight to sign up page here –>>> Yes! Join the Green Reset Revolution NOW!