The Dark Side of Grains and the Benefits of Gluten-Free Eating

Grain based products are everywhere today: pastas, doughnuts, breads, cookies, crackers, cereals, cakes, pastries -there is no escaping or hiding from them.

Most of us grew up learning that grains were one of the four major food groups essential to a balanced diet, at least as important (if not more) than fruits and vegetables. We have been encouraged to eat six to eleven (!) servings of grains per day.

Why Are Grains So Ubiquitous?

In case you are wondering, one of the reasons behind this heavy promotion is that grain-based foods are cheap to make and offer great profits to the manufacturers. The markups on grains are huge, for example, bread is made from about 5 cents of wheat, but we usually pay at least one dollar per loaf.

Grain based products also have long shelf lives, so they don’t spoil easily; plus they are so nutritionally sterile that even insects wouldn’t bother infesting them! If you don’t think that food producers have any say on what the US government recommends in the official dietary guidelines, think again. It’s common knowledge that big food manufacturers are influencing what’s on our plate – big time. They also have the money for lobbying to receive subsidies for the production of even more grains, as well as heavy advertising that includes appealing to both children and adults with cute cereal names and toys in boxes of cereals.

For many children cereal is now their main source of vitamins! For adults, highly processed cereals are promoted as “cholesterol lowering” foods, and whole grains are promoted as a way to prevent digestive diseases and cancer.

gluten-free diet

The Dark Side of Grains

Problems with gluten tolerance occur much more often than most people realize, however it’s often unrecognized or misdiagnosed, as it can manifest itself by a host of seemingly unrelated symptoms. Gluten intolerance is often associated with IBS, depression, difficulties with your weight, aches and pains in bones and joints, and chronic fatigue. If you suffer from some or all of these problems and you consume foods that contain gluten, perhaps you are gluten intolerant.

As if that was not enough, we get hooked on grains on much deeper level. Grains have drug-like substances that create true food addictions and irresistible cravings in some, if not many people.

Grain allergies and addictions (especially to wheat) are very common and they are unrecognized contributors to the growing epidemic of obesity. Like true addicts, many people are strongly attracted to foods they are allergic to get a “high” from drug-like compounds in them. When the feeling wears off, they crave another “fix”, so they have to eat more of these foods. Unrecognized grain allergies and addictions lead to too-strong-to-resist cravings and overeating, which ultimately lead to weight gain.

Although the U.S. government promotes a high intake of grains, following this strategy actually sets up a lot of people for health problems.

To stay healthy and maintain ideal weight effortlessly, all of us should eat far fewer grain products.

Some of us should eat no grains (not even whole grains) at all.

If these statements come as a shock to you, challenging your beliefs about healthy nutrition, you are not alone.

The truth is grains have a dark side that few people seem to know about. Eating lots of them can potentially lead to virtually every problem in the medical book, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, infertility, osteoporosis, and other.

We live in a society where wheat is eaten daily at almost every meal. Pasta, bread, and cereals are promoted as healthy food. They are centerpieces of many people’s diet.

However by loading up on these foods, you may be setting up for degenerative diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, not to mention weight gain.

Even the whole grains, which are often recommended by nutritionists in place of refined grains, although they do contain more nutrients than their refined counterparts, they also have many anti-nutrients that interfere with good health. By interfering with absorption of many important nutrients they lead to nutrient deficiencies and may set the stage for osteoporosis and autoimmune disorders, not to mention anemia.

Gluten Free Diet: What we should be eating for health & perfect weight

For people suffering from wheat intolerance, the gluten-free diet is no picnic. The focus of a gluten-free cooking is often on replacing gluten flour in baked goods recipes with acceptable starches made from rice, arrowroot, potato, other legumes like chickpeas and wheat starch (all the protein has been carefully removed).

And it isn’t just difficult and inconvenient; but also expensive. For most people it means studying the labels for gluten that often shows up unexpectedly on the list of ingredients.

Fortunately, there is a better way.

The easiest – and best – way to get rid of gluten from your diet is to eat only unprocessed foods. All unprocessed food (obviously, with the exception for the grains which contain gluten) is gluten-free.

In many respects it is easier and nutritionally wiser to forgo the baked goods altogether and eat other foods. The task of changing your diet is very much like moving to another country and culture. You may try to bring all your old habits with you, and struggle to get all of the ingredients that you are used to to create the meals you are used to, or you can gracefully, and with a sense of adventure try the new cuisine.

Certainly, baked foods are delicious and tempting, but so are creatively prepared rice, vegetable, fruit, fish, legume, and meat dishes. Even with multiple exclusions, an appealing, varied diet is within reach if you are willing to change your eating style. The main thing is to be inspired to create and enjoy a new cuisine that will diminish your disturbances, sustain your interest in food, and provide balanced nutrition.

Here is the summary of recommendations for a healthy diet:

•At least 60-80 % of the calories consumed should come from fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens (essential!), as well as nuts and seeds. The important thing the bulk of your fruits, veggies, and greens should be eaten RAW. Raw foods have a wonderful effect on the body – giving you more energy and supplying essential nutrients in the completely unchanged, unprocessed form – just as nature intended them for us!

Since you already know how to make green smoothies, this is an easy part! In the morning, prepare a quart or more of green smoothie and drink it during the course of your day. Eating salads and green juices made with a juice extractor is also a great idea.

•The rest of what you eat during the day should be steamed or slightly cooked vegetables, legumes, and some gluten-free whole grains. Soup, stews, salads and various side dish recipes can be found that are completely gluten free. The following grains and grain-substitutes can be used: rice, quinoa, buckwheat (more closely related to spinach than wheat), corn, amaranth, soy, millet (a good substitute for couscous), potato and tapioca as well as flour made from them.

•Although unprocessed meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk,are all gluten free, for optimum health it’s recommended to limit consumption of animal products to once or twice per week, or eliminate completely.

•Eliminate all processed foods from your diet – this will save you time studying the labels in the supermarket. If you decide to occasionally have them – read the label carefully. Many foods that may on the first glance seem like gluten free, may still have some quantities of wheat added.

Tolerable foods to eat:
Wild rice
Wheat grass
Barley grass
Vinegars: apple cider, balsamic, rice
Bean flours

Not OK/Intolerable foods and drinks

Toxic Chemicals and Disease: Are Our Children Canaries in a Coal Mine?

“Canary in a coal mine” is allusion to caged canaries mining workers would carry down into the tunnels with them. If toxic gases such as methane or carbon monoxide were present into the mine-shaft, the gases would kill the canary before affecting the miners. Signs of distress from the bird indicated to the miners that conditions were unsafe.

Hence, the phrase “canary in a coal mine” is frequently used to refer to a person or thing which serves as an early warning of a coming crisis.

Our environment contains a growing list of chemicals, many of which are known causes of human illnesses.

From the water we drink, to the air we breathe, to the food we eat, we are being exposed to hundreds to synthetic chemical compounds that are brand new to our planet that did not even exist 20 years ago.

Are our children like “canaries in a coal mine” in the increasingly toxic world we live in?

One thing that we can all do is to get educated and start taking action. Toxic Substances Control Act
Just like canaries, our children are significantly more vulnerable than adults, as these chemicals affect their developing bodies in more ways that are still difficult to fathom.

So, our children are growing up as a part of a giant experiment with potentially devastating consequences.

How will these chemicals affect their development, their health, their ability to achieve their full potential? Will our children end up paying the price for our negligence for the rest of their lives?

And is there anything that we do about it?

Step 1: Ignorance Is NOT Bliss

Step one is to get educated about the problem.

Ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to our health. Not knowing about a disturbing issue will NOT cause it to go away!

Did you know that of 60,000+ chemicals that were grandfathered by TSCA law only about 200 were ever tested for safety directly by the EPA? 

The Toxic Substances Control Act (ToSCA) of 1976 mandated the EPA to protect the public from “unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment” by regulating the manufacture and sale of chemicals. One might think that Environmental Protection Agency exists to protect the public from dangerous and potentially carcinogenic substances, but thousands of chemicals were never tested by the EPA because they were not considered an “unreasonable risk.”

So, contrary to what the name implies, TSCA does not separate chemicals into categories of toxic and non-toxic. Rather it prohibits the manufacture or importation of new chemicals that are not on the TSCA 60,000+ Inventory grandfathered when the law was passed!

As a parent I find it deeply disturbing, not to say scary.

Listen to the interview with a world-renowned pediatrician and environmental health expert Dr. Leo Trasande, who will explain how chemical exposures put our kids at risk, how much environmentally-mediated illness costs our nation, and what steps we can take to protect our children from harm.

Listen to the Green Street Radio or download the mp3 file here here.

Of course, there is huge money at stake for the manufacturers. The titans of the cosmetics industry are hard at work fighting common sense laws that would keep toxic chemicals out of everything from bubble bath, mattresses, clothing to lipstick.

But the costs to the society and the environment that we are all paying can no longer be ignored.

Step 2: Start Taking Action

Starting with the smallest action – “voting with your purse” and not buying the products that contain toxic ingredients. Many of the toxic cleaning products can be easily substituted with safer alternatives, for example, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice are great for household cleaning needs.

But ultimately we can’t shop our way out of this problem.

Help spread the message – tell others about what you learned.

Write to the companies that are using toxic products to let them know your concerns.

Write to your elected officials demanding their support for the bills that promote positive change.

Join or support an organization working to increase public awareness and change the laws.

Our children are completely dependent on us to take action and make the right decisions for them!

More Resources:

Tell Congress to Stop Industry’s Trojan Horse Bill  “The Cosmetic Safety Amendments Act of 2012” was recently introduced by Representative Leonard Lance (R-NJ). According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics organization “This is a classic Trojan horse – it may sound like a step forward on the surface but the “fine print” inside the bill would allow industry to continue placing profits over public health.  This bill would put into law the current system that allows the industry to “self-regulate” the safety of cosmetics which has resulted in carcinogens in baby shampoo, lead in lipstick, formaldehyde in hair products, hormone disruptors in fragrance and mercury in face creams. It would also handcuff states from taking action to pass locally tailored policies to protect the health of their own state residents. ”

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics – The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is a coalition effort launched in 2004 to protect the health of consumers and workers by securing the corporate, regulatory and legislative reforms necessary to eliminate dangerous chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.

EWG’s Skin Deep database: EWG’s Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals.

Toxic Chemicals in the Enviroment

Toxic Chemicals in the Enviroment : How do they affect our kids and what can we do about it?

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Glycemic Index Versus Glycemic Load: Can Green Smoothies Cause High Blood Sugar Levels?

One of the questions I most often get is “Are green smoothies good for diabetics?”

The main concern is, of course, the high fruit content of the smoothie – and the resulting sweetness of the drink causing blood sugar problems.

This is an important topic, so I’m going to address it in a series of posts, providing you with the information that I have on this topic, as well as giving you some low-fruit or no-fruit recipes. But first, I want to talk about two important concepts for people with blood sugar problems, the glycemic index of foods versus glycemic load.

There is a widespread misconception that all foods that have a high glycemic index should be eliminated from the diet because of their ability to cause a rapid spike in blood glucose levels. Common theory supposes that a low glycemic index makes a food good for you, and a high glycemic index makes a food unhealthy. Many over-zealous anti-carbers have turned fruit and starchy vegetables into demon foods to be avoided at all costs.

This causes many people to avoid eating fruits & many of the sweeter/starchier vegetables.

This is a mistake.

The glycemic index (GI) ranks foods based on how fast they break down during digestion and thus how quickly their sugars enter the blood. So, in other words, the glycemic index tells you how fast carbohydrates turn into blood sugar. What the GI does not tell you is how much of that carbohydrate is in a serving of any food. Having both pieces of information is critical to correctly assess a food’s effect on blood sugar levels.

That is where the concept of “Glycemic Load” (GL) comes in.

Glycemic Index Versus Glycemic Load

While the Glycemic Index is most commonly known as an indicator to how healthy or unhealthy a food is, it is actually the Glycemic Load that you should pay attention to, not just the GI.

The Glycemic Index measures the speed at which a certain food raises blood sugar in relation to a control food. Glycemic Index uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Pure glucose serves as a reference point, and is given a Glycemic Index (GI) of 100. GI’s of 55 or below are considered low, and 70 or above are considered high.  However, GI alone is NOT an accurate measure of how much of a certain food raises blood sugar.

The Glycemic Load, on the other hand, ranks foods based on portion size and grams of carbohydrates per portion. This gives a much more accurate view of how foods might affect blood sugar. To calculate the Glycemic Load of a food, take the number of grams of carbohydrates in a serving, multiply it by it’s Glycemic Index, then divide it by 100. GL’s of 10 or below are considered low, GL of 11 to 19 inclusive is medium, and 20 or above are considered high. Foods that have a low GL almost always have a low GI. Foods with an intermediate or high GL range from very low to very high GI.

The glycemic load is a relatively new way to assess the impact of carbohydrate consumption, giving a fuller picture than glycemic index alone. A GI value tells you only how rapidly a particular carbohydrate turns into sugar. It doesn’t tell you how much of that carbohydrate is in a serving of a particular food. You need to know both things to understand a food’s effect on blood sugar levels.

To give you an example, the carbohydrate in watermelon has a high glycemic index, but there isn’t a lot of it, so watermelon’s glycemic load is extremely low.

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Fruits

FRUITS Serving size (grams) Glycemic index (glucose = 100) Glycemic load per serving
Apple, average




Banana, ripe




Dates, dried








Grapes, average




Orange, average




Peach, average




Peach, canned in light syrup




Pear, average




Pear, canned in pear juice




Prunes, pitted













This table demonstrates that all fruit has a low glycemic load, except dried dates and raisins. It is best to eat fruit fresh, as drying and dehydrating concentrate fruit sugars to an unnatural level that the body is not designed to handle well. It is also important to eat fruit whole, not juiced, as the fiber in fruit slows sugar absorption to its natural speed.

When you eat fruit whole and raw, it is hard to get excess sugar from fruit. Fruit isn’t in the same category of foods as table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup or candy. Fruit contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that counter-balance the potential harmful effects of the sugars in fruit. The fiber in fruit slows down the release of sugars, reducing the speed at which fruit may raise your blood sugar.

Glycemic Load of Vegetables

All vegetables are super-low on the glycemic load scale. They are basically glycemic-free (and guilt-free) foods!

The numbers are the grams of available carbohydrate (that is, carbohydrate minus dietary fiber) in 100 grams of the portion of the food):
low glycemic index foods
Alfalfa seeds, sprouted 1.28
Arugula 2.05low glycemic index foods
Asparagus, cooked 2.63
Bamboo shoots, cooked 0.92
Beans, green, cooked 4.69
Beans, snap, green, cooked 4.68
Beet greens, cooked 2.56
Broccoli, cooked 2.16
Brussels sprouts, cooked 4.5
Cabbage, cooked 2.16
Cauliflower, cooked 1.41
Celeriac (celery root), cooked 4.7
Celery 1.95low glycemic index foods
Chard, swiss, cooked 2.04
Collards, cooked 2.1
Cucumber 1.8
Dandelion greens, cooked 3.5
Eggplant, cooked 4.14
Endive 0.25
Fennel, bulb 4.19
Green onions, young, tops only 3.94
Hearts of palm, canned 2.22
Jicama 3.92
Kale 3.63
Lettuce, butterhead 1.32
Lettuce, cos or romaine 0.67
Lettuce, iceberg 0.69
Mustard greens, cooked 0.1
Mushrooms 2.94-3.57 (except shitake)
Nopales, cooked 1.27
Okra, cooked 4.71
Olives, canned ripe 3.06
Parsley 3.03
Peppers, serano 3.00
Peppers, jalapeno 3.11
Peppers, sweet green 4.63
Peppers, sweet red 4.43
Purslane 3.43
Radicchio 3.58
Radishes 1.99
Rhubarb 2.74
Sauerkraut 1.78
Scallions (green onions) 4.74
Spinach, cooked 1.35
Squash, zucchini, cooked 2.53
Tomatillos 3.93
Tomatoes 3.54
Tomato juice 3.83
Turnips, cooked 2.9
Turnip greens, cooked 0.86
Watercress 0.79


Glycemic Load of Green Smoothies

The bottom line is that even if you include fruits in the smoothie, the overall Glycemic Load of the smoothie will still remain VERY LOW thanks to the low glycemic index of fruits and super-low (almost negligible) glycemic load of raw vegetables and greens.

For non-diabetic people, it is not needed to restrict consumption of fruit or green smoothies in order to prevent the disease, as there is no evidence that drinking green smoothies, or increasing fruit intake causes diabetes.

Limitations of the Glycemic Index and the Glycemic Load

Some proponents of the Glycemic Index (including many diet books authors) would like you to believe that GI and GL are all that matters when selecting which foods to eat. In reality, diet is a more complex issue than that.

Many other factors influence individual glycemic response, including preparation method, combination with other foods, as well as individual differences in glycemic response.

How the Glycemic Index can lead to overeating

Using the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load can be misleading and lead to overeating.

Apples have a GI of 38, and a medium-size apple, contains about 18 grams of net carbohydrates and provides a Glycemic Load of 5. This is a low GL, and most would consider the apple to be a very appropriate snack. But now look at peanuts. A 4-oz serving not only weighs less than the apple, but has a much lower GI (14), and provides an even lower GL of 2. Based on Glycemic Load alone, you would have to believe that the peanuts were a better dietary choice than the apple. But if you take a look at the total Calories contained in these two foods, you’ll see that the apple contains approximately 77 Calories, while the peanuts contain more than 500! Those 400+ extra Calories are NOT going to help you lose weight.

The Conclusion?

Eat your fruits and vegetables! All of them! Any kind you like! And do it without guilt.

Instead of worrying about glycemic index of foods, make sure you consume lots of unprocessed, preferably raw plant foods: leafy greens, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc., as well as raw fruits.

It would really be a major challenge to overeat vegetables and fruits. The average woman who needs at least 1500 calories per day would likely find it very difficult to eat 15 large potatoes or bananas. In general, vegetables and fruits fill you up long before you can eat enough to fill you out.

If you’re really worried about blood sugar levels or trying to lose weight, you may want to lay off the bananas, starchier tubers and root vegetables to speed up the process. But from a strict maintenance or health point of view, you should embrace all the vegetables and fruits you feel like eating.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) says, “Therefore, the use of added fructose as a sweetening agent is not recommended; however, there is no reason to recommend that people with diabetes avoid naturally occurring fructose in fruits, vegetables, and other foods.”

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

10+ Benefits of Chlorophyll: Your Amazing Secret Weapon For Long and Healthy Life!

Did you know the green you see in nature – called chlorophyll – is the most powerful healer on earth?

For millions of years before we humans discovered fire, we had been eating lots of green leaves. It’s the perfect food for humans, rich in vital nutrients necessary for health and disease prevention. Research shows the more leafy greens you eat, the longer you live!

Unfortunately, today, most people eat very little greens, if at all.

Let’s face it, for most people, leafy greens are not the most desirable or palatable foods that exist.

That’s one more reason to make drinking green smoothies a habit. Green smoothies are one of the easiest, most efficient ways to get those greens in every day in the raw state – plus, they’re DELICIOUS!

By drinking 2 or 3 cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough greens for the day to nourish your body, and all of the beneficial nutrients will be well assimilated.

Chlorophyll: The Miracle of Nature

Chlorophyll: The Miracle of Nature

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll (also chlorophyl) is a green pigment found in almost all plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Its name is derived from the Greek words χλωρος, chloros (“green”) and φύλλον, phyllon (“leaf”). Chlorophyll is an extremely important biomolecule, critical in photosynthesis, which allows plants to absorb energy from light.

Chlorophyll is actually very similar to human blood, to the hema in human hemoglobin. It helps us rebuild our blood, and it goes without saying that healthy blood is critical to being healthy. Hemoglobin is the component of the blood that carries oxygen. It contains a single molecule of iron, as does chlorophyll. That’s one of the reasons why chlorophyll is so beneficial to the body. It can help to oxygenate the blood in a similar way to hemoglobin.

Research shows the more leafy greens you eat, the longer you live!

10+ Benefits of Chlorophyll

Most people know about the benefits of vitamins and minerals, and the benefits of antioxidants, but to many the benefits of chlorophyll remain unknown.

Chlorophyll has numerous health benefits. Here are some of the known chlorophyll benefits that I found just by doing a quick research online. If you want scientific studies to support those claims, you will have to do the research yourself, sorry.

  1. Chlorophyll cleanses and oxygenates the blood. It helps the blood carry oxygen to all cells and tissues.
  2. Having more oxygen available in the blood translates to better endurance and an overall reduction in fatigue.
  3. Chlorophyll is important in offsetting stress and alkalizing the body.
  4. Chlorophyll blocks absorption of toxic carcinogens. It helps neutralize free radicals that do damage to healthy cells. it is helpful in protecting the body against toxins and in reducing drug side effects
  5. Chlorophyll has been seen to help in the growth and repair of tissues.
  6. Chlorophyll is a natural deodorant. I reduces bad breath, urine, fecal, and body odor.
  7. Chlorophyll helps to treat infected wounds naturally.
  8. Chlorophyll has anti-carcinogenic properties.
  9. Chlorophyll cleanses the liver and digestive tract, boosts blood with iron, vitamin C and folic acid.
  10. Chlorophyll supports the respiratory system and our moods.
  11. Chlorophyll is sometimes recommended for anemia, atherosclerosis, wound healing, bad breath, body odor, detoxification, diabetes, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis and herpes infections.

Despite all these benefits, chlorophyll is not considered an essential nutrient, so there are no official daily recommendations for its use, and you will not find it on nutritional fact labels.

Best Natural Sources of Chlorophyll

It’s usually easy to tell when a food has significant amounts of chlorophyll, because chlorophyll provides the green color that is found in grasses, leaves, and many of the vegetables that we eat.

Leafy greens are the main food sources that are rich in chlorophyll content. The amount of chlorophyll found in each plant varies. In spinach, for example, chlorophyll is present by as high as 1% based on dry weight estimation.

Chlorophyll-rich leafy greens

Green vegetables that contain lots of chlorophyll include asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, celery, green beans, green peas, leeks, and green olives.

Sea vegetables and blue-green algae, chlorella, and spirulina are also super-concentrated sources of chlorophyll. Chlorella is a single celled algae that is by far the richest source of chlorophyll in the world. It has 10 times more chlorophyll than alfalfa, which is where most commercial chlorophyll comes from.

Raw Versus Cooked Greens

Cooking destroys much of the chlorophyll, which is why consumption of these green leaves and vegetables RAW is the best way to obtain the health benefits of chlorophyll.

Although cooking makes food softer and easier to digest for people with digestive problems, however, in the process of heating, most essential vitamins and enzymes in the food get destroyed. In this respect, blending is a lot less harmful than cooking because it saves all the vital nutrients in the food.

When cooking leafy greens and green vegetables, very short steaming is best. Short steaming may actually help absorb more chlorophyll from the plant, especially for people with weakened digestion. However, overcooking should definitely be avoided!

Practical Tips

1. Blend well for optimum absorption. Even though raw green vegetables are full of chlorophyll, many people, especially those who are really sick –  do not absorb this chlorophyll due to the poor shape their colon is in. Blending on high speeds with a power-blender such as Vitamix or Blendtec, is a must. During blending, the cells of the greens and the fruits are ruptured, making the valuable nutrients easy for the body to assimilate. Digestion starts in the mouth and these tiny particles then become so easy for the body to digest that they are bio-available as soon as you start drinking them.

Juicing is also a good option as juicing green foods eliminates the fiber, making the juice and the chlorophyll easy to be absorbed by your body in a few minutes. Steaming is another option for people with weakened digestive systems.

2. Pace yourself to avoid unpleasant detox side effects. Chlorophyll, because it is such a powerful detoxifying agent, can affect a body very strongly. A person who has a lot of stored toxins in their system can experience side effects from the detoxification process. When toxins are released into the bloodstream for processing, it can have many unpleasant detox symptoms, so if your diet has been extremely chlorophyll-deficient, you may want to start slowly.

3. Rotate your greens. Also, please remember that it is very important to rotate the greens you consume, so that you are not eating the same greens all the time.

4. Use organic produce, or  – better yet – grow your own.

Liquid Chlorophyll Products Vs Green Smoothies

OK, so maybe I’m biased, but in my humble opinion eating or drinking your chlorophyll in salads and green smoothies is far superior to any liquid chlorophyll extract. Extracting a single compound, such as chlorophyll, from plants and drinking it, rather than consuming the whole leaves, whether that’s lettuce, cabbage, spinach or carrot tops, will remove beneficial co-nutrients and so could have less benefit than eating whole fresh leafy greens.

Green smoothies are one of the easiest, most efficient ways to get those greens in every day in the raw state – plus, they’re DELICIOUS!

Can You Take Too Much Chlorophyll?

There are differences of opinions about this question. The good news is that if you are eating whole foods, it’s practically impossible to overdose on chlorophyll!

Take a Chlorophyll Challenge

Every day, pick two foods rich in chlorophyll and have a big serving – in a green smoothie, raw green juice, raw salad, raw soup, or other; and take note what is happening in your body.

Chlorophyll Challenge

Take a Chlorophyll Challenge: Every day, pick two foods rich in chlorophyll and have a big serving – in a green smoothie, salad, raw soup, or other.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Why Buy Organic: Organic Food Contains More Nurtients (Part 2)

In the first part of Why Buy Organic? I talked about the pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic substances that are used to grow conventional produce.

However, toxins in conventional produce is only part of the story. The other important piece, is the amount of nutrients in conventional vs organic produce.

Many people purchase organic food because they believe it is healthier than conventionally grown food. Yet, the organic industry is constantly told that there is no evidence to support these claims. I’ve read on more than one occasion about “research” that “proved” the equal nutritional value of conventional produce when compared with organic.

I don’t believe that at all.

While certainly eating conventional produce is better than not eating plant foods at all, organically produced fruits and vegetables contain much higher amounts of nutrients, and therefore are more nutrition-rich and health promoting, than their conventional counterparts.

And there are numerous studies that prove that.

“Research published in 2001 showed that the current fruit and vegetables in the USA have about half the vitamin content of their counterparts in 1963. This study was based on comparing published US Department of Agriculture (USDA) figures.
A scientific study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition in 1993 clearly showed that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food.
Organically and conventionally grown apples, potatoes, pears, wheat, and sweet corn were purchased in the western suburbs of Chicago, over two years, and analyzed for mineral content. The organically grown food averaged 63% higher in calcium, 73% higher in iron, 118% higher in magnesium, 178% higher in molybdenum, 91% higher in phosphorus, 125% higher in potassium and 60% higher in zinc. The organic food averaged 29% lower in mercury than the conventionally raised food.
A peer reviewed scientific article published in the February 2003 edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stated that organically grown corn, strawberries and marionberries have significantly higher levels of cancer fighting antioxidants than conventionally grown foods. Some of these compounds, such as Flavonoids, are phenolic compounds that have potent antioxidant activities. Many are produced in plants in response to environmental stresses, such as insects or competing plants. They are protective compounds that act as a plant’s natural defense and also have protective properties in human and animal health.
The research suggested that pesticides and herbicides disrupt the production of these protective compounds. Good soil nutrition appears to increase the levels of these natural compounds that have anti cancer, immune boosting and anti aging properties.” via

It’s All In the Soil

The main reason for this is the quality of the soil.

If we care about the nutrition that we receive from our food, we absolutely must not ignore the quality of nutrients plants receive from the soil because the quality of the soil in which the plants grow has a huge influence on our health and on the health of the animals that eat those plants.

The soil plants grow in are as important to our health as plants themselves, if not more!

Conventional agriculture ignores the complex ecosystems of the soil and focuses their efforts at supplying potassium, nitrogen and other chemicals to the plants.

Organic farmers, on the other hand, make sure they are feeding the living microorganisms in the soil, which are essential for growing plants that are rich in nutrients and health promoting minerals.

Organic vs conventional produce: It's all in the soil

Organic vs conventional produce: Nutrients come from the the soil

Microorganisms in the soil cannot survive when fed artificial fertilizers, and when all microorganisms die because of the overuse of chemicals, the soil turns into dust.

Here is an interesting fact: “the combined weight of all the microbial cells on earth is twenty-five times that of its animal life; every acre of well-cultivated land contains up to a half a ton of thriving microorganisms, and a ton of earthworms which can daily excrete a ton of humic casting.” (Peter Tompins and Christopher Bird “Secrets of the Soil.)

Most of the soil of agricultural farms in the USA contains less than 2% of organic matter, while originally, before the era of chemistry, it was 60-100%.

According to David Blume, an ecological biologist and permaculture expert, “Most Class I agricultural soil is lucky to hit 2% organic matter – the dividing line between a living and dead soil”. By applying permaculture gardening techniques to a field of extremely depleted soil, which consisted of cement-hard adobe clay, David Blume was able to bring the organic matter to the 25% level within just a couple of years. From this field he harvested the crops “8 times what the USDA claims are possible per square foot” via “Green For Life” by Victoria Boutenko

Organic Vs Conventional Nutrition

Organic vs conventional produce nutrition

Organic vs conventional produce nutrition

Solutions are available, and decisions are being made now. I will write about the in the next installment of “Why buy organic?”.

Organic vs conventional produce nutrition; via Green For Life by Victoria Boutenko

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Green Smoothie Detox Effect: What to Do About Cleansing Reaction?

If you haven’t been on a highly plant-based diet for a while, chances are you may experience some unpleasant cleansing reactions (detox) when you start drinking your green smoothies.

I’ve had many readers report to me that the experience various symptoms that range from mildly unpleasant to quite unbearable.


“I spent the afternoon and evening (really until I went to bed) in misery!! Achy muscles, head ache, stomach ache, gassy and nautious. Yesterday was the third day in a row I needed a small afternoon nap. I was starting to think I was pregnant again!!”

“I have been experiencing diarreha ever since I started drinking green smoothies. Is there something that I can do to help this go away? I want to continue with the smoothies, but I am getting afraid that something is wrong.”


When I started drinking green smoothies a couple of years ago I remember having flu-like symptoms, with a mucus in the back of my throat for about five weeks.

Fortunately, in most cases these reactions are short lived. They are simply a manifestation of your body using good building and cleansing materials that you are providing, and an opportunity to discard the toxic waste materials.

Why Do I Need to Detox?

Do I need to even answer that question?

Our bodies naturally detoxify every day. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver. However, although the human body is very skilled at filtering out environmental and dietary toxins through the liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin, just like any other filter, prolonged use without proper cleaning can reduce efficiency and cause toxic build up.

Food preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, genetically engineered foods, estrogen-mimicking chemicals leaking from plastic bottles and containers, hormones, antibiotics and drugs infused into the meat, poultry and fish, mercury in fish, chemicals in skin care products, chemicals in water that we drink – there is just so much that your body needs to handle every day.

No wonder our bodies are breaking down and we are feeling sluggish or out of sync! Symptoms of internal toxic build up include lack of energy, chronic fatigue, acne and other skin breakouts, constipation, allergies, dark urine, weight gain, respiratory problems, and many other.

Anybody can benefit from a cleansing. It’s a way to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew. Especially in the spring, when the body is coming out of what might be called hibernation. It’s a way you can jump-start your body for a more active life, a healthier life.

Natural Detox Cleanse Reactions On Green Smoothie Diet:

Here are some natural detox cleanse reactions that you may experience when you start adding green smoothies to your diet:

* headaches
* digestive disturbances
* skin breakouts or rashes
* feeling of sluggishness or weakness
* intestinal gas
* mucus in the back of the throat
* mood swings
* and other

The good news is that those reactions rarely last longer than a couple of days or weeks.

By drinking green smoothies you will be replacing lots of other foods – many of them unhealthy – in your daily diet. So, not only does a green smoothie detox give your digestive system a break, but by eliminating added sugar and other additives in the processed foods, saturated fats, and alcohol, it also rids your diet of things that can exacerbate health issues.

The longer you’ve been eating the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet), and the worse your diet, and the weaker your inherited constitution, the more likely you are to have tough time detoxing. If a “cleansing reaction” lasts longer than 2 weeks, it’s possible that you may be looking at a food sensitivity.

If they are really unpleasant, maybe you may want to reduce the amount of the smoothie that you drink temporarily.

And follow the tips for healthy detox below.

Detox with smoothies

Detox cleanse: You may have to endure some unpleasant symptoms, but just think about the benefits of cleansing your body!

10+ Tips for Healthy Detox

1. Drink green smoothies and green juices.

Make sure you use organic greens and fruits (especially the ones on the Dirty Dozen list – in the United States alone, more than one billion pounds of pesticides are deliberately released into the environment every single year. Among these are some of the most dangerous synthetic chemicals manufactured today.).

2. Rotate your greens (don’t use the same greens all the time). Add some fresh ginger and lemon juice to your smoothies.

3. Eliminate caffeine, processed foods, simple sugars, smoking, and alcohol.

4. Consume lots of raw fruits and vegetables.

5. Drink extra water to help flush out toxins faster. Also, drink infusions using lemon, ginger, senna, milk thistle, star anise, fennel, and other herbs made with warm or hot water.

6. Eliminate all animal products: meat, fish and dairy, even if just for a few days and see how you feel

7. Eliminate or minimize use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal care products (cleansers, shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes), and substitute natural alternatives.

8. Rest and limit stressful life situations along with detoxifying your body. Yoga and meditation are two simple and effective ways to relieve stress.

9. Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate wastes through perspiration.

10. Dry-brush your skin to remove toxins through your pores. Special brushes are available at natural products stores.

11. Exercise. Jumping on a mini-trampoline or jump-roping will invigorate you and help cleanse your lymphatic system.

12. Massage your intestines. Before you get out of bed in the morning, deeply massage your transverse colon (you may use a tennis ball or your hands), starting lower right in your pelvis, straight up to the level of your navel, across to a couple inches inside the left hipbone, and down.

But, please, don’t abandon your new routine. Keep in mind that your body is doing good, necessary work, you ARE burning fat, eliminating toxins, and the discomfort is temporary.

If you are trying to lose weight, this you will start seeing results soon. When you replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie, high-nutrition foods (green smoothies!), weight loss will follow. You will start feeling lighter and more energetic soon!

green smoothie detox

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!