Green Cabbage-Apple Smoothie

I did not get the chance to run to the farmers market today, so – since I ran out of fresh leafy greens – I keep experimenting with the ingredients I have available at home, especially cabbage to make deliciously thick and filling, green smoothies.

These thick smoothie recipes I’m creating will come in handy when I start the “Green Thickies 7 Day Meal Replacement Green Smoothie Challenge” I signed up for today. (If you’d like to sign up for this challenge, go to Green Thickies website, it’s going to be fun!).

This is totally weird, but I have this craving for cabbage smoothies lately.

So, here is another cabbage smoothie recipe for you. It’s for a thick, meal-replacement type of smoothie, with apple and lemon, plus some oats (you can use quinoa or other cooked grain, if you prefer, to make the smoothie thicker).

These thick smoothies work great as breakfast smoothies, for example, when you want something more filling to keep you full longer.  They are also great for weight loss.

Green Cabbage-Apple Smoothie

Green Cabbage-Apple Smoothie


  • 2 cups green cabbage
  • 1 banana
  • 1 apple
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 tablespoon almonds
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 2 1/2 cups cold almond milk, coconut milk or filtered water
  • Optional Ingredients
  • a few dates, 1 teaspoon sweetener, or 1 packet of stevia, as desired
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. 1. Place the ingredients into the pitcher of a high speed blender or Vitamix.
  2. 2. Blend on high until smooth.

Green Cabbage Smoothie

Green Cabbage Smoothie Ingredients

You may have noticed by now that I only recommend non-dairy milks in my green smoothies. Find out more about that here:

Milk alternatives

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Cabbage Smoothie in Vitamix

The Making of Cabbage Smoothie: Inside of my Vitamix

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Creamy Cabbage-Berry Smoothie

Cabbage is probably one of the last ingredients on people’s minds when they think about what to put into a smoothie.  Yet, with the right cabbage smoothie recipes, cabbage can be a part of many delicious drinks.

I admit that I have been avoiding cabbage for a long time as ingredient in green smoothies, as I thought that cabbage would have had a strong, overpowering flavor.

When I finally mustered up the courage to add some green cabbage to my strawberry banana smoothie recipe, my reaction had been: “Wow!” It was really delicious and I could hardly taste it.

In fact, I liked it so much that although usually, I recommend beginners to use spinach and lettuce in their green smoothies, from now on cabbage will be on the beginner green smoothie list as well! You can incorporate several cups of this veggie into a smoothie and hardly notice the green taste!

A great advantage of cabbage is that – unlike other leafy greens – it stays fresh for a long time.

If you ever went to your fridge looking for great ingredients for your green smoothie, and all you could find was a bunch of sorry looking, wilted greens, I’m sure you will appreciate having a backup plan – a head of cabbage stashed in your fridge for such emergencies.

Fresh whole cabbage will keep in the refrigerator for one to six weeks depending on type and variety. Hard green, white or red cabbages will keep the longest while the looser Savoy and Chinese varieties need to be consumed more quickly. It is necessary to keep the outer leaves intact without washing when storing since moisture hastens decay. Peak season for most cabbages runs from November through April.

Choose cabbage that is heavy for its size with leaves that are unblemished and have a bright, fresh look. Whole cabbages are preferred whenever possible as pre-cut or preshredded cabbage has a greatly diminished vitamin content.

Plus, cabbage changes the color of the smoothie very little, so, for example, if you add strawberries or raspberries to the mix, the result will be a brilliant red smoothie. Incredible!

This is nice for picky eaters who are suspicious of any shade of green in their food.

What’s more, you can also use red cabbage to add a brilliant purple to your “green” smoothie, although it does seem to have a stronger taste than green cabbage.  Green is great, and purple is powerful!!

Health Benefits of Cabbage

It has many benefits: it’s low in calories, low glycemic index, it’s cheap, available year-round where I live, plus it’s really good for you. A great reason to add cabbage to your smoothies instead of cooking it is that raw cabbage has shown greater cancer-protective benefits in studies over cabbage that has been thoroughly cooked.

Cabbage provides fiber, vitamins A, C, K and B6, folate, potassium, manganese, thiamin, calcium, iron and magnesium. Red cabbage is also a great source of vitamin A (as beta-carotene), C and K. It is also loaded with ironm manganese and anthocyanins.  Anthocyanins, a very powerful antioxidant, gives foods their deep blue – purple shade and researchers believe responsible for lowering heart disease and cancer risks, along with inflammation, and even has anti-aging benefits.  Blueberries have the highest concentration of anthocyanins, but they are also present in purple grapes, cherries, and purple cabbage.

It also allows you to incorporate this food item into the diet of those who claim to dislike it, like my son. For example, my son doesn’t like cabbage at all, so this is one of the few ways I can sneak it into his food.

Top Tips For Using Cabbage in Green Smoothies

#1 Blend Cabbage First

You may find that cabbage blends best if blended first with just the liquid. Then add the rest of the ingredients and blend again until completely smooth.

#2 Refrigerate or Freeze the Cabbage

I find that refrigerating seems to tame down the flavor of the cabbage a bit. You can even try freezing it in before blending – I haven’t tried that personally, but I know it works for some people. This will allow you to disguise the taste of cabbage in your “green” smoothies for your family and friends even easier. Plus, freezing your ingredients may also help you save money, because you will not waste any leftover cabbage pieces.

#3 Blend with a Piece of Fresh Ginger and/or Lemon

If you are can still taste the cabbage and you want to disguise the flavor even further, add some lemon or ginger – I find that they are excellent when it comes to adding this special “zing” to any smoothie.

A slice of lemon along with the peel, to brighten. I love citrus, and just love the flavor it gives to water, and tea so adding a slice to my smoothie seemed like a good idea.

#4 Add Bananas or Avocado for Creaminess

Adding very ripe banana (fresh or frozen) gives this smoothie a creamy, smooth texture and is a great source of vitamin C, manganese, fiber and potassium.  If you want to avoid banana because of blood sugar issues, add a piece of avocado instead.  Plus, it will give you this healthy fat boost to enhance the absorption of nutrients.

# 5 Chocolate covers up the cabbage flavor really well also.

That’s right… I said chocolate. Stay tuned for the chocolate recipe, but now, without further ado, let’s try this Creamy Cabbage-Berry Recipes. It’s totally satisfying and really quite amazing!

Creamy Cabbage-Berry Smoothie Recipe

Creamy Cabbage-Berry Smoothie Recipe

Creamy Cabbage-Berry Smoothie Recipe


  • 2-4 cups of cabbage, green (you can start with less if adding too much cabbage at once makes you cringe)
  • 2 cup strawberries or mixed berries, frozen
  • 2 bananas
  • a handful of cashews
  • 1 1/2 cups water or non-dairy milk
  • Optional Ingredients
  • Raw almonds or 2 teaspoons raw almond butter can be used in place of cashews
  • 1 teaspoon stevia (you can replace with sugar or orange juice)


  1. Blend the water, cabbage, and cashews (if using) first. Then add the rest of the ingredients on HIGH and blend until very smooth.

Cabbage Smoothie Recipe

Cabbage Smoothie Recipe: Give it a try! Even the kids will love this one, because it is pink.

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Cabbage-Berry Smoothie

Cabbage-Berry Smoothie: Inside my VitaMix

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Beet-Sational Beet-Berry Smoothie Recipe

I know what you are thinking: “Beets in a smoothie – that can’t be good.”

If you think that beets are an odd ingredient in a smoothie, I have to say I thought that too. However, I promise you you’ll change your mind after you try this drink.

The sweetness of the beets blends perfectly with the tartness of the berries, and some fresh orange and ginger brings it all together. You can also experiment which berries you use based on taste, and substitute pineapple or mango for the orange. I have no doubts, you’ll be delighted with this refreshing and subtle concoction once you give it a chance!

Below is a beet smoothie recipe that I tried yesterday, that later turned into a series of recipes, including a delicious gingery borsch. So today, I kept on experimenting with different ingredients, and found some more amazing combinations.

The color of beets is so beautiful and brilliant, so if you want to go for the wow factor more than nutrition, skip the greens. You will still get lots of healthy nutrients in your smoothie.

Just keep in mind that beets can be very cleansing, so don’t drink too much of this smoothie all at once.  I drink eat as much as I wanted, but some people may experience detoxifying symptoms, so just be aware.

Beet-Berry Smoothie Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 2 servings

Beet-Berry Smoothie Recipe


  • 1 cup diced beet, raw or cooked
  • 1 cup mixed berries, blueberries, or plums, fresh or frozen
  • 1/2 cup avocado
  • 1/2 orange or 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 3/4 cup non-dairy milk (almond, hemp, coconut, etc.)
  • Optional Ingredients
  • 1 banana, frozen (optional, for smooth texture and sweetness, you may skip if using avocado)
  • 1 cup greens
  • Dash of stevia or a few dates (for more sweetness)
  • 2 tablespoons of nut butter or seeds for extra fat
  • 2 tablespoons of hemp, rice, or other protein for a protein boost


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 full minute. Pour into a glass, garnish with an orange slice and enjoy. Use sliced orange for garnish (optional).
  2. Keep in mind that adding greens will "spoil" the color, so if you care more about presentation than nutrients, skip the greens.

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Beet Cabbage Smoothie Recipe

I’m definitely loving my cabbage and my beets lately. Health benefits of beets and cabbage are often talked about, yet most people don’t eat these veggies on a regular basis.

My son will not eat them, unless they are concealed in a creamy soup or smoothie.

They are also very inexpensive and available year round.

I’m also experimenting with other inexpensive and unappreciated ingredients for smoothies, such as cabbage and whole grains. This recipe is a variation of my previous recipes for beet smoothie and beet borscht – I rarely make the exact same recipe twice as I usually cannot decide which combination I like most.

Beet-Plum-Cabbage Smoothie

Beet-Plum-Cabbage Smoothie


  • 1 medium beet, washed well and quartered
  • 1/4 of a small red cabbage, cut in chunks
  • 2 cups kale, spinach, or other mild leafy greens
  • 8 plums (I used Italian plums)
  • 1 or 2 bananas
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • 1 lime juice
  • 2 tbsp. agave or other sweetener
  • 3 cups water/ice


  1. Blend all ingredients in a power-blender on high speed. If you don't have powerful blender, you may use cooked beets for more creamy texture.

Beets are healthy, delicious, inexpensive, plus beet smoothies are very photogenic.  They also have a cleansing effect on the body, so don’t drink too much of this smoothie if you are a beginner.  I drink eat as much as I wanted, but some people may experience detoxifying symptoms, so just be aware.

Beautifully Red Beet Smoothie

Beautifully Red Beet Smoothie

Beautifully Red Beet Smoothie

Beautifully Red Beet Smoothie

Beautifully Red Beet Smoothie

Beautifully Red Beet Smoothie

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Beet Smoothie in Vitamix

The Making of Beet Smoothie: Inside of my Vitamix

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Beet-Plum-Ginger Smoothie Recipe

I’m definitely in the mood for more adventurous smoothie recipes recently.

I got a bit tired of using banana in all my smoothies, plus, I want to use more local ingredients, and bananas are nowhere to be found in New Jersey (I mean on the trees, they do sell them in stores ;-)), so I’m experimenting with ingredients that I haven’t used before, such as oats, pumpkin, squash and… beets.

And, just as I love to come up with fun ways to make you eat your kale, it’s now my mission to warm you all up to beets, one recipe at a time.

The color of beets is so beautiful and brilliant, so if you want to go for the wow factor more than nutrition, I suggest you skip the greens. You will still get lots of good stuff, since beets are so-good-for-you, rich in vitamin A, B, C, E, K and lots of potassium, folate, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphor, selenium, zinc, sodium, copper, iodine and who knows what else. Plus, unlike beet juice, it contains lots of healthy fiber. You can call it “whole beet juice recipe” if you like. You can also make it into a delicious beet soup.

The sweetness of the beets in this beet smoothie blends perfectly with tartness of lime juice, plus the gingers gives it the “zing” that really brings it all together in one deliciously beety smoothie.

Beet Plum Ginger Smoothie

Beet Plum Ginger Smoothie


  • 1 medium beet, washed well and quartered
  • 2 cups spinach, or other leafy greens
  • 6 plums (I used Italian plums)
  • 1 ripe banana, fresh or frozen
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • 1 lime juice
  • 1 cup water/ice or more to reach desired consistency
  • Optional Ingredients
  • 1/4 avocado (or use 1/2 avocado if skipping banana)
  • 2 tbsp. agave, a few figs or other dried fruits/sweetener


  1. Blend all ingredients until very smooth. Pour into a beautiful glass and serve immediately keep refrigerated for up to 24 hours.


If you want to go for the wow factor, skip the greens. The color will be amazing.


Beet Smoothie Recipe

Beet Smoothie: Sprinkled with cinnamon

Beet Plum Smoothie Ingredients

Beet Plum Smoothie: Planning the ingredients

So, I decided to add ginger…

Beet Plum Smoothie Recipe: Ingredients

Beet Plum Smoothie Recipe: Ingredients

And finally … the beet smoothie!

Beet Plum Smoothie Recipe

Beet Plum Smoothie Recipe: Ingredients

This really turned out surprisingly tasty, so keep checking back for more recipes with beets…!

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Beet Smoothie in Vitamix

The Making of Beet Smoothie: Inside of my Vitamix

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Lime-Oats Green Smoothie: Refreshing & Filling Breakfast Smoothie

My favorite smoothies are the ones with simple ingredients, usually just fruits and greens.

However, sometimes you just need something more substantial than that. One option is to have a bowl of cereal or a sandwich after my smoothie. But this involves another step – and more time spent in the kitchen.

That is why I decided to experiment with thicker, more substantial smoothies. I’ve been adding various ingredients, such as nuts, seeds, non-dairy milks or tofu. But when I stumbled upon website, it inspired me to try some new, yet easy-to-find ingredients, such as oats.

I just tried this Lime Smoothie recipe, and I have to say it’s delicious.  It definitely tastes different than just-fruit-and-greens smoothie – it’s thicker and you can definitely taste the oats.  I’m wondering what it will taste like with quinoa or brown rice (cooked) – I’ll let you know when I try that combination.

I used one-minute-quick oats for this smoothie, without cooking or soaking.

This is a terrific breakfast smoothie recipe. Because it contains oats, it’s more filling than just fruits-and-greens smoothie, so it will keep you full longer.


Lime-Oats Green Smoothie Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Lime-Oats Green Smoothie Recipe

This is a great breakfast smoothie recipe. Because it contains oats, it's more filling than just fruits-and-greens smoothie, so it will keep you full longer.


  • 2 cups non dairy milk (use whatever you like or have in your kitchen: oat, rice, soy, almond, hemp, coconut, etc. )
  • 2 bananas, fresh or frozen.
  • 2 cups leafy greens (spinach, Swiss chard, kale, etc.)
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds (or other seeds or nuts that you have). Pre-soaking your seeds and nuts is recommended, but not required.
  • ¼ cup of dates (or any other dried fruit)
  • 1 cup oats
  • Juice and zest of 4 limes


  1. Blend all ingredients on high speed to the desired consistency.
  2. Add more liquid if the smoothie gets too thick.
  3. Substitute any of the ingredients for whatever you already have.

This recipe really came in handy, since I had a whole bag of limes sitting in my fridge for longer than I care to admit.

Bag of Limes

Bag of Limes: If you have a bag of limes sitting in your fridge, this is a perfect recipe to try!

Limes for Green Smoothie

Here is another shot of these guys. Just could not help myself! As you see they have some brown spots already. This recipe came in just in time!

Ingredients for Green Lime-Oat Smoothie

Ingredients for Green Lime-Oat Smoothie: This picture shows vanilla, which I decided not to include in the final version, however, feel free to experiment if you like taste of vanilla. I just felt it was not necessary, as it distracted somewhat from the tartness of limes.

Lime smoothie

For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Inside my Vitamix: The making of green smoothie!

Inside my Vitamix: The making of green smoothie!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!