With summer season quickly approaching in the Northern hemisphere, the time of the year when magazines start pushing juice cleanses, crash diets and quick-fix boot camp workouts designed to get women into tip-top bikini body shape.

So, what’s the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to get a bikini body WITHOUT dieting, working out or going on a juice cleanse?

Just put a BIKINI on your BODY, and you’re done!


Okay, so maybe you’ve heard this one before, but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I first read this, so I hope this brings a smile to your face too 🙂

With that clear and out of the way, let’s talk about how you can get that healthy, glowing look – whatever you choose to wear and do this summer — as well as, yes, perhaps even lose a few pounds here and there… if you want to!

Let’s be honest, we all want quick results without any effort, but it’s just not possible.

What I’ve found is drinking green smoothies is the easiest thing you can probably do for yourself — your health, your weight, your energy, your skin, your mind and spirit, etc… — that will get you the most results in ALL those areas of your life.

But sometimes–even that isn’t enough!

That’s right. Even the most health-conscious sometimes fall off the wagon and can’t resist the temptation of too much food…

So, what to do?


Appetite and Hunger Reset!

A program that will help you lose weight, feel lighter and younger, and boost your immunity, as well! (And we all know how important that is in the times of pandemics.)

It’s time to bring your hunger under control and reset your appetite to where it should be!

And finally start losing those extra pounds once and for all.

To find out more, go here.

To Your Health!


Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this Green Reset blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!