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The Amazing Parsley: Health Benefits and 3 Green Smoothie Recipes with Parsley

The Amazing Parsley: Health Benefits and 3 Green Smoothie Recipes with Parsley

If you are like most people, you may be thinking of parsley just as garnish.

You know, that green stuff that is used to decorate food platters that everyone carefully separates from the real food and tosses to the side.

It’s a shame, because parsley has amazing health benefits, adding a powerful dose of vitamins and minerals to a green smoothie.

What’s so special about parsley? Parsley is finally being recognized as a powerhouse of nutrition and flavor. Recently it has been recognized as a superb addition to any green smoothie.

green smoothie with parsley

Finally, REVEALED: The VERY BEST Blender for Smoothies: The SECRET to Finding the Best Smoothie Maker for YOU!

Finally, REVEALED: The VERY BEST Blender for Smoothies: The SECRET to Finding the Best Smoothie Maker for YOU!

So, tell me, which do YOU think is better:

–> A PORTABLE PERSONAL blender that fits in your luggage so you can take it with you whenever you’re on the go.

–> A COMPACT HANDHELD IMMERSION blender that you can take apart and stash in your kitchen drawer and have it at the ready whenever you need it.

–> A no-nonsense, counter-top appliance, that’s DEPENDABLE and DOESN’T BREAK THE BANK.

–> A HIGH-SPEED, SMOOTHIE-MAKING MONSTER MACHINE, that’s unabashedly taking the most prominent space on your kitchen counter, and cost more than all the other small appliances in your kitchen.

There are so many brands, features, colors and styles–SO WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE???

Well, the short answer is–it depends ;-). –>Click here to keep reading…

Finally!  Healthy Nutrition Made Easy: Learn How to Prepare Delicious Green Smoothies That Your Family Will Love!

Finally! Healthy Nutrition Made Easy: Learn How to Prepare Delicious Green Smoothies That Your Family Will Love!

You can call them blended drinks, green shakes, green smoothies, green fruit smoothies, drinkable salads or salads straight from your blender. It doesn’t really matter what you call them! The fact is that if you are having problems with eating a healthy diet, and especially if you have picky-eaters in your house who will not touch a green vegetable with a stick – this is a perfect solution to your problem.

The Green Smoothie is essentially a blended salad made with fruits and leafy greens, with some optional water, blended at high speeds to smooth consistency. Generally, hard or savory vegetables such as carrots or tomatoes are avoided. Only fruits and leafy greens are included. Keep reading…

Awesome Green Smoothie with Grape Juice Recipe (from Self-Grown Grapes!)


Today I’m giving you my recipe for deliciously sweet green smoothie with home-made grape juice and kale. The grapes that I used for the juice were very tiny red fruits, with seeds (lots of them!), and very sweet — and they came from my parent’s garden (more about this later), so technically they were self-grown (if not by me personally, but by my mom).

You’ll find the recipe below, but first let me ask you – how would you like to grow your own grapes – to make juices, smoothies or perhaps even your own wine? Doesn’t it sound like fun? If it does, why don’t you?

Green Smoothie with Grape Juice Recipe

3 cups grapes
3 kale leaves, without stem
1 large cucumber, peeled if not organic, cut into pieces
1 banana (optional)
1 pear
1 cup water

Remove stems and blend grapes with water on high settings in your blender. Pour the mixture through the strainer to remove the seeds. Rinse the blender container.

Blend all ingredients with the juice on high until very smooth, pour into glasses and enjoy!