Food and Biosphere—How Are They Related? And is our current food system putting our biosphere in danger?

The biosphere is as important as life itself because it is all of life. Without the biosphere, Earth would be a lifeless planet, such as Mars or Venus.

It seems obvious that without healthy biosphere, we not only won’t be able to produce healthy food but also maintain good health as a species.

And yet what our current actions we are putting our biosphere in danger, which basically means we’re cutting the branch we are sitting on—and that is not a smart thing to do.

Question: What is the number one activity that damages our planet’s biosphere that can also be fixed relatively easily and quickly?

Before we address this question, let’s talk a little more about what biosphere is.

What exactly is the biosphere?

Biosphere is a part of the Earth where all organisms (plants and animals) live. They live in thin upper part of oceans and everywhere on/within the land mass. At higher altitude, UV radiation and low temperatures disable life to spread. In the deep ocean, life is present in the depth of up to 500 m below oceanic floor.

The biosphere is a self-supporting and self-regulating system. Some scientists even think of the biosphere itself as a living organism. It’s been maintaining its delicate balance for billions of years.

But then we humans came around, and we’re putting so much stress on it we’re disrupting that balance.

We’re taking our planet and our precious biosphere for granted.

It’s always been here.

We can’t imagine it not being here. 

But—what if we damage it beyond repair?

Is it even possible?

Why do we need to take better care of biosphere?

Here are some facts about our biosphere that you need to know:

Compared to the other spheres (lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere), the biosphere is fragile.

Most organisms require particular levels of pH, water, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen among other things in order to survive. All conditions required for life must be met and maintained within this thin layer of groundwater and lower atmosphere.

Even though our planet Earth may seem very large to us, but the biosphere is very thin by comparison.

How can we protect and preserve the biosphere?

Some things may come to your mind, like reducing the use of fossil fuels, restoring damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down, in short—learning to live in a way that doesn’t hurt the environment, plus supporting activities that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.

All of these are valid.

And you probably already know that.

But none of them are quick and easy fixes.

There doesn’t seem ONE SIMPLE way to FIX MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS QUICKLY and efficiently… or is it?

So, what is the number one activity that damages our planet’s biosphere that can also be fixed relatively easily and quickly?

It’s our food system.

The way we produce food—and the animal food in particular—is the driving force behind a number of crises, including the climate change, biodiversity crisis, health crisis (including antibiotic resistance), ocean depletion, water pollution, deforestation, and the crisis of ethics (whereby we raise billions of animals in squalid conditions and kill them at very young age to eat them, even though more humane, healthful, and sustainable plant alternatives exist).

And this is NOT animal factory farm crisis, because the pasture-bread, grass-fed, free-range meat and dairy products are even worse in terms of how unsustainable they are (we would essentially need several planets to feed the global population on these types of foods).  


And not just our extinction—


If you think this is an exaggeration—then you should know that the largest extinction since the times when dinosaurs were alive is going on RIGHT NOW. It’s called the Sixth Extinction.

Is there hope?


We must cultivate hope. But we also must take well informed action.

We’re in a unique situation to save earth as we know it, and save the life on it now and allow a livable future for those coming after us or we could ignore things, act like nothing’s happening or when we get around to it and allow it to continue on its current path to possibly be destroyed.

And all of us can help—which means all of us can become heroes, fighting for the greater good.

So, what’s at stake?

The extinguishing of our own species and thousands of other species—that’s what’s at stake.

We can essentially make or break humanity and our entire biosphere—that could be at stake.

So, what needs to change?  

We need to stop those practices and habits that we administer every single day on a collective basis globally, that create an unnecessary and proportionately large resource footprint, beginning with—

THE FOOD WHAT WE EAT AND OUR AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS, which have the largest environmental footprint of all.


So, whether you’re ready to go completely plant-based or not, cutting down beef and other animal products, reducing the consumption by third, or half would be a step in the right direction.

Even though it’s not a time for baby steps, it’s better than nothing.

Don’t do nothing because you want to do everything.

We’re on very real timelines and it’s much worse now than it was ten or even five years ago. And any action you can take today toward a more plant-based diet is the right thing to do.

Should We Forgo Turkey on Thanksgiving? And Why?

You may think that a plant-based Thanksgiving is a blasphemy, and see no reason why we should give up the tradition of eating a turkey, replacing it with a stuffed pumpkin, tofurky, or whatever, but please hear me out.

As much as we like to stick to traditional way of doing things, and protest against changing anything for the sake of TRADITION—the most important criteria for keeping a tradition should be how well those traditions are serving us TODAY, knowing what we know, being who we are RIGHT NOW.

The most important criteria for keeping or changing a tradition should be—how well those traditions are serving us TODAY, knowing what we know, being who we are RIGHT NOW.

And right now our planet is in trouble. Scientists say we are heading towards planetary breakdown, and even if we ended fossil fuels today, our food system alone would send us over 1.5 degrees Celsius warming, with animal agriculture being the worst offender*.

With 8 billion of people in the world, and 80 billion of land animals and trillions of sea animals killed each year; we truly have a huge sustainability problem on our hands, and even switching to “free-range,” “cage-free,” “organic” meat and dairy, as some propose, will only make the matter worse.

Turkeys do not smile very much! Dang they have no reason, especially on Thanksgiving!

So, back to Thanksgiving.

It is generally believed that in 1621, the Pilgrims invited Wampanoag Indians to a feast in Plymouth Colony to celebrate their first harvest with turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

Well, maybe it happened like that, but from what we know today, probably not.

Traditions that relate to certain events in the past often bear little resemblance to the actual events—and it’s okay.

FACT: Thanksgiving as we know it was created by ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ author—not the Pilgrims

Sarah Josepha Hale – does that name mean anything to you?

You may not have heard of her, but she is the woman who created Thanksgiving as we now celebrate it.

This may come as a surprise to you, because it’s a little known fact, but without Sarah Jessica Hale there would be no Thanksgiving as we know it.

Without Sarah Josepha Hale—later known as “the Mother of Thanksgiving”—there would be no turkey on the table, no gravy, no cranberry sauce, and no pumpkin pie.

Most importantly, there would be no Thanksgiving as a national holiday.

She was the one who conceived the idea, and then shaped the entire celebration—complete with putting together the menu items and the recipes that are now familiar to everyone across North America and beyond.

Yes, festive thanksgiving dinners were celebrated around the country, but not necessarily on the same day and not necessarily with the same food, and they were not given in the celebration of the 1621 feast.

It was Sarah Josepha Hale, an author, poet and magazine editor, a feminist, and an influential woman of her time (and the author of the poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb”) who conceived the idea of the thanksgiving celebration and making it into a national holiday.

She had a VISION, and she CONSISTENTLY and TIRELESSLY WORKED toward fulfillment of that vision. She wrote letters and articles, spoke to people, sent petitions to politicians and presidents—until they listened.

She wrote not one, not two letters—but probably dozens, maybe even hundreds. She did that not for a week or a month, but over the period of many years.

In fact, for forty years, she lobbied any and all politicians she could, ultimately appealing to President Lincoln himself.

She kept doing it, even though probably at the beginning nobody listened to her. But she had not stopped … until it worked.

Finally, in the summer of 1863, on the heels of the decisive battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg, President Lincoln granted her wish declaring Thanksgiving a national holiday.

And Sarah Josepha Hale knew exactly how this holiday celebration should look like. In her 1823 novel ‘Northwood; or, a Tale of New England’, she devoted an entire chapter to one such dinner, describing it in much detail, complete with roast turkey, gravy, and pumpkin pie.

As a result of her commitment, her passion, her belief, she single-handedly accomplished a huge goal influencing the lives of millions. She created one of the biggest holiday traditions—Thanksgiving as we know it—which bears little resemblance to the original celebration.

Ironically, apart from the food that is served during this holiday, today’s Thanksgiving bears little resemblance to Sarah Josepha Hale’s vision, either. The rather solemn celebration, that was about giving thanks, helping the poor and feeding the homeless, turned into a thanksgiving extravaganza, complete with the Macy’s Day Parade, football games galore, and enough food wasted to sink a ship.

What Was Done – Can be Un-Done

Unfortunately, what Hale had created with good intentions is hurtful for the animals, for people, and our planet. As a result of her work, commitment, and passion millions of animals are bread every year for the sole purpose of being killed, baked and served as a centerpiece on the Thanksgiving table–while people gather around to celebrate and give thanks.

Unfortunately, that’s her legacy.

Quite depressing, really. Tragic, even.

So why do I even talk about it?

Because what she did – can be undone.

Today, we can create NEW TRADITIONS.

Traditions that are just and COMPASSIONATE, truly HUMANE and JOYFUL.

Traditions that don’t require hurting anyone and don’t damage our planet.

Today, it’s time for new Thanksgiving traditions.

Traditions that are about giving thanks, being gentle and compassionate towards all beings.

If you think that’s impossible, that it will be an affront to the original Thanksgiving celebration that took place in 1621—think again.

The way we celebrate this holiday has very little to do with what the original celebration looked like, and everything to do with a vision of one influential woman, whom we know little about today.

It’s okay to shape new traditions. It’s okay to change traditions. Sarah Josepha Hale taught us how.

That’s the positive part of her legacy.

We can follow in her footsteps—with DETERMINATION, COMMITMENT, and PASSION—to re-invent the Thanksgiving tradition, as well as other traditions around the globe.

And this stuffed pumpkin recipe is a good start.

stuffed pumpkins


According to the IPCC, the food sector is responsible for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. The report states that “food sector emissions alone could add nearly 1°C to global warming by 2100” 1The foods with the highest methane emissions are ruminant meat like beef and lamb, dairy products and also rice, accounting for 75 percent of the projected damage 1.

The report also suggests that reducing meat consumption could be an effective way to mitigate and adapt to climate change 2A study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, found that phasing out all animal agriculture has the potential to substantially alter the trajectory of global warming 3.



Two Recipes for Cauliflower Smoothies That Will WOW Your Taste Buds!

Would you put THIS in your smoothie? Some unexpected ingredients to try…

I’ve been experimenting with all kinds of new ingredients in my smoothies, and two came to my attention in particular: cauliflower and zucchini. Why these two?

They are healthy, cheap and plentiful this time of year; they are easy to store and freeze (don’t spoil easily), and—last and not least—both are SUPER LOW IN CALORIES. 

All of which make them perfect to try in a raw soup or smoothie when trying to lose weight (as I am right now)!

Seriously, these two aren’t used nearly often enough, in my opinion.

You may think I’m nuts (and I am—kind of; I’m certainly nuts—or bananas—about smoothies!), but bear with me.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a huge cauliflower I was trying to come up with what to make for dinner. Cauliflower soup sounded like a logical choice, the problem was—it was so hot I didn’t feel like cooking or eating a warm soup.

I started munching on and it was sooo delicious and crunchy raw; so I thought, what if I made it into a raw soup? At first I was skeptical, as I’m sure ANYONE would be. I don’t think I’ve EVER made a raw soup that featured cauliflower as the main ingredient. (Especially since my experiments with other cruciferous veggies weren’t a raving success, LOL.)

When people think about a cauliflower, they don’t usually crave eating it raw or having it in a smoothie, ice-cream or other dessert.  Let’s face it, most people’s mouths don’t water at the sight of this cruciferous veggie, the way they do when you see a piece of chocolate or a cup of strawberries. 😉

So I created this raw cauliflower soup recipe in a spur of a moment—taking inspiration from several blogs and using the ingredients that I had in my kitchen (I hate having to run to the store when the inspiration hits me!).

This raw cauliflower soup is SENSATIONAL for a hot summer day, when you don’t feel like cooking. Cashews add HEAVENLY creaminess to this soup, and provide more “staying power,” making you feel satisfied for longer, while grapefruit juice adds freshness and tartness. Serve it CHILLED with plenty of crunchy toppings, and sprinkle with dill and citrus juice.

Side Note: I enjoyed this recipe so much that I included it in the new edition of Easy Raw Soups: 40+ Recipes for Raw Soups. (You can get all my recipe books, including this one, by joining the Green Reset program or you can find all my books, including fiction and children’ books on Amazon.)

Encouraged by the positive outcome, I wondered—why not make a cauliflower smoothie?


Would you put this in your smoothie? Cauliflower Smoothie Recipe

Two Low-Carb Smoothie Recipes

These two recipes for cauliflower smoothie are OUT OF THIS WORLD.

Before you judge, I want you to know that I was skeptical at first too.

Cauliflower in a smoothie that actually tastes good?  No way!

I did try putting cruciferous veggies in smoothies many times, and one thing I learned is that you have to be very careful not to put too much of those, because the smell and taste becomes questionable very quickly.  

But I was feeling adventurous and up to the challenge (plus, I didn’t really have any greens on hand, and a fruit smoothie sounded too sweet). I usually add spinach, lettuce or other leafy greens, but I was out and when I swapped in cauliflower it was—WOW, mind blown.

And even though I put A LOT CAULIFLOWER IN THIS smoothie—it turned out delicious, and I literally wouldn’t even know it was there if I didn’t make it myself. 

I really enjoyed it very cold, or even freezing, almost like an ice cream. If you like it super cold, all you need to do is cut up and freeze the cauliflower and other fruit the night before you want to make it! Or, if you don’t have any frozen ingredients, add replace some of the liquid with ice.

So, why cauliflower in a smoothie?

Because it’s healthy. It’s filling. And it has practically no calories.

To be exact, there’s 25 calories per cup, or a mere 113 calories in 1 pound of cauliflower.

Let me say that again, because maybe you didn’t get that.


Which makes it an amazing choice of food for everyone who’s trying to eat healthily and consume fewer calories (as I am right now). Cauliflower is one of the most versatile low-carb vegetables, but very unappreciated. It has a very mild taste and can be used as a substitute for potatoes, rice and other higher-carb foods. And after my first smoothie with frozen cauliflower, I was hooked.

Berry Cauliflower Smoothie

2 cups frozen cauliflower florets
½ cup frozen mixed berries
1 cup sliced frozen banana
2 cups of water or unsweetened plant milk
1 tablespoon of peanut butter or other nut or butter (such as tahini)
A few dates and nuts, such as walnuts or other for extra sweetness and crunch (optional)

Blend everything until smooth.

Cinnamon-Cocoa Cauliflower Smoothie

This delicious milkshake-like treat is 100% plant-based, healthy and uses frozen cauliflower to make it extra creamy. And you can’t even taste the cauliflower!

1 banana (fresh or frozen)
1 cup frozen raw cauliflower
1 tsp peanut butter (or more, up to 1 tbsp)
1-2 tbsp cacao powder or 1 scoop vegan chocolate protein powder
2 dates
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup water

Blend all ingredients until smooth! Enjoy!

Optional Ingredients
Add some roasted cocoa beans or nuts—I love to add some crunch
Try adding instant coffee instead of coca powder.
Add plant milk instead of water.
Use almond butter or other nut or seed butter (e.g., tahini) instead of peanut butter.
Freeze it and eat as an ice-cream later or make it into a popsicle for a fun treat.


Can you taste the cauliflower? Nope! It’s totally undetectable when using the recipes as described.

Does it have to be frozen? No. It just adds a creaminess that is necessary. And I do like my smoothies

I want to make the smoothie very low in calories; can I skip nut butters? Honestly, I wouldn’t skip it when making smoothies with cruciferous veggies, such as cauliflower or cabbage. They really help mask the “cruciferous” smell and taste plus make the texture super creamy. Plus, adding those ingredients make those smoothies really filling and satisfying,

I like smoothies, but I feel hungry very quickly after I have them. What can I do? The key to a filling smoothie is making sure you have a balance of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and plant-based protein. Raw nuts or seeds are great, but you can also add nut or seed butter.

Is this recipe suitable for kids? My kid is very cautious of any unusual ingredients in smoothies. It sure is! It’s great for picky eaters or kids or just if you want to make sure you’re eating enough veggies. For those of you out there who are constantly trying to find ways to get your kids to eat vegetables, frozen cauliflower smoothie is a great way to get them to drink their veggies, especially if they’re not into smoothies made with spinach or kale because of the bright green color.

I don’t like to use protein powders. What should I do? If you don’t have or want to use vegan protein powder in this, you can just use some cacao powder instead to give it that chocolatey flavor. It literally makes this taste like a dessert.

If you don’t want to make this particular smoothie and want more of a tropical smoothie that’s totally fine! The frozen cauliflower trick will work in any smoothie.

If you’re still skeptical about the cauliflower—then how about broccoli?

While they are both very nutritious vegetables, broccoli has higher vitamin content, specifically in vitamin K and C, than cauliflower and is specifically known to be great for eye health. Broccoli florets also provide more minerals and fiber as well as contains vitamin A that isn’t in cauliflower. There are 154 calories in 1 pound of broccoli.

Or zucchini?

Zucchini is even lower in calories and super mild in taste.

1 pound of zucchini is just 77 calories!

Zucchini has a very mild taste, so it adds almost no flavor, but it does add creaminess and a nice, slushy texture. Think of frozen zucchini more like creamy ice cubes. They add extra nutrients, without affecting the flavor!

Try these recipes as they are it’s also an easy one to alter based on your personal preferences and cravings. I will often swap out the strawberries for blueberries and add a handful of fresh spinach to the smoothie as well.

And stay tuned for more recipes with healthy and super-low calorie ingredients.

PS. If you weren’t a fan of the recipe or substituted an ingredient/s, let me know in the comments! Share the Love on Social Media: Pin IT on Pinterest, share the link on Facebook, or post a picture of your creation on Instagram.

Apple Cauliflower Sensation: Raw Soups for Weight Loss

When people think about a cauliflower, they don’t usually crave eating it raw. Let’s face it, most people’s mouths don’t water at the sight of this cruciferous veggie, the way they do when you see a piece of chocolate or a cup of strawberries. 😉

And when they hear about a raw cauliflower soup (or a smoothie!), they express consternation about eating this cruciferous gem in the raw dish. But fear not! With its super mild taste and pleasantly crunchy texture, raw cauliflower is a highly palatable treat! The trick is, of course, to prepare it in a pleasing way. And nothing could be more pleasing than this rich and creamy recipe, which elevates cauliflower and autumn spices to a new level of perfection.

This soup is SENSATIONAL for a hot summer day, when you don’t feel like cooking. Cashews add HEAVENLY creaminess to this soup, and provide more “staying power,” making you feel satisfied for longer, while grapefruit juice adds freshness and tartness. Serve it CHILLED with plenty of crunchy toppings, and sprinkle with dill and citrus juice.

Apple Cauliflower Raw Soup Recipe


  • 1 tablespoon of cashews (you may blend them first with water on highest setting until smooth and creamy)
  • 1/2 large cauliflower
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 apples, peeled
  • 1/2 grapefruit or lemon, juiced
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Place all ingredients except salt and pepper in high-speed blender. Blend until completely smooth. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste
  • Top with marinated onions (see recipe below), apple slices, chopped fresh dill, or olives, if desired.
  • Serve chilled.


  • Instead of cashews, you may add 1 tablespoon olive oil (optionally, or skip the fats completely)
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Instead of olive, add
  • Instead of apple cider vinegar, use juice of grapefruit or lemon

Marinated Onions

  • 1 sweet onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons nama shoyu (tamari or soy sauce will also work)
  • 1 tablespoon agave or other liquid sweetener
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Mix together nama shoyu* (or regular tamari or soy sauce), agave and olive oil. Pour over sliced onions in glass container with cover. Marinate onions for 2-3 hours, redistributing marinade a couple of times during marination. (*In Japanese, nama means raw (or unpasteurized) and shoyu means soy sauce; so, nama shoyu is a raw, unpasteurized Japanese-style soy sauce.)

The taste of cauliflower in this soup is surprisingly mild, which is why I decided to be bold and try it in a smoothie recipe. Stay tuned for how it turned out!


Raw (and cooked) whole-plant-based soups are great for weight loss and for health. For more recipes, sign up for the Body Challenge Course HERE.

10+ Smoothie & Blended Soup Recipes For Weight Loss: Is Weight Loss Possible with Green Smoothies?

People ask me all the time whether they will lose weight by drinking green smoothies.

The definite answer to this question is “Maybe.”

It really depends on your specific circumstances: how much smoothies are you drinking, what are you eating in addition to smoothies, what is your physical activity level, how often do you exercise, how committed you are to your diet and exercise, etc.

Generally speaking, green smoothies should help most people lose weight because they help you super-charge your body with nutrient-rich foods, foods that are nutrient-dense, and yet low-in-calories.

They will also help break your food addictions, and, according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, the author of “The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life (Eat for Life),” “The End of Diabetes, and a bunch of other books–most people in America are serious food addicts.

He claims that diets don’t work, because people who are already nutritionally deficient, when they cut back on calories, they become even more nutritionally deficient. Then their body develops a series of cravings and sensations that drives them to overeat preventing them from successfully losing weight.

Until the addiction is addressed and removed, people cannot comfortably eat less calories. Since they desire MORE calories, not LESS, to tell them to eat less food is like telling a person to breathe less oxygen for five minutes – and they’ll soon be gasping for air (read the whole post here).

The problem is this: Making moderate changes does not lead to dramatic health achievements, weight loss, and reversal of diseases. If you want dramatic results, moderate changes simply don’t work.

So, how much weight can you lose by drinking green smoothies, and how quickly this will happen, it all depends on your overall health, your overall diet, and activity level – and to what extent you are willing to abandon your old habits and adopt new, healthy lifestyle.

How Green Smoothies Help People Lose Weight

One of the most riveting stories of weight reduction ever chronicled with regards to blending is the story of Clent Manich who dropped 240 pounds in one year simply by consuming green smoothies daily. He was also able to beat Type II Diabetes, and was completely off all of his medications and insulin within 3 weeks! His amazing story was captured in Victoria Boutenko’s book titled Green Smoothie Revolution.

Clent had made it a practice to start each day by making a gallon of blended fruits and vegetables, and he drank some of it every 2 to 3 hours. This helped eliminate his food cravings better than anything he had ever tried before. Most other diets always made him feel hungry and weak. Clent Manich lost 240 lbs in one year. He describes how he did it:

“I went full-bore into drinking Green Smoothie every day. I also cut out animal products, fat, and dairy, and the weight started flying right off. The rapid weight loss encouraged me to stay on the diet.

At the beginning of each day I would blend one gallon of green smoothie and drink some every two to three hours. Sometimes after drinking a green smoothie I ate a few veggies.

I found that green smoothies helped me to eliminate food cravings better than anything I had ever tried before. … Most other diets I’ve tried made me hungry and weak. … On the green smoothie experiment, I didn’t have to count calories.

I have lost 240 pounds and have attained my dream weight of 170 pounds. … To my surprise I don’t have any hanging skin. My skin has tightened without any need for surgery, which I attribute entirely to the green smoothies.”

One reason GREEN Smoothies are so good for weight loss is because they’re so high in nutrients.

They are high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, carbohydrates and even protein. Yes, green smoothies have lots of protein. The cow gets her protein from grass, a leafy green. Wouldn’t it be simpler to get your protein from leafy greens too, rather than eat the cow or drink her milk? If it’s simple, you know it’s true.

Plant foods are generally less dense in calories, which means you can eat as much as you want of these foods and still be able to maintain a healthy weight.

For example, an entire head of lettuce or a bunch of kale or other leafy greens weighing over one pound contains less than 100 calories. That means that the caloric density of lettuce is less than 100 calories per pound. On the other hand, one single tablespoon of oil contains 120 calories. So you have more calories in 1 tablespoon of oil than in a pound of lettuce. But guess which one is going to fill you up more?

If you add that oil to your salad dressing and pour on that head of lettuce, you will not even notice it, but the number of calories consumed will have doubled.

Green Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

Let’s look at the calories of some of the ingredients in green smoothies:

1 cup spinach, raw (30g) = 7 calories (!); 1 bunch spinach (340g) = 78 calories

1 cup cabbage (89g) = 22 calories

1 cup kale (67g) = 33 calories

1 cup collards (36g) = 11 calories

1 cup parsley (60g) = 22 calories

1 large celery stalk (64g) = 10 calories

1 cup cucumber (102g) = 16 calories

1 cup zucchini (124g)= 20 calories

1 cup beets (136g)= 58 calories

1 cup carrots (128g) = 62 calories

1 cup squash (140g) = 63 calories

All these foods are high in nutrients, yet extremely low in calories, so if you stick to more savory smoothies and soups recipes, you can literally have a gallon of this per day, fill up your body with valuable nutrients, and still have a calorie deficit. (For the complete list of best foods to eat for weight loss and health, check out 100 Best Foods to Eat post and download the full list.)

Weight Loss Smoothie & Soup Recipes

If you really want to cut down on calories, check out some of these savory soups and smoothies:


Cucumber-Dill Soup
2 cucumbers
½ bunch dill
1 avocado
4 leaves kale
2 stalks celery
1 lime, juiced
3 cloves garlic

Mediterranean Green Soup
3 cups spinach
3 stalks celery
1 red bell pepper
1 large avocado
1 cucumber
1 jalapeno pepper
1 lime, juiced
1 spring oregano
1 spring thyme
2 cups water
Blend well all ingredients. Serve in a bowl, like a soup. Garnish with fresh herbs and/or a few pieces of avocado. Yields 3 quarts.

Celery Zing Soup
2 yellow bell peppers
1 lemon
½ cup basil leaves
1 cup celery, tops and greens
1 cup kale
1 cup water
Yields 1 quart

Celery Soup
4 stalks celery
1 cup fresh parsley
1 tomato
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon agave nectar
¼ teaspoon sea salt
2 cups water

Spicy Thai Soup
2 cucumbers
5 leaves kale
1 large avocado
1 lime, juiced
2 cloves of garlic
½ inch fresh turmeric root or ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
½ inch fresh ginger root or ¼ teaspoon dried ginger powder
2 cups water
Yields 2 quarts

Savory Tomato Basil Soup
2 large ripe tomatoes
1 bell pepper
1 bunch fresh basil
2 cloves of garlic
1 cup water
Stir into the smoothie
2 cups Savoy cabbage, chopped
½ avocado, cubed
½ cup dulse

Fennel Soup
1 stalk fennel
2 cups kale
2 celery stalks
½ lemon
½ avocado
¼ inch turmeric root
2 cups water
Yields 2 quarts

Dandelion Cleansing Soup
2 cups dandelion greens
2 stalks of celery
1 green zucchini
2 pears
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon fresh ginger root
1 dash cayenne pepper

Bok Choy Soup
2 cups bok choy
1 celery stalk
1 apple
½ cup fresh cilantro
½ zucchini
¼ teaspoon fresh ginger root
¼ teaspoon fresh turmeric
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Arugula Orange Soup
2 cups arugula
½ orange bell pepper
2 oranges, peeled
1 clove garlic
1 jalapeno pepper
cayenne pepper to taste
Stir into the soup
½ avocado in chunks

Sweet Apple-Dill-Avocado
4 stalks celery
1 bunch dill
2 apples
1 avocado
1 lemon
2 cups water

Raw Family Green Soup Recipe
3 leaves chard
1 stalk celery
1 large avocado
½ bunch fresh parsley
1 lemon, juiced
2 cups water
Stir into soup
Grated veggies, such as carrot, cauliflower, zucchini, etc., and sprouts

Even considering that you add a large avocado to each soup, you will still end up well below 500 calories in 2 or 3 quarts of soup or smoothie.

1 large avocado, Florida, raw  (340g) = 365 calories

1 avocado, California, raw (136g) = 227 calories

So, you can literally eat these soups to your heart’s content and help yourself lose weight.

Green Fruit Smoothies & Meal Replacement Smoothies For Weight Loss

If your goal is to lose weight, the temptation may be to cut out the fruits and all sweeteners from the recipes completely to reduce the amount of calories in the smoothie.

While it’s OK to add more greens and veggies to your drinks and cut the amount of fruits a little, there are two risks associated with cutting down on fruits too much.

First of all, the smoothies will not be as tasty, and you may end up not liking them and not drinking them as often as you should.

Then there is also a second danger of not consuming enough calories.

For many people, a vegetable-based smoothie will not provide sufficient calories to be a meal replacement smoothie.

Even if you made a 32-ounce smoothie with just one apple, 1/2 cup blueberries and a ton of vegetables and greens,  your smoothie will be extremely low calories. You’d be lucky to get 200 calories.

The problem with this is that you might still feel full from the fiber, but you will not be consuming enough calories. This is fine, if you are getting enough calories in the rest of your diet from healthy whole plant foods.  If not, you will still be hungry after your smoothie, and risk overeating unhealthy foods. Getting too few calories will sabotage weight loss and may lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems.

In short, fruit-based green smoothies can replace meals and are effective for weight loss.  Vegetable-based smoothies are often too low in calories to be considered meals, so they are better used to supplement a calorie-sufficient whole foods diet between meals or consumed with meals.

That is why the green smoothies and meal replacement smoothies can be great for weight loss, too.

For example, check out this Lime-Oats Green Smoothie: Refreshing & Filling Breakfast Smoothie

Lime-Oats Green Smoothie Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Lime-Oats Green Smoothie Recipe

This is a great breakfast smoothie recipe. Because it contains oats, it's more filling than just fruits-and-greens smoothie, so it will keep you full longer.


  • 2 cups non dairy milk (use whatever you like or have in your kitchen: oat, rice, soy, almond, hemp, coconut, etc. )
  • 2 bananas, fresh or frozen.
  • 2 cups leafy greens (spinach, Swiss chard, kale, etc.)
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds (or other seeds or nuts that you have). Pre-soaking your seeds and nuts is recommended, but not required.
  • ¼ cup of dates (or any other dried fruit)
  • 1 cup oats
  • Juice and zest of 4 limes


  1. Blend all ingredients on high speed to the desired consistency.
  2. Add more liquid if the smoothie gets too thick.
  3. Substitute any of the ingredients for whatever you already have.

Check out Katherine Natalia’s interview of where she talks about her weight loss experience with green thickies.

But Sometimes Even Green Smoothies May Not be Enough to Lose Weight

Sometimes, no matter what you eat, you just can’t start losing those pounds!

So, what do you do then?

What to do when even smoothies, blended soups, loads of fat and protein, or endless salads aren’t enough?

Or, perhaps, you JUST DON’T FEEL LIKE EATING THIS WAY ALL THE TIME! You just want to eat like a ‘normal person’ (whatever that means, LOL), not a person on a permanent diet.

I’ve struggled with this question recently, when during the pandemic (and well before that), my diet has been less than ideal. Yes, it’s been mostly whole-plant-based. Yes, I’ve been eating lots of veggies and drinking smoothies, but nowhere nearly as much as before.

And I started putting on weight.

And no matter what I tried, I couldn’t start to lose it.

Until I discovered a solution that made losing weight almost effortless.

Check out my Body Reset program in which I share how to CONTROL YOUR HUNGER, RESET YOUR APPETITE and finally LOSE THAT EXTRA WEIGHT.

Green Reset Formula Bundle

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

DOWNLOAD: 100+ Best Low Calorie Foods for Health and Weight Loss

Low in Calories, High in Nutrients, these are perfect foods for ideal health and weight.

Scroll down to read the list or DOWNLOAD it here:

100+ Best Foods to Eat

Leafy Greens & Veggies–LOW-CALORIE, HIGH NUTRIENTS FOODS: kale, collard greens, mustard greens, watercress, Swiss chard, bok choy, spinach, arugula, romaine, dandelion leaves, beet leaves (young), lettuce (iceberg, Boston, read leaf, and other), radishes, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, asparagus, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, artichoke, onions, cucumber, endive, okra, leek, eggplant, celery tops, celeriac, carrots, parsley root, squash, pumpkin, beets, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sauerkraut (and other cultured veggies), seaweed (kelp, wakame, etc.) herbs: parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, scallions, sprouts of various kinds.

MUSHROOMS – LOW-CALORIE, HIGH NUTRIENTS FOODS: white button mushrooms, shiitake (forest or oak), portabello (portabella), oyster mushrooms, cremini (Italian brown), enoki (snow puff), porcini (bolete), chanterelle,  other edible mushrooms).  

Fruits: bananas, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pomegranates, cantaloupe, orange, peaches, plums, nectarines , cherries, sour cherries, blackberries, pineapple, apple, mango, pear, lemon, grapefruit, avocado, kiwi, dates, figs.

Beans & Legumes: red kidney beans, green peas/split peas, black beans, soy beans/edamame, lentils, great northern beans, adzuki beans, black-eyed peas , pinto beans, chick peas/garbanzo, Lima beans, hummus, tofu, and tempeh.

Grains: oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, couscous , millet, whole wheat bread.

Nuts & Seeds: pistachio nuts, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, macadamia, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, nut and seed butters (no sugar added).

If you’re eating all these foods regularly—great!

However, you may be wondering how to get some of these foods into your meals in a way that’s easy and delicious.

I mean—Kale? Swiss chard? Dandelion? Watercress?

Celeriac? Oyster mushrooms?


You may be wondering—what the heck you’re supposed to do with these foods.

Well, you can make delicious green smoothies, for example.

You can also make raw blended soups and salads, as well as cooked  soups and stews, stir fries, and scrambles.

All these meals make incorporating foods from this list super-easy.

You can find recipes on my website, as well as all over the internet.

You can also find them in my books.

PS. Right now, I’m offering a special deal, where you get my books for FREE if you join my Body Reset program

Join Body Reset
& Get Green Reset Formula
with my 4+ Book Bundle FREE

The Body Reset Formula bundle is full of recipes, tips and tricks to jump start you and your family on healthy eating. It includes 4 books with more on the way (you will get all of them if you join now):

Green Reset Formula Bundle

Green Reset! 6-Week Green Smoothie and Juicing Challenge (with recipes, shopping lists, tips, detox advice, and more) (Green Reset Formula Book 1)

Easy Green Smoothie Recipe Book for Kids & Adults: Get Your Family Drinking Greens, Fruits & Veggies with Green Reset Formula! (Green Reset Formula Book 2)

Easy Raw Soups: 30+ Super-Easy, Super-Healthy Raw Food Recipes Bursting With Flavor and Compassion! (Green Reset Formula Book Book 3)

Easy Soups! Creamy, Thick & Satisfying Soups That Fill You Up Without Compromising Your Waistline, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol or Ethics (Green Reset Formula Book 4)

To find out more about the program, go to

or get it NOW!

PPS. The program comes with 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money back!

Get the Green Reset Book Bundle for FREE! (Here is how…)

Green Reset Formula Bundle

You can now get all the Green Reset Formula Books for FREE! Here is how:

Get my Body Reset and Green Reset Course Bundle and receive all the books in the Green Reset Series for FREE, which also includes all the future books that will come out in the series (at least 2 more are in the works).

The series is available for free for all the members of Green Reset Formula course and/or Body Reset course. (Available for just $49 HERE)

The series includes:

The Green Reset Formula books contain 100+ recipes, plus tips and tricks. It includes the following books right now–check them out on Amazon, with more books coming soon (you will get access to them as well for FREE if you join the Body Reset course right now):

Green Reset! 6-Week Green Smoothie and Juicing Challenge (with recipes, shopping lists, tips, detox advice, and more) (Green Reset Formula Book 1)

Easy Green Smoothie Recipe Book for Kids & Adults: Get Your Family Drinking Greens, Fruits & Veggies with Green Reset Formula! (Green Reset Formula Book 2)

Easy Raw Soups: 30+ Super-Easy, Super-Healthy Raw Food Recipes Bursting With Flavor and Compassion! (Green Reset Formula Book Book 3)

Easy Soups! Creamy, Thick & Satisfying Soups That Fill You Up Without Compromising Your Waistline, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol or Ethics (Green Reset Formula Book 4)

Check out the whole bundle here:

Green Reset Recipe Book Bundle: 100+ Easy Recipes for Healthy Living

So, check out the Body Reset and Green Reset Course Bundle, which is a fantastic deal if you want to RESET your HEALTH and WEIGHT, and get the Green Reset Formula Books as a FREE BONUS.

To Your Health!

10 Indispensable Small Kitchen Appliances for Plant-Based Cooking

1. Hand Blender

A hand blender is a FANTASTIC small kitchen appliance that is super versatile. This tiny blender even makes smoothies, which means you don’t need to use your big, table-top blender every time you want to make a smoothie (an important feature in a small kitchen or when you’re on the road). For a long time, I didn’t think I needed a hand blender, and didn’t consider a hand-held blender as a viable option for making smoothies, but boy, was I wrong!

(For some reason, when I tried to make a smoothie, it didn’t come out right. Of course, after I discovered what I was doing wrong, making smoothies even with a handheld immersion blender is a breeze! After I learned a few tricks, the smoothies come out delicious every time!)

Regardless of whether you want to make smoothies with immersion blenders or not, it’s still worth it investing in one of those. They’re super versatile, plus they’re cute too!

Hand Immersion Blenders

2. Pressure Cooking/Instant Pot

I don’t know how I lived without a pressure cooker for so long! When you cook a lot of beans–and I cook beans ALL THE TIME (white beans, black beans, red beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas–you name them, I cook them!), you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE a pressure cooker in your kitchen. Right now, I just use a plain pressure cooker and love it. It’s making my life so much easier. I just soak the beans of choice overnight, rinse and pressure-cook them in the morning, and lunch is ready.

Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

Presto 01362 6-Quart Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

Beans and vegetables cook to perfection fast!

  • The smart choice for preparing today’s lower calorie foods.
  • Cooks three to ten times faster than ordinary cooking methods!
  • Pressure cooking preserves flavors and nutrients, and tenderizes even the toughest beans.
  • Pressure regulator maintains the proper cooking pressure automatically.
  • Works on regular, smooth-top, and induction ranges. Beautiful stainless steel for long lasting beauty and easy cleaning.
  • Includes cooking rack and complete 64-page instruction/recipe book.

Pressure regulator maintains the proper cooking pressure automatically; Comes with 64-page instruction/recipe book. Ideal for use on regular, smooth-top and induction ranges; this stainless steel pressure cooker may also be washed in an automatic dishwasher. When washing in a dishwasher, you must first remove the sealing ring and overpressure plug from the cover as these parts must be hand washed. Cover lock indicator shows when there is pressure inside the cooker and prevents the cover from being opened until pressure is safely reduced Helper handle for ease of handling; Extended 12-year limited warranty.

If you want some extra features, multi-feature electric cooker is a great choice as well.

Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker and Warmer (IP-DUO60), Stainless Steel/Black

This particular unit has an impressive list of features:

  • 7-IN-1 APPLIANCES: electric pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker, yogurt maker, steamer, sauté pan and food warmer
  • QUICK ONE-TOUCH COOKING with 13 Smart Touch customizable programs for pressure cooking soups, beans, rice, desserts and more on autopilot
  • COOK FAST OR COOK SLOW with pressure cooking up to 70% faster than traditional cooking methods or slow cooking for traditional grandma-approved recipes
  • QUICK AND EASY CLEAN-UP with finger-print resistant, stainless-steel sides and dishwasher-safe lid, inner pot, and accessories
  • 10+ SAFETY FEATURES including overheat protection and safe-locking lid
  • POPULAR SIZE: 8-quart large capacity cooks for up to 8 people – perfect for families, and also great for meal prepping and batch cooking for singles and smaller households
  • SMART-DESIGN INNER POT uses food-grade stainless-steel (18/8), a tri-ply bottom for even cooking, perfect for sautéing
  • HUNDREDS OF RECIPES in the free Instant Pot app (iOS and Android) so you can discover new favorites and prepare delicious meals right from the start

3. Cast Iron Skillet

I don’t know why it took me so long to buy one of these. I love cooking with them! Yes, they’re heavy, and need a little special care, plus the handles heat up, so you need to be careful, but they don’t scratch, you can put them in the oven, and you’re able to cook foods to perfection just like on a grill. Cast iron skillet is perfect for sauteing onions, mushrooms, eggplants, peepers, and other vegetables. Also, ideal for frying tofu, pancakes, veggie burgers, and other stuff.

Choose the size and style that best suits your needs, or get more than one–they’re affordable, durable, and absolutely worth it!

Backcountry Cast Iron Skillet 12 inch Nutrichef Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet 3 Pieces Kitchen Frying Pan Nonstick Cookware Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill PanPre-Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet - Utopia Kitchen

Ladies and Gentleman these are NOT your teflon coated aluminum/ stainless steel/ trendy copper pans! These are CAST IRON heavy nitty gritty will scald your hands and sprain your wrists with their weight if you don’t handle them properly. These are pans that your great grandchildren will treasure and these pans will make you a MUCH better cook IF you learn the difference between these and the others.

If you are not familiar with the cast iron ways then let me tell you, you are missing out. This thing cooks better than a Teflon pan, is easier to clean, and doesn’t release harmful chemicals into your food. Other ways it differs from the Teflon pan is that it takes longer to heat up, but once it is hot it does a better job at distributing and maintaining heat.

Here is how I keep my cast iron skillet 100%:
After cooking, I forget about the skillet and let it cool.
Once I remember it is dirty, I run it under hot water and wash away food debris with The Ringer (another great product on amazon, it’s a stainless steel, mesh cleaner). This takes roughly 15-30 seconds, remember it doesn’t have to be perfect (best part), you just need the food chunks off.
After this I dry with a paper towel, pour (or spray) a little oil in the skillet and wipe around with the same paper towel.
Last, I heat on the stove (med high heat) until it smokes and then remove from heat. This seasons and dries the skillet at the same time. Seasoning makes the skillet stick-free and prevents it from rusting.

That is it! Overall it takes maybe 2 minutes of your attention to clean the skillet after heavy use. Do this and your skillet can last you your whole life and some, while constantly delivering the most delicious cooked food.

Cast iron cookware is less smoother than the Non-Stick cookware. Iron deficiency is fairly common worldwide especially among women and cooking food in a cast iron skillet can increase iron content by as much as 20%. Hand wash even before first use and dry immediately; rub with a light coat of vegetable oil after every wash. Allow cast iron skillet to cool completely before washing them in hot soapy water with a sponge using regular dishwashing liquid soap; it is not dishwasher safe. Its superior heat retention will keep your mouth watering food warm for a long time.

4. Dutch Oven

I used to admire Le Creuset pots and pans, loving all the colors, but the price being just too high. Right now, you can buy absolutely BEAUTIFUL Dutch ovens in all colors and sizes–and at prices that don’t break the bank. They are great for slow cooking, and look GORGEOUS when put on a table.

Lodge 3-6 Quart Enamel Cast Iron Casserole Dish Crock-Pot Artisan Oval Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven 7-Quart Lodge 6 Quart Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven Puricon Enameled Cast Iron Casserole Braiser Pan 3-8 Quart

CONVENIENT DESIGN: a durable and multi-functional item creating flavorful meals that can go from stove top, to oven, to table – a true one pot wonder.

STOVETOPS: compatible with gas, electric, ceramic, and induction stovetops. Cooking is a breeze with no need to season – enjoy the excellent heat retention and distribution of the cast iron, making this item ideal for slow cooking.

CROCK-POT: founded in August 1970, Crock-Pot introduced the Crock-Pot slow cooker, paving the way for a new category of appliances and revolutionizing the way American’s cooked for their families. Vibrant colors and classic designs, Crock-Pot’s versatility is trusted by millions.

CARE INSTRUCTIONS: the easy clean and rust free dutch oven is hand wash recommended.

5. Silicone Spatulas

Cooking tools like spatulas are often overlooked, but they’re effective and convenient for mixing ingredients and won’t scratch your beautiful cookware. Its flexible and flat surface allows for easier spreading and lifting of sauces, soups, frosting and other baking adornments.

U-Taste Silicone Spatula Set DI ORO Seamless Series Silicone Spatulas Set of 4 - Heat Resistant Flexible Spatula 450F

VERSATILE, BEAUTIFUL COLORS & FASHIONABLE DESIGN: Can be used for baking, flipping, sauteing, and cooking. They will protect your pots and jars perfectly. Great for scraping your bowls or jars. No food and grease down my sink. No wasting the last bit of any jar or can. Give them as a gift, and people will be impressed.

6. Salad Spinner

I love my OXO salad spinner. Unfortunately, after probably 20+ years of use (or so), it needs to be replaced. I’m considering a green Cuisinart, Farberware, or I’ll just stick with OXO, I’m not sure yet.

Cuisinart Salad Spinner OXO Good Grips Salad Spinner Farberware Easy to use pro Pump Spinner OVOS Salad Spinner Large 5 Quarts Fruits and Vegetables Dryer Quick Dry

Washing your salad greens seems simple enough, right? Just put them in a bowl, toss with water, and drain the water. Boom. Done. However, in practice, it doesn’t quite work out that well. Once the greens get wet, they need to dry before you can use them. Well, you can use them wet, but the salad dressing will slide right off and they may have a soggier texture. This is where the salad spinner comes in. With a salad spinner, you can quickly and easily wash, rinse, and dry your salad greens in time for dinner.

The salad spinner is more than just a device for quickly rinsing and drying salad fixings. Use the basket separately as a colander, and the clear plastic bowl for serving. Plus, it makes salad last longer!

7. Set of Knives

You do need a great set of knives in your plant-based kitchen.

Cuisinart C77WTR-15P Classic Forged Triple Rivet 15 Piece Set White J.A. Henckels International Statement Kitchen Knife Set McCook MC29 Knife Sets,15 Pieces German Stainless Steel Kitchen Knife Block Sets Cuisinart C55-12PCKSAM 12 Piece Color Knife Set with Blade Guards

8. Sprouting Tray and Seeds

If you want to have enjoy your own fresh sprouts at home–here are some excellent sprouting trays to do it. It’s really super easy, and a fun project to do with kids.

sprouting trays sprouting-tray-stackable

The following two tools aren’t really essential for beginners, but an experienced cook may consider investing in them (I’m not there yet, I admit.)

9. Kitchen Torch

Kitchen torch is something I’ve been considering lately, as an addition to my kitchen. It’s probably not a must-have, but I only have electric stove in my apartment right now, and a torch may come in handy when making vegan creme Brulee or torching peppers.

Blow Torch Professional Kitchen Cooking Torch

Blow Torch, Professional Kitchen Cooking Torch with Lock Adjustable Flame Refillable Mini Blow Torch Lighter for BBQ, Baking, Brulee Creme, Crafts

10. Tofu Press


A tofu press can come handy if you want to press the water out of tofu and allow it to easier absorb marinades or flavors of the dish. A tofu press can help speed up the process and give you some delicious tofu to add to tons of meals. Plus, you may try making your own tofu at home. You just need to look for the tofu tutorials online,you’ll easily make a delicious tofu. Personally, I haven’t tried it yet, as I’m still buying my tofu, and I’ve discovered my own way of preparing tofu that’s super delicious, but I’m going to give it a try one of these days (and write about it).

Do you use any of these kitchen tools?
Or do you own any other appliance that you find indispensable?
Let me know in your comments.

PS. Also, be sure to check out my new Body Reset Program–and get the Green Reset Book Bundle for FREE when you join!

How to Lose Weight Post-Pandemic, When Nothing Seems to Work—so you can go back to the old self, live your life to the fullest, fit in your old (or new), and feel normal again (or better!)?

I can’t stop daydreaming about finally traveling to some exotic destination (I think I’ve watched all the episodes of Caribbean Living and the Mediterranean Living TRICE by now), taking a walk on a tropical beach (or even sun-bathing on a bench in a park near to the place where I live, but without a mask on my face), wearing my favorite pre-pandemic shorts.

Only will they still fit?

Let’s face it, I started putting on weight even before the Covid-19 lockdowns began, but with all gyms and closed for over a year, tennis courts under lockdown, and a few months of gloomy winter weather behind me that are not conducive to long walks and bike-rides—those extra pounds keep piling around my waist and tights.


Now I have a serious spare tire around my waist. (It’s more like a bike tire, fortunately, not a car or van tire, but still). It’s SUPER ANNOYING. As I was going through my closet, pulling out clothes for the warmer weather, and trying them on—I found that most of them have SHRUNK! LOL. Especially around my waist and hips. Muffin top, belly fat, spare tire, visceral fat—whatever you call it—I DON’T WANT IT!   

So, what do I do? Do I go to the mall (as soon as they re-open) or shop online (I’m so not into buying clothes online without trying them on, if I must do clothes shopping, I much prefer to do it in physical stores)? Or do I try to lose the flab?

Only, I’ve tried some different strategies—exercising (a little), eating less, skipping meals, limiting carbs, eating more fats and protein (all vegan, of course), but without any noticeable results.

Can you relate?

You’ve tried everything, including the latest fad diets: low-carb, high-carb, low-fat, high-fat, keto, paleo, gluten-free, Mediterranean, exercising, calorie counting, fasting, intuitive eating, and whatnot. But whatever weight you managed to lose in the process, you gained it right back, and you’re back to where you started (or worse). 

What the heck?

What to do when nothing seems to be working?!

And why am I even in this situation?

I’m vegan. I am eating lots of whole or minimally processed plant foods.

Aren’t these supposed to be the healthiest and best for ideal weight?

Turns out—not exactly.

I had to do some digging and soul searching and have a couple of REALLY HONEST conversations with myself (which wasn’t easy).

But, after all that—I have my answers, and I’m on my way to regaining my old self, already losing pounds and inches—BOOHOO!

The good news, despite not being great for my waistline, I haven’t gotten sick, so I believe my current eating habits kept my immune defenses are strong.

But, just as my weight needs some resetting, so does my health, probably.

So, here I am.

Starting again the old-and-tested Green Smoothie Reset.  (With some juices and blended soups/salads thrown into the mix J)

My goal—to fit in my old clothes again, get my energy back, and feel great, which means I need to lose about 15-20 pounds and keep them off FOREVER. 

You may not think of it as a very ambitious goal.  But for me it is.

And super frustrating.

You see, I was always one of those skinny people who never thought of how much I had to eat, because whatever weight I put on, I was always able to lose it quickly without effort. By eating less, moving more, and just doing whatever was necessary.

It was literally enough for me to think—okay, I need to lose 10 pounds or whatever—and before I knew it, the weight was gone and I could fit in my old clothes again. No wonder I never understood what the big deal about weight loss is about—if you want to lose your belly fat, just eat more raw veggies, cut your portions in half and get active. I literally thought it was literally that simple. 

(Please, don’t hate me.)

Now I know how hard it can be.

It may be a result of my getting older, being less active due to pandemic and constant lockdowns (where I am right now, it’s really bad), binging on local news, HBO and Netflix with the refrigerator and my kitchen being a few steps away from the couch.

And—it gets worse. Recently, a new and awesome bakery opened downstairs, with a selection of artisan breads and cakes that’s just insane and oh-so-tempting.

I swear, if you’d ever tried them, you’d understand that they’re IRRESISTIBLE. And PURE DEVIL.

Caloric BOMBS full of pure sugar. And I’ve been eating them daily—as a consolation to the misery of being stuck in my apartment, while my husband and I both work from home and our teenage son is stuck in his room doing online-learning.

Trying to write and create is doable; I can’t complain. I can’t imagine what people working in medical professions are going though. I admire them every day.

I haven’t been vaccinated yet, but it’s getting close. What matters to me more is that my mom (who is 78) is already safe from the virus.

But let’s not kid ourselves. This virus—is not the only thing that we should be concerned about. Even if we vaccinate everyone, there’s no guarantee that another one just as deadly (or more) is around the corner. It’s not even the deadliest pandemic that we have right now.

What about all the people who die from chronic diseases? Diabetes, for example, is a killer. My dad passed away seven years ago due to heart disease caused by diabetes (which is quite common).  What about all the people who die each year due to heart disease? Cancers? Diseases caused by poor air quality?  Diseases caused by poor food quality and obesity? And the list goes on.

Expecting pills and vaccines always to cure us is naïve.

Hoping doctors will save us is unrealistic.

Doctors and modern medicine definitely have some major super-powers and can do pretty amazing stuff that’s almost god-like, but they can’t save us unless we want to be saved. We must do our part. Take responsibility for our health and well-being of our loved ones.

Do you want to join me?

If yes, sign up HERE for the Appetite Reset Challenge and the Body Reset Formula.

What will be there:

  • Intuitive eating—what you need to do before you even think of trying it. (Or you risk binging on your favorite junk foods and gaining more weight!)
  • Calorie counting—does it still work? (Spoiler alert: It does! But with this ESSENTIAL modification.)
  • Intermittent fasting—does it work? And if not, how to make it work for you?
  • The truth about breakfast no one talks about.
  • The problems with keto—and more.

And stay tuned for the next episodes of my Body Reset Journey.


Which of the following topics you’d be most interested to learn about—check all that apply:

  1. Weight loss—resetting your metabolism and appetite and finally losing body fat—including that belly flab (and keeping it off forever)
  2. Also, how to lose weight on a plant-based/vegan diet? (You thought it was supposed to be easy. Weren’t you supposed to lose weight just by going plant-based? Yes, usually, but it’s not a given. It may happen that you’ll gain weight while being vegan, and then have trouble getting rid of the excess fat (and it sucks!).
  3. Eating for health to prevent diseases—strengthening our immune defenses in case another round of viral epidemic comes around.
  4. Eating for health to cure diseases—getting rid of lifestyle-related diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and other.
  5. Transitioning to a vegan diet—how to do it right so you’re able to stick to it for the rest of your life.
  6. Green smoothie and juicing recipes.
  7. Plant-based/vegan recipes.
  8. Other: ________________________________________________________

Sign up to get the updates and be notified when this thing launches!

The Amazing Parsley: Health Benefits and 3 Green Smoothie Recipes with Parsley

If you are like most people, you may be thinking of parsley just as garnish.

You know, that green stuff that is used to decorate food platters that everyone carefully separates from the real food and tosses to the side.

It’s a shame, because parsley has amazing health benefits, adding a powerful dose of vitamins and minerals to a green smoothie.

What’s so special about parsley?

Parsley is finally being recognized as a powerhouse of nutrition and flavor. Recently it has been recognized as a superb addition to any green smoothie.

green smoothies with parsley

The Amazing Parsley: Health Benefits

* Parsley is rich in calcium.

Forget milk, yogurt or cheese. 100 grams of parsley delivers the same amount of calcium as 100 grams of milk, plus more and minus the health risks. One cup of fresh parsley in a green smoothie delivers 83 milligrams (8% RDA) of calcium. When blended with with oranges, kiwi fruit and/or figs, it’s a delicious way to take care of your bones, without the health risks of dairy products (not to mention hormones and antibiotics, and inhumane treatment of animals).

* Parsley is rich in iron.

One cup contains 3.7 milligrams of iron. Parsley is the richest source of iron from any leafy green that you’d get from the supermarket.

* Parsley contains lots of vitamins.

It is rich in vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and provides up to 168% RDA in just one cup. Like most leafy greens, they are an especially rich source of vitamin K providing up to 820% RDA. Two tablespoons of parsley have a whopping 153% of the RDA of vitamin K, which is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens the composition of our bones. Vitamin K also prevents calcium build-up in our tissue, thus helping prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke. They provide an excellent source of folate (23% RDA) and vitamin C (89% RDA).

* Parsley has anti-inflammatory properties.

Along with luteolin, the vitamin C found in parsley serves as an effective anti-inflammatory agent within the body. When consumed regularly, they combat the onset of inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis .

* Plus, unlike dairy, it is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol.

* It is also a good source of Protein, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus and Zinc, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.

In combination, parsley’s volatile oils, flavanoids, and high Vitamin A content may help reduce cancer risk.

Parsley versus Dairy

The good of milk: This food is a good source of Protein, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Riboflavin and Calcium.

The bad of milk: This food is high in Saturated Fat, and a large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars. (source: Not to mention all the hormones, antibiotics, and animal misery that is in that food.

So, which one would you rather have?

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ll skip the dairy and go for a green smoothie!

So, let’s get to it.

How To Use Parsley Leaves In Green Smoothie Recipes

Parsley has a distinct, strong taste so it is best to use no more than one cup in a smoothie recipe. You can combine it with non-bitter greens like fresh baby spinach or romaine and green leaf lettuce. Parsley pairs best with fruits like pear, coconut, pineapple, mango, oranges and kiwifruit.

When added to a smoothie, it turns the drink a delightful bright green. Not only that, it has breath-freshening properties, too. Available year-round in any super-market, it is inexpensive, especially compared to other greens. One bunch of parsley is usually available for a dollar or less.

Buy parsley with deep green colored leaves. If leaves are wilted and yellow, it’s not fresh. Rinse it in cool water and shake or spin it dry, and store in a plastic bag in the fridge. It can also be wrapped in foil or plastic and then frozen.

Parsley Lemon Smoothie


  • 1 bunch of flat leaf parsley (keep the tender stalks and chop off the tough ones)
  • 1-2 lemons with the rind, pith & seeds removed
  • 1-2 bananas
  • 2 cups of water

Blend well in your Vitamix (or whatever blender you have) on high for 30 seconds or until the smoothie is creamy.

Tip for beginners: add some sweetener of choice e.g. agave, or stevia.

Parsley Smoothie Recipe


Iron-Rich Parsley Pear Pineapple Green Smoothie

  • 1 cup parsley
  • 1 cup spinach greens
  • 1 large pear, cored
  • 1 cups pineapple, cubed
  • 1 cup water

Add all the ingredients except for the greens to your smoothie maker, and blend on high for 30 seconds or until the smoothie is creamy.

Parsley and Mango Green Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 cup parsley
  • 1 ripe mango, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup water

Cut mangoes into nice size chunks or slices. Blend all ingredients on high until everything is smooth and creamy. As for most green smoothies, I highly recommend a powerful blender.

Pineapple and Parsley Smoothie

  • 1 cup non dairy milk (such as oat, rice, soya, almond, hemp, coconut drink or raw nut or seed milk) If you are drinking this straight away, substitute half a cup of milk with half a cup of ice or frozen milk cubes to be added at the end.
  • 3 cups fresh pineapple chopped (1 small pineapple)
  • 2 medium bananas (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 cup parsley chopped, tightly packed or 2 cups loosely packed. (Or spinach or any other mild greens if you aren’t brave enough for the parsely yet.)
  • 1 cup oats (Yes, you can add oats to a green smoothie to make it more filling and smooth. If you don’t have a powerful blender and want the smoothie very smooth you can soak the oats for an hour before blending.)

Blend the ingredients in the order listed. Add more water if required to thin it out. Substitute any of the ingredients for whatever you already have. If your smoothie is too warm, you can cool it down in the fridge, add a few ice cubes, or frozen fruits (and blend again).


For all my blending recipes I use Vitamix. If you don’t already own a VitaMix, I strongly encourage you to check out what this machine is capable of! For more information about VitaMix you can go directly to the VitaMix website. You may also want to read my post about the Best Blender.

I LOVE my VitaMix and highly recommend investing in one if you are ready to make serious changes to your diet. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it daily!

If you decide to purchase Vitamix – be sure to use Promotional Code 06-004554 to get free shipping.

Inside my Vitamix: The making of green smoothie!

This recipe has been featured on Raw Foods Thursdays.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

I also welcome any comments, questions and suggestions. Thanks!

Finally, REVEALED: The VERY BEST Blender for Smoothies: The SECRET to Finding the Best Smoothie Maker for YOU!

If you read any of my previous blog posts, you know that I’m ABSOLUTELY-POSITIVELY OBSESSED with GREEN SMOOTHIES, and if you don’t know what green smoothies are and you’re not drinking them every day, or at least every week or so–then SIGN UP for my upcoming GREEN RESET CHALLENGE RIGHT NOW so you can start experiencing all the benefits of these fantastic drinks ASAP!!!

Seriously, you should be drinking lots and lots of fresh green smoothies EVERY SINGLE DAY (or as often as you possibly can ;-)). Green smoothies are super easy to make, but if you’re just starting out, you may have some questions. So today, let’s talk about blenders and try to answer the MOST PRESSING QUESTION of all, namely:


(Okay, I know there is no such word as bestest, but–whatever! This is not the time to fuss about the word choice or play the grammar police, because that’s not why you’re here.  I’m guessing you are here to learn about the best blender for smoothies, which I’m going to reveal RIGHT NOW, so PLEASE, PLEASE keep reading.

So, tell me, which do YOU think is better:

–> A PORTABLE PERSONAL blender that fits in your luggage so you can take it with you whenever you’re on the go.

–> A COMPACT HANDHELD IMMERSION  blender that you can take apart and stash in your kitchen drawer and have it at the ready whenever you need it.

–> A no-nonsense, counter-top appliance, that’s DEPENDABLE and DOESN’T BREAK THE BANK.

–> A HIGH-SPEED, SMOOTHIE-MAKING MONSTER MACHINE, that’s unabashedly taking the most prominent space on your kitchen counter, and cost more than all the other small appliances in  your kitchen.

There are so many brands, features, colors and styles–SO WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE???

Well, the short answer is–it depends ;-).

Whether you are trying to lose weight, improve your health, feed a picky eater, or simply eat more healthfully, a quality blender will be your best friend–AS LONG AS YOU USE IT.

In addition to making fantastic green smoothies and blended salads, you can have fun with making healthy soups, nut butters, whole-food juicing, whereby all or most of the fruits and vegetables are blended to a refreshing, vitamin-packed drink, and even decadent, but super-healthy ice-creams and desserts. (Too healthy sounding? The following blender pics will also make a killer margaritas, LOL.)

best smoothie maker

When shopping for a kitchen appliance, obviously price is always a factor, but it shouldn’t be the main decision point. Even though you pay a premium price for a Vitamix bleder or Blendtec, you will get not just the smoothest smoothies, soups and ice-creams, but also unmatched durability. In other words, if you need to buy several cheap blenders over the years, then you may not be saving any money after all.

For a well-rounded machine that won’t break the bank, consider the top-rated Ninja Master Prep Professional QB1004, $60. It does practically everything well, including smoothies and icy drinks, and it’s also very quiet. Its brand mate, the Ninja Professional NJ600, also delivers excellent versatility for $100. OmniBlend seems to also be an excellent choice. (According to the manufacturer, OmniBlend comes with a powerful 3 hp. motor. so it crushes ice and blends the thickest of ingredients. The motor is designed for many years of use with built in protection features, plus it’s energy efficient. It draws only the amount of wattage required to blend the ingredients.)

If you’ve read any other of my blog posts, you may know that Vitamix is the blender I often use and for a long time it used to be my favorite kitchen appliance. If you can afford it, it’s definitely a top brand to consider. Even though it’s priced more than most other models; but you get consistent performance, versatility, extended warranty, and excellent customer service. The Vitamix Professional Series 750 is several inches shorter, so it can slide under the upper cabinet while sitting out on your counter.

Even though you pay a premium price for a Vitamix bleder or Blendtec, you will get not just the smoothest smoothies, soups and ice-creams, but also unmatched durability. In other words, if you need to buy several cheap blenders over the years, then you may not be saving any money after all.

Breville also makes excellent and affordable blenders. It’s a good blender for smoothies and icy drinks and excellent for pureeing. Plus, the Breville is more sleek looking than a lot of other models, thanks to its glass jar and die-cast aluminum base.

But what about hand blenders?

Can they make a decent smoothie?


A hand blender is a FANTASTIC option, especially in a small kitchen or when you’re on the road. For a long time, I didn’t consider a hand-held blender as a viable option for making smoothies, but boy, was I wrong!

For some reason, when I tried to make a smoothie, it didn’t come out right. Of course, after I discovered what I was doing wrong, making smoothies even with a handheld immersion blender is a breeze! After I learned a few tricks, the smoothies come out delicious every time!

Regardless of whether you want to make smoothies with immersion blenders or not, it’s still worth it investing in one of those. They’re super versatile, plus they’re cute too!

Here is the honest truth—you don’t need a ‘real’ blender to make a smoothie. That’s right. You don’t have to spend money on a big 72-ounce monster blender that will take up your precious counter space just to make smoothies.

An immersion blender can do so much more than sit in your drawer until you’re making pumpkin soup. The small but powerful blades of the immersion blender are just as good at pulverizing frozen fruit as they are at pureeing vegetables. You can easily make single (or double, or even triple) serving smoothie using just an immersion blender. Just blend your smoothie in the container that came with your immersion blender, rinse the blade, and you’re done. (And, BTW, any wide-mouthed jar will work for that purpose. And, if you are one of those breakfast-on-the-go persons, slap a lid on your smoothie jar, and head out into the world. Your hand blender is one of the handiest tools in your kitchen!

Here is the most important thing about using an immersion blender to make smoothies—ensure you submerge the whole blade in the liquid before turning it on.

If the blade isn’t immersed completely in the liquid, the blender will have a hard time blending the ingredients (plus, it may spatter all over you and your kitchen with such determination that you’ll be cleaning up purple stains for the next three months, making you deeply regret the whole Green Reset Adventure. So if you want to drink your smoothie instead of wearing it, proceed with caution.)

Once you plunge the blade into the liquid, pressing it firmly to the bottom, turn the button to start blending. Slowly move the blade up and down to make sure all the ingredients get incorporated. If at any point the solid bits in the mixture clog the machine, unplug the immersion blender before doing any detangling.

Please, pretty please, for the love of smoothies—and your fingers—don’t mess with the blade unless the engine is unplugged! The button is way too easy to accidentally press, and last I checked we’re making a GREEN smoothie, not a BLOODY smoothie. Plus, if you’re rushed off to the hospital for emergency finger stitches you’re not going to get to drink your smoothie first.

Here is an easy recipe for you to try with your immersion blender:

Cut half a frozen banana into small chunks and drop them into the immersion blender container or jar along with 1/2 cup spinach, ¼ cup frozen blueberries, 6 halved fresh strawberries, and a heaping tablespoon of nut butter (almond works really well with these fruits). If you’re interested in a more complex flavor, drop in a ¼-inch pieceof fresh, peeled ginger and a few fresh mint or sage leaves. Pour in 1 cup of water or plant milk. If the liquid doesn’t reach the top of the solid stuff, pour more milk or some coconut water until the fruit is well covered. Blend and enjoy!

My kitchen is small now, so I keep my Vitamix stashed on a windowsill, plus, because I’m living in Europe now, I have to use a heavy-duty transformer to make the blender work with the different voltage. Since counter space is limited, so let’s just say it’s not ideal.

I still use Vitamix to make a full blender of smoothie (or two) for the whole family, but to make a quick smoothie in the morning, the small, hand-held blender is JUST PERFECT.

spinach smoothie recipe

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have a favorite recipe, why not submit it here in the comment section of this green smoothie recipes blog for others to enjoy too!

Spinach Smoothie in Vitamix

The Making of Spinach Smoothie: Inside of my Vitamix

Green Blended Soups ROCK!

When fruits and veggies are plentiful, EAT THEM UP!

And when blending, remember that GREEN SMOOTHIES are not the only game in town :-). (Hint, hint: RAW SOUPS are FANTASTIC for those who crave something more savory.)

Here is one recipe for you:

Green Raw Cucumber Soup

2 ripe avocados, halved, pitted, peeled and diced
4 cucumbers, peeled, seeded, and chopped
½ jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely diced (optional)
½ cup chopped fresh cilantro, plus a few springs for garnish
4 tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice
1 clove garlic
½ cup of water
Salt and pepper to taste

For garnish
1/2 cucumber, thinly sliced
1 julienned radish
½ red bell pepper, cut into strips
½ cup fresh corn kernels

Put the avocados, cucumbers, jalapeno pepper, cilantro, lime juice, lemon juice, water, and a dash of salt, if using, in a blender and process until smooth. Taste and adjust the seasonings if necessary. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, about one hour or up to 3 hours. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish each portion with radish, bell pepper, corn, and cilantro.  

Substitute cilantro with chopped fresh dill for tasty cucumber-dill soup. Add 1 cup chopped spinach or lettuce. Garnish with cashew sour cream. To make cashew sour cream, squeeze some lemon juice into thick cashew cream (see the Cashew Cream Recipe).

***Be sure to share it on social media with anyone who’ll listen 😉 ***

***Be sure to check out my book, “Easy Raw Soups: 30+ Super-Easy, Super-Healthy Raw Food Soup Recipes Bursting With Flavor and Compassion!” on Amazon.

OR go for the whole GREEN RESET BUNDLE:


green raw blended soups ROCK!

To Your Health!